1. 참정권이야말로 이 나라 민주주의의 초석이다: The right to vote is ~
2. 이 여성도 줄을 서서 이번 선거에서 국민의 목소리를 전달한 수백만 다른 유권자들과 많이 닮은 꼴이다: She is a lot like ~
3. 일부 유권자들은 변화에 대해 열린 태도를 보인다: Some voters were ~
4. 존 컬리의 아내는 그를 설득해서 자신과 토론하도록 했고 존 컬리는 결국 누구를 찍을 것인지에 대해 입장을 바꿨다: Jon Curley's wife ~
5. 이 사람들은 대개는 서로 자리를 같이 하고 얘기를 나눌 기회가 없는 사람들이다. (생활을 하면서) 서로 마주칠 일이 없기 때문이다: These are folks that I would not normally ~
6. 그녀는 분만이 임박했지만 그로 인해 투표를 포기하지는 않았다: She didn't allow ~
7. (배에서) 양수가 터졌다: my ~
8. 에이프릴은 투표소에서 분만실로 달렸고 건강한 아기를 출산했다: April raced ~
9. 나도 내 목소리가 전달되기를 원한다: I want ~
10. 그 외에도 1억 2천 5백만 명이 투표를 했다: 125 million ~
1.이 위기 상황에 대해 그들은 엄청난 시간을 할애했다: they spent ~
2.자동차업체 임원들이 어제 낸시 펠로시 하원의장과 만났다: auto executives met ~
3. 이번 위기는 심각한 위기로서 버락 오바마가 1월 21일 대통령이 될 때까지 기다리지 않을 수도 있다: This is a serious crisis ~
4.대통령 당선자는 무엇인가를 하겠다는 의지가 확실히 있다: the president-elect is ~
5. 그는 자신의 경제 팀에게 이번 위기에 대한 해결책들을 마련하도록 임무를 줬다: he ~
6. 나는 오늘 대통령 당선자에게서 다른 몸가짐을 보았다: I saw ~
7. 화요일 밤의 들뜬 분위기에서 아주 진중한 경제적 상황으로의 (전환): Going from the high of Tuesday night, ~
1. 독감 발생을 추적하는 과정에서 이들은 구글의 도움을 받을 예정이다: they're going to ~
2. 사람들은 일단 아프게 되면 자신들의 증상을 온라인에서 조회하는 경향이 있다고 구글은 말한다: Google says when ~
3. (따라서) 특정 검색 용어들은 독감 활동 상황을 파악하는 좋은 지표들이다: certain search terms ~
4. 이 회사는 사용자 정보를 계속 보안유지하면서 독감 동향을 질병통제예방센터와 공유할 것이다: The company will ~
5. 보건 전문가들은 오늘 밤 항생제에 내성을 갖는 새로운 박테리아, 즉, 슈퍼 bug에 대해 경보를 발령하고 있다: health experts are ~
6. 이것은 심각한 장염을 유발한다: it causes ~
7. 오늘 발표된 통계 수치에 따르면 병원 환자 1000명 당 13명 꼴로 감염되고 있다: Numbers out ~
8. 이는 이전 추정치보다 무려 20배나 많은 것이다: that's ~
9. 이것은 대부분의 사람들이 (존재를) 들어본 적이 없는 슈퍼벅이다: It's a super bug ~
10. C-difficile의 발생 빈도가 높아지고 더 위험한 형태로 나타나고 있다: C-difficile is showing up ~
11. C-difficile은 환자에게서 환자로 전이되는 경우도 잦다: C-difficile is ~
12. 일부 병원들은 이제 공세적인 태도로 나가고 있다: Some hospitals are ~
13. 모든 장비가 표백제로 완전히 세척된다.표백제가 유일하게 C-difficile에 효과가 있다: all equipment is ~
14. 의사들은 일회용 가운과 글러브를 사용하며 c-diff에 감염된 환자는 격리 처리된다: Doctors use ~
15. 캘리포니아의 한 회사는 상당한 가능성을 보인 새로운 약품을 시험하고 있다: one California company is ~
16. 시판되기까지는 아직 몇 년이 남아 있다: it's years ~
1. 초기 시험에 따르면 ‘Google Flu Trends’라고 하는 구글 서비스는 지역별 독감 발생 상황을 질병통제예방센터에 보고하기 1주에서 10일 이전에 추적 파악할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 일부 공중 보건 전문가들은 이를 통해 의사, 병원 그리고 공중 보건 당국이 독감에 좀 더 신속하게 대응 조치할 수 있을 것으로 보고 있다.
