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카페 프로필 이미지
강남 꿈틀에서 래팅할래? (영어회화 동호회)
카페 게시글
[토]-English Talkaholic [모임공지] Minutes of the last meeting & announcement for the study on 6/29(a reply must be given to participate)
Tia~* 추천 0 조회 96 13.06.24 11:10 댓글 14
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 13.06.24 11:11

    첫댓글 Have fun with Kevin, guys~ :)

  • 13.06.25 16:27

    1st/ Kevin / waiting for you guys:))))

  • 작성자 13.06.27 17:24

    Thanks, Kevin! Don't forget to prepare the topic! :) See you later! :)

  • 13.06.26 12:38

    2nd/ Yeongdan / miss you guys~

  • 작성자 13.06.27 17:24

    Have fun with Kevin! :)

  • 13.06.26 16:56

    3rd/ Erin/ wanna talk talk talk to you guys :')

  • 작성자 13.06.27 17:24

    I wanna be IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ㅜ.ㅜ

  • 13.06.27 10:40

    4th/ Law / Get a great time, Tia!!! :D & Seeya~ guys on Sat.

  • 작성자 13.06.27 17:25

    Thanks, Law!! See you 2 weeks later!! :)

  • 13.06.28 09:37

    5th/ mememememe

  • 13.06.28 09:42

    Han, WooSuk/ Tony/ 010-4629-6702/ Hello, Everyone. I want to join the 'English Talkaholic' group.

  • 13.06.28 10:48

    I called to Tia for English interview, but I can't reach to her. I want to join the 6/29 meeting.
    Can you tell me how I join the '6/29' meeting? (Just go 'My zone' on time or is there other processing for join the meeting?)
    Thank you.

  • 13.06.28 13:21

    Hi this is Kevin from Talkaholic. I am sorry that we can't have you this week. As the notice says, the interview was only available by Thursday this week. Having a interview with the leader, Tia is a precondition to join this group. Please come and visit us next week after having the interview.

  • 13.06.28 14:06

    Hi Kevin.
    Thank you for your reply. On next week, I will contact with Tia.
    See you Next Saturday.
