Anti-HST Protest in Vancouver /Postmeadia
주민 청원을 이끈 Bill Vander Zalm 전 주수상은 "이번 주민투표 결과는 중산층의 승리"라며 "HST 는 오직 대기업에만 유리할 뿐이며 HST 폐기로 BC 주가 잃을 건 없다. HST 를 하지 않는 써스캐치원, 매니토바 주를 보라. 잘하고 있지 않느냐"라고 `실망한' 정부 관리들의 주장을 반박했습니다.
그러나 경제계에서는 한숨을 크게 쉬고 있는 게 사실이지요. 주 상공회의소의 한 관계자는 "영화 촬영, 자원 개발 등 BC 주를 매력적으로 여겨 왔던 외국 비즈니스들이 철수하는 등 주 경제에 악영향이 많을 것이다. HST 일 때는 시설 투자비 등에 대해 연방에서 택스 크레딧 (리베이트, 환급) 을 받을 수 있었으나 PST 체제에서는 그것이 불가능하기 때문이다. 이런 혜택은 궁극적으로 고용을 늘려 일반 주민들에게도 좋은 것이었는데 투표에 의해 폐기되게 돼 매우 아쉽다"고 말했군요.
이런 배경으로 인해 이번 투표에서 식자층과 부유층은 HST 에 찬성했으나 East Van 과 Surrey 같은 저소득층, 이민자 밀집 지역에서 압도적인 반대 표가 나온 것으로 분석됐습니다.
British Columbians have voted to scrap the province’s controversial harmonized sales tax, according to the results of a binding, province-wide referendum.
Elections B.C. announced on Friday morning that 54.73 per cent of the 1.6 million British Columbians who cast a ballot in the mail-in referendum voted to get rid of the tax and 45.27 per cent voted to keep it.
B.C. Finance Minster Kevin Falcon said the government will now move to reinstate the PST with all of its previous exemptions. The transition is expected to take at least 18 months he said.
Falcon said eliminating the HST and reinstating the PST will cost the province more than $3 billion, but the province has a plan already in place to manage the change.
"This is step backwards, but it is a manageable step backwards," said Falcon after the results of the referendum were announced on Friday.
The province will enter into negotiations with the federal government on repaying the $1.6 billion it was given when the tax came into effect, he said.
There will be costs in setting up a provincial sales tax collection agency and businesses will need time to transition back to the PST, he said.
Falcon says spending increases will also be curtailed, but Health and Education will be protected. And, he is promising to begin consultations with the public on how to craft a new tax regime starting in September.
"This is a lesson in public policy change," said Falcon.
Falcon said he was disappointed with the result of the vote but not surprised.
"We recognized when we started from a place where 85 per cent of the public was opposed to the HST, in large measure due to our mishandling of the issue, that we had an uphill battle."
Former premier Bill Vander Zalm, who led the campaign to scrap the tax, said the vote was a win for the middle class in B.C.
"They were the ones paying the freight and it was a benefit to the big corporations in our province especially those that are exporting our resources. They should contribute as opposed to getting a refund at the expense of the consumer," said Vander Zalm.
"More importantly too, I think it sends a message to politicians throughout our country especially that they can't simply do things because it's the will of the premier or the party; that they have to in fact, on issues big as we see it here, consult the people," said Vander Zalm.
Former premier Bill Vander Zalm, who led the campaign to scrap the tax, said the vote was a win for the middle class in B.C. CBC
B.C. NDP opposition leader Adrian Dix welcomed the result.
"We have good news: the people won over the arrogance of the Liberal government and its powerful friends. It is a victory for fairness," said Dix.
"For a decade, the Liberal Party has shifted the tax burden onto B.C. families. A return to the PST will be good for communities, good for families and good for small business. It will make life a little bit more affordable for working families. It will also ensure that British Columbia has control over its sales tax policy, now and in the future," said Dix.
Jim Sinclair, the president of the B.C. Federation of Labour called the vote a victory for the people of B.C.