Early tests suggest that the Google service called Google Flu Trends may be able to track regional outbreaks of the flu a week to 10 days before they are reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some public health experts say that could help accelerate the response of doctors, hospitals and public health officials to a nasty flu season.
2. 우리는 특정 검색 용어들이 독감 활동 상황을 파악할 수 있는 유효한 지표가 될 수 있음을 알게 되었다. Google Flu Trends는 집적된 구글 검색 자료들을 이용해 해당 주의 독감 상황을 기존 독감 감시 시스템보다 빠르면 2주까지 파악할 수 있다.
We've found that certain search terms are good indicators of flu activity. Google Flu Trends uses aggregated Google search data to estimate flu activity in your state up to two weeks faster than traditional flu surveillance systems.
3. 역사상 유례없이 서로 연결된 컴퓨터들에서 정보가 수집되어 주기적으로 중앙데이터베이스에 전송된다. 사용자 동의가 부분적으로 이루어지는 경우도 있고 그렇지 않은 경우도 있다. 따라서 그 어느 때보다 인터넷을 이용시 개인 정보의 보안을 유지하는 것이 중요하다.
Information is gathered on computers, now interconnected than ever before and is reported on to a central data base periodically , partly with and partly without the user’s consent. Therefore it is more important than ever keeping your information confidential when using the net.
4. 새로운 연구에서 어린이들은 비디오 게임과 연계시키면 그렇지 않은 경우에 비해 운동할 가능성이 여섯 배 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 최근 몇 년 사이에 보건 전문가들은 아동 비만의 높아지는 추세에 대해 경고를 해왔다. 따라서 전문가들은 이번 최근 연구가 우리 어린이들의 비만 문제 해결에 중요한 한 걸음이 될 것으로 믿고 있다.
A new study indicates that children are six times more likely to exercise when it is combined with video games than when it is not. In recent years, health experts have been sounding the alarm on the rising rate of childhood obesity. Experts believe that this recent study is a promising step forward in battling the problem of obesity in our youth.
5. 자신의 컴퓨터가 최근 ‘스파이웨어’류에 감염된 많은 사람들이 어떻게 그런 일이 발생할 수 있는지 의아해 하고 있다. 악성 소프트웨어를 다운 받지도 않았고 성인용 웹사이트 등을 방문하지 않았다는 것이다. 하지만 그 답은 간단하다. Windows Media Player용 코덱을 다운받은 적이 있다면 그 과정에서 감염되었을 가능성이 상당히 크다.
A lot of people, whose systems recently got infected with spywares wonder, how this could happen. They didn’t download any malicious software, didn’t visit adult web sites, etc. But the answer is simple. Have you ever downloaded any codecs for Windows Media Player? If so, then there is a huge possibility that those codecs have infected your computer with the infamous parasites.
6. 미국 내에서 매 년 에이즈 바이러스에 감염되는 사람의 숫자는 공식 추정치보다 20~25%가량 더 높은 것으로 미 언론 매체가 지난 토요일 보도했다. 미 연방 질병통제예방센터가 집계한 새로운 자료에 의하면 새로이 HIV에 감염되는 것으로 추산되는 사람들은 현재의 4만 명에서 5만 5천 혹은 6만 명까지로 급격히 늘게 되었다고 워싱턴 포스트와 월 스트리트 저널이 보도했다.
Annual infections from the AIDS virus in the
(OC) Finally tonight, our "Persons of the Week.” And chances are, if you're watching this broadcast, it's you.
(VO) The right to vote is the bedrock of this democracy, and this week, a record number of you exercised that right.
My first time voting.
(VO) The
I don't think I could have lived with myself if I didn't partake in the elections.
(VO) On Tuesday, 125 million Americans did. More than ever before.
I got to exercise my right to vote.
Come out and help us.
(VO) For the past 21 months, they listened...
Vote for John McCain.
(VO) ...and judged and decided.
Have you voted?
I voted.
Good. Good.
(VO) And Barack Obama, on election night, saluted all voters. One, especially.
She is a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing. Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.
No matter what, you get out and vote. Vote your choice.
(VO) There were first-time voters like Vicente Osorio.
It is very necessary to vote.
(VO) The 101-year-old became an American citizen this past April and voted for the first time Tuesday.
