휴교자율집중기간 및 자율등교기간에 공부했던 단어들을 시험봤습니다. 그리고 막 시작했던 영화 <Gravity> 회화 공부에 다시 들어갔습니다. 우주에서 작업을 하고 재난을 당하는 이야기이지만 유용한 회화 표현들이 그래도 풍부합니다. 이번 영화회화는 전체를 다 암기하는 것에 목표를 두지 않고 많이많이 소리내어 읽어 실제 대화 속도로 읽을 수 있는 것을 목표로 공부합니다. 아침영어듣기 수업에서도 10번씩 읽기 숙제가 나가는데 이번 회화 수업도 10번씩 읽기 숙제가 나갑니다. 그리고 유용한 회화 표현들은 한달음에 말할 수 있도록 암기합니다. 남은 봄여름학기 동안에는 계속해서 이것을 하면서 지낼 예정입니다.
이번 주는 첫 번째 부분, 이야기를 공부했습니다. 허블 망원경 수리 작업에 나선 스톤 박사와 중앙통신소에서 교신을 맡고 있는 휴스톤, 그리고 스톤 박사를 함께 돕고 있는 매튜 코왈스키. 이 세 사람이 중간중간 사적인 대화를 주고받으면서 작업 대화를 하고 있는 모습입니다. 작업은 예상보다 지연되어 1주일을 넘기고 있습니다. 스톤 박사는 무척 지쳐 보이지만 일을 제대로 끝까지 끝내고 싶어합니다. 이 지루하고 힘겨운 작업 속에서 매튜는 가벼운 농담을 섞으며 분위기를 화기애애하게 만듭니다. 실제로 우주에서 그렇게 작업하는 경우가 있다는 걸 생각하니, 그 자체로 끔직하고 두렵게 여겨집니다. 인간이란 존재는 참 대단하다는 걸 새삼 생각하게 됩니다.
At 600km above planet earth the temperature fluctuates between +258 and -148 degrees fahrenheit. There is nothing to carry sound(소리를 전달하다). No air pressure. No Oxygen. Life in space is impossible.
Houston : Please verify that the P-one ATA removal on replacement cap part one and two are complete.
Stone : DMA M-one, M-two, M-three and M four are complete.
H : Okay. Copy that(알았다.), Explorer.
H : Dr. Stone, Houston. Medical is concerned about(의료팀은 ~에 대해 걱정한다) your ECG readings.
S : I'm fine, Houston.
H : Well, Medical doesn't agree, Doc. Are you feeling nauseous(속이 매스껍나요)?
S : Not any more than usual(보통때와 다르지 않아요), Houston. Diagnostics are green. Link to communications card ready for data reception. If this works, when we touch down tomorrow, I'm buying all you guys a round of drinks(내가 한 잔 살게요.).
Mattew : That's a date, Doctor. Just remember, Houston's partial to margaritas.(휴스톤은 마가리타스를 아주 좋아해요.)
S : Booting comms card now. Please confirm link.
H : That's a negative, we're not seeing any data.
S : Standby(대기), Houston, I'm gonna reboot the comms card.
H : Standing by.
M : Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.(이번 일은 느낌이 안 좋아.)
H : Please expand.(자세히 말해 봐요.)
M : Okay, let me tell you a story(내가 얘기해 주지). It was ninety-six. I'd been up here for forty-two days. Every time I passed over Texas, I looked down knowing that Mrs. Kowalski was looking up, thinking of me. Six weeks I'm blowing kisses at that woman. Then we land at Edwards and I find out that she's run off with this lawyer. So, I packed my car(차에 가득 짐을 실었어), and I headed to...
H : ... Tijuana. You've told this story(그 이야기 했잖아요.), Kowalski. As Houston recalls(휴스톤이 회상하는 바로는), she, uh, took off in your seventy-four GTO. Engineering requests fuel status on the jetpack prototype.
M : Five hours off the reservation and I show thirty percent drain. Give my compliments to Engineering. Except for a slight malfunction in the nulling of the roll axis, this jetpack is one prime piece of thrust.
H : Engineering says thank you.
M : Tell 'em I still prefer my sixty-seven Corvette, though. Speaking of which(그러고 보니), did I ever tell you..(내가 말했던가?)