"My reaction is good news for British Columbia. People voted for tax fairness and against governments who lie to them, and going forward we can do the things we need in this province and corporations will continue to pay their share of the taxes in British Columbia. It's a victory for people and multi-million dollar advertising campaigns weren't enough to convince people to vote against their own best interests," said Sinclair.
The office of Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said the federal government will work with B.C. to roll back the tax, which has been administered by the officials in Ottawa.
"We respect the decision made by the people of British Columbia. We will work with the Government of B.C. on the transition. The provincial government has already repeatedly acknowledged that the $1.6 billion in transitional assistance will be recovered as per the agreement," said a statement issued by Flaherty's office.
But federal NDP MPs are already calling on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to forgive the debt.
“It would be both spiteful and damaging for Harper to now force B.C. to pay back $1.6 billion, after it was already invested in things like health care and education,” said NDP B.C. caucus chair Don Davies.
Helmut Pastrick, chief economist with Central One Credit Union and a member of the B.C. Economic Forecast Council said rolling back the HST will have a negative impact on the economy.
"I think overall it's somewhat negative for the B.C. economy longer term. Business investment will be somewhat more muted. Certainly in the short term, there'll be some mild benefit to consumers, more discretionary income.... But longer term this is a step backwards for B.C.'s competitiveness."
Adrienne Montani with the coalition for Poverty Reduction in B.C. said the vote would help lower income people.
"It means that in the short term anyway if we go back to the old regime, there are a number of things that are essential expenses that lower income people must spend on that will no longer be subject to an extra tax. So it's probably a good news story for their pocket-books at the moment," said Montani.
John Winter, the president and CEO of the B.C. Chamber of Commerce was concerned by the result.
"Significant disappointment, a long hard battle that was unsuccessful and certainly it's going to have a profound impact on the economy of this province and the time it's going to take over the next 18 months to revert back to the situation with the PST and GST combination and items that were subject to taxation under the provincial scheme, it's going to be a very long period of uncertainty," said Winter.
Former premier Gordon Campbell announced the surprise move to a harmonized sales tax in 2009, following his victory in the May provincial election.
The surprise announcement sparked widespread outrage and a campaign to repeal the HST spearheaded by former B.C. premier Bill Vander Zalm, who argued B.C. consumers would ultimately pay more under the tax.
Vander Zalm's popular campaign to repeal that tax ended up collecting more than 700,000 signatures on a petition to trigger a referendum.
The public backlash over the tax is also believed to be responsible for Campbell’s early retirement as premier. But before his resignation last fall Campbell said the results of the referendum would be binding.
Since July 2010 the HST has combined the five per cent federal GST with the seven per cent provincial sales tax for a harmonized 12 per cent tax.
Consumers pay an extra seven per cent tax on restaurant meals, airline tickets, funerals and haircuts — all items that were previously exempt from the PST.
As part of a campaign to keep the tax, Premier Christy Clark promised to cut the HST to 10 per cent if British Columbians voted to keep it.
첫댓글 오늘 아침 신문에는 일정이 조금 나왔네요. `HST 는 2013년 3월 31일까지 완전히 폐지된다'... 따라서 일반 소비자들이
물건 값을 낼 때 종전 12%이던 것을 5%만 내게 되는 시점은 아마도 내년 4월1일부터가 아닐까 합니다.
Blueberry님은 어떤 입장이신가요? HST로 나라재정이 나아지는 것?
아님 지금 당장 재정적으로 덜 힘든 세 분할?
저라도 당장 힘들다면 GST, PST로 나눠지는 쪽에 투표했을 것 같은데...
이런거야말로 투표에 부칠만하죠.
한국의 무상급식에 관한 투표같은건 정말 경솔하고도 엄청난 세금낭비였습니다.
개인을 생각하면 HST 없애는 게 낫고, 전체, 그리고 미래를 생각하면 HST 살리는 편이 낫다고 보지요. 당장 물건 사는
값이나 외식비가 줄어들고 앞으로 집이나 비즈니스를 팔 때 리얼터 커미션도 5%만 내도 되니까요. 그러나 현 클라크
수상이 이런 점을 감안해서 절충안 (HST 를 10%로 깎음, 영문 기사 맨마지막...) 을 내놓은 것을 보고 그 정도면
괜찮겠다 해서 HST 유지 쪽에 표를 던졌습니다만...