I'm very happy.
(VO) As did Michael Johnson, a college senior.
It's something that you learn about and study about, but didn't actually take a part in. It was kind of new and I would say a very exciting feeling for me.
(VO) Some voters were open to change. Jon Curley's wife convinced him to canvass with her, and he switched his vote, after speaking to people with whom he originally disagreed.
These are folks that I would not normally have an opportunity to sit down and talk with, simply because we just don't cross paths. But it was such a great experience, the same issues that were of concern to them were of concern to us.
(VO) And then there's April Pursley, who didn't allow an impending delivery to keep her from voting.
My husband's been waiting here for about an hour, and my water just broke. So I drove from home and came here to vote.
(VO) April raced from the voting booth to the delivery room and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. So, whether you touched a screen or punched a chad or pulled a lever, whomever you voted for, congratulations.
It has shown me that the American people have re-established, I think, the belief in the vision of
I plan on voting in every election for the rest of my life because I want my voice to be heard. And I have an opinion, and it's going to matter.
(OC) And so, we choose April Pursley, Michael Johnson, Jon Curley and the 125 million other Americans who went to the polls, and through the silent act of voting, made sure their voices would be heard.
(OC) That's "World News" for this Friday. I'm Charlie Gibson. I hope you had a good day. For all of us at ABC News, have a good weekend.
(OC) And our chief
(OC) It certainly was, Charlie. And they spent an awful lot of time on this crisis that Chris Bury just talked about, in the auto industry. Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm making the case for how much trouble the auto industry is in right now and how much help they need. We also know from our congressional correspondent Jonathan Karl that when auto executives met with the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi yesterday, they actually asked for even more $50 billion - $75 billion, including some direct help for their pension obligations. This is a serious crisis that may not even wait until Barack Obama is president on January 21st.
(OC) Despite those who are on the World Newser blog, who are very upset by the fact that they don't want to give money to the auto industry. It does sound from that news conference as if the president-elect is certainly inclined to do something.
(OC) I think he is, Charlie. We heard him say he tasked his economic team to come up with solutions to this crisis, right now. The question is, what exactly will they be facing next year?
(OC) I saw a different demeanor in the president-elect today, in that news conference. Going from the high of Tuesday night, to, obviously a very sobering economic situation.
(OC) You know, I noticed exactly the same thing, Charlie. And even some of President-elect Obama's aides said they and he were struck by how much different it feels when you walk out there, into that formal press conference as the president-elect of the United States, as opposed to being the candidate for president of the United States. And the news he heard, not only today, but over the last three days, about how much deeper this recession might be than he even believed before this week was, as Jake Tapper said, very sobering. He was wearing that today.
(OC) All right, George Stephanopoulos, down in
(VO) Federal health officials today said they're going to get help from Google in tracking flu outbreaks.
(VO) Google says when people get sick, they tend to check their symptoms online. And certain search terms are good indicators of flu activity.
(OC) The company will share flu trends with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention while keeping users' information confidential.
(OC) And health experts are sounding the alarm tonight about the growing threat from a new drug-resistant bacteria, a super bug, that can be deadly. It's often spread in hospitals and nursing homes, and causes severe intestinal infections.
(VO) Numbers out today show 13 of every 1,000 hospital patients are getting infected and that's as much as 20 times higher than earlier estimates. Here's ABC’s Lisa Stark.
(VO) It's a super bug most people have never heard of, called c-difficile. But if you contract it, you'll never forget it. Oscar Carroll has been battling this intestinal bacteria since May.
We really thought we were going to lose him right then and there. Nobody could tell us what was wrong.
(VO) C-difficile is showing up more often and in a more dangerous form. This new survey found that on any given day, more than 7,000 hospital patients are suffering from this infection. It's estimated 300 of them will die.
Well, we were very surprised in that we knew the rate had been increasing, but I think our data suggests it's increasing even more rapidly than previously thought.
(VO) C-difficile is often spread from patient to patient, room to room, by unsuspecting doctors and nurses.
(OC) Some hospitals are now going on the offensive, starting to take aggressive measures to try to stop the spread of this dangerous bacteria.
(VO) At dozens of
This is done routinely for everybody.
(VO) Hands are repeatedly washed with soap and water. Doctors use disposable gowns and gloves, and patients with c-diff are isolated. It's working.
We've actually had a 75% decrease in c-difficile infections at Beth Israel.
(VO) In addition, one