H : We know the Corvette story, Matt.
M : Even Engineering?
H : Especially Engineering. We're going to miss you(당신이 그리울 거야), Matt.
S : Comms card reboot in progress.
H : Thank you, Doctor. Shariff, what's your status?
Shariff : Nearly there(거의 다 됐어요.). Replacing battery module A-one and C.
M : Could you be a little more specific?(좀 더 구체적으로 얘기해 줘요.) Indeterminate estimates make Houston anxious.
Sha. : No, Houston. Don't be anxious(걱정하지 마아요.). Anxiety's not good for the heart(근심은 심장에 안 좋아요.).
M : System is ready to reactivate. Hubble telescope engaged. Upgrade fully functional. That applause you hear is for you, Shariff. Congratulations. Kick back(털어 버려요.), take the rest of the day off(남은 휴가를 즐기라고.).
H : Matt, do you have a visual on just what Mission Specialist Shariff is doing up there?
M : He appears to be doing some form of the Macarena. But that would be just a best-guess scenario on my part(내 추측일 뿐이에요.).
H : Dr. Stone, Houston. Medical now have you with a temperature drop to thirty-five-point-nine and a heart-rate rise to seventy. How are you feeling(느낌이 어때?)
S : Houston, I'm fine. It's just keeping your lunch down in zero-G is harder than it looks.
H : Dr. Stone, Medical is asking if you want to return to Explorer.
S : Negative. We've been here a week(여기 일주일을 있었어.), Houston. Let's just finish this. Card is up.
M : No, that's a negative. I'm afraid we're getting nothing on this end(이렇게 고생하고 아무것도 남은 게 없을까 봐 걱정 돼.), Doctor.
S : Try again.(다시 시도해 봐요.)
M : No, still nothing.
S : Houston, can you please turn that music off(음악 좀 꺼 주실래요)?
H : Kowalski.
M : Not a problem(문제 없어요.)
S : Thank you, Kowalski.
S : Now, Houston?
H : That's a negative.
S : Could Houston be misinterpreting the data?
H : Well, we're not receiving any data. Engineering is recommending a vis-check for component damage.
S : Let me see what's going on(어떻게 되고 있는지 볼게요). What have we got(뭐가 문제지)? Visual examination doesn't reveal any damaged components. The problem must be originating from the comms panel.
M : Yeah, that seems to be the case(그런 것 같군요).
H : Engineering admits that you warned us that this could happen. That's as close to an apology as you're going to get from them. We should have listened to you(당신 말을 들었어야 했는데), Doc.
(Get working.)
M : Well, looks like we'r going to have to improvise(즉흥적으로 해야 할 것 같아요.).
S : I'm on it. (내가 맡을께요.)
K : How long do you think it'll take you?(얼마나 걸릴 것 같아?)
S : One hour.
M : Outstanding. Installing your system in the Hubble is the purpose of this mission and so we appreciate your patience(당신의 인내에 감사해요.), Doctor.
H : Kowalski, we... we know you don't care about things like this(당신은 이런 거 관심 없을 거라 알아), but, uh, for your information, this delay is not gonna be long enough for you to break Anatoly Solovyev's spacewalking record.
It seems like you're gonna be left...
M : Seventy-five minutes shy? Never crossed my mind(전혀 몰랐어.).
H : Matt... it's been a privilege.
K : Right back at you(동감이야.), Houston.
H : Enjoy your last walk.
K : Can I go to assist Dr. Stone in removing the panel?
S : Assistance appreciated.
H : Permission granted.
M : Thank you, Houston. Mind if I join the fun?(재미에 껴도 괜찮아요?)
S : Certainly.(물론.)
M : How you feeling?
S : Like a Chihuahua that's being tumble-dried.
M : Well, it's been a rough week(힘든 일주일이었어). If it makes you feel any better, I coughed up everything but my kidneys on my first ride.
S : Shit.
S : Sorry. I'm used to a basement lab in a hospital where things fall to the floor. Thank you.
K : Well, you're the genius up here. I only drive the bus.
S : Yeah, well, call me a genius if I can get this board initialized in the next hour.