내년이 아닌 2013년 4월이니 ..아직도 1년 9개월 후의 일이니..ㅋ..캐나단 너무 모든것이 느립니다..ㅋㅋ..폐지되어 조아 햇는데 ...장사를 해보니 렌트비도 작년7월부터 7퍼센트 더 내야 햇고..ㅋ..암튼 82 없어져야 하는데..ㅎㅎ.
비즈니스 렌트는 법인 소득 신고시에 환급을 받게 되므로 낼 때 조금 부담스러운 차이밖에 없지요...
미리 더 내는 만큼 이자 몇푼 손해 본다면 보는 것... 가게 하는 사람들로서는 앞으로 HST 가 없어지면
손님들이 가격 부담을 덜 느껴 지출을 더하는 정도의 플러스 효과를 기대해 볼 수 있겠지요.
법인세 신고시 나 소득세 세금도 내는것두 없구 환급도 없어요..규모가 작아서 일까요..ㅋ.회계비는 많이 내는데..남보다..왜냐면 영주권 해제 신청도 잇구 ..늘 회계사만 맏구 구러려니 하니까요..즉..렌트비만 7퍼센트에..에치에스티로 3월말 세금 낼때 나만 손해 보는 느낌만 잇구요..아주 악법이라 생각 햇지여..ㅎㅎㅎㅎ.
세금 환급은 1대1로 하는 게 아니라 종합적으로 하지요. 렌트를 포함해 물건 살 때 낸 총세금액 - 손님들에게서 받은
총세금액이 + 면 환급을 받는 것이고 - 이면 그만큼 더 내는 것입니다.
Blueberry님~ 오른쪽 맨 끝칸 두글자 정도(한글)가 짤렸어요.
추측하면서 읽고, 전체 내용을 이해하는데는 지장이 없긴 했으나
다시 편집해서 올려주시면 감사하겠습니다. ^ ^;
그렇지 않아도 블로그에서 복사해 올리니까 그런 문제가 있다는 것을 발견하고 다시 올렸는데,
어디가 짤렸는지 잘 모르겠는데요...
하모나이즈가 2013년에 폐지되는 이유는 2012년 3월까지 비씨주 사람들이 1.6빌리언 달러를 캐나다 연방에 돈을 값아내야 하기 때문입니다. 저희집에도 하모나이즈 텍스에 대한 투표 용지가 왔었지요. 근데 HST폐지로 더 큰돈을 내야하니 기분이 나쁘내요. 값아야 할 1.6빌리언은 주민들의 동의 없이 텍스를 통과시킨 자유당 사람들이 값아야 한다고 생각하는데, 골든켐블은 스스로 사퇴했지요. 나라재정은 세금을 많이 걷어도, 적게 걷어도 힘들것 입니다. 뉴스에 긍정적인 내용을 보고하면 국민들은 그런줄만 알고..-.-;;
캐나다 세금이 높은 이유는 세계전쟁때 캐나다 경제 사정이 좋지 않아 "당분간만" 세금을 많이 걷어서 나라 살리는데 보템이 되자고 했던것이 높은 세금은 지금까지 없어지지 않고 유지되었던것 입니다. 비씨주에서 1.6밀리언은 보나마나 세금이 올라가거나 허리띠 졸라매기로 걷히겠지요. 자유당이 문제였습니다. 급전이 필요해서 국민들에게 자세히 정보도 주지않고 지들끼리 밀어 붙이기로 HST를 만들었으니. 지금도 세금 많이내고 그만큼 대우 못받는거 같아 억울한데 저 혼자 아우성 쳐 봤습니다. ㅠ.ㅠ
세금이 너무 높아서 경제에 좋지않은 영향을 준다면
합리적으로 개선하는 것이 좋다고봅니다.
잘 해결되어 캐나다 경제가 호황이 되기를 기대해봅니다.^^*