1. 한 사람에서 다른 사람으로 그리고 특정 정당에서 다른 정당으로의 권력 이전이 시작되었다: The transition, ~
2. 이것이 제대로 되도록 하기 위해서는 양측으로부터의 호의가 필요할 것이다: To make it work will ~
3. 조시 부시가 물러나면 전 세계가 안도의 한숨을 쉬게 될 것이다: When George Bush steps down, the world ~
4. 거기에서 그 두 사람은 국가 안보 및 경제를 어떻게 다시 원 궤도로 돌릴지 한 시간 이상 얘기를 나누었다:There, ~
5. 정책에 대해 그들은 견해 차가 있다: they have ~
6. 회의를 마친 후 부시 대통령은 오바마 상원의원을 데리고 예정에 없이 생활관을 포함해 관저를 둘러보도록 해주었다: After their meeting, President Bush ~
7. 대통령 당선자는 바로 새 임무에 착수할 생각이라고 말했다: The President-elect has said ~
8. 그는 부시 대통령이 발령한 일부 대통령령들을 철회할 지 여부를 고려할 것이다: he will consider ~
9. 오바마는 관타나모 베이를 폐쇄하는 문제와 부시 행정부가 막판에 석유 및 천연가스 채굴을 확대하기로 한 조치를 번복할지 고려 중이다: Obama will consider shutting down Guantanamo Bay and ~
10. 오바마는 이번 주에 장관직 임명을 할 것으로 예상되지 않는다: Obama is not expected ~
11. 주말 즈음해서 그는 정식으로 백악관 법률담당자문을 포함 백악관 참모진들을 발표할 가능성이 있다: towards the end ~
12. 부시가 임명한 3명은 유임 가능성이 있는데, 정해진 임기가 있기 때문이다: three Bush political appointees will ~
13. 오늘 있었던 일이 갖는 역사적 의미를 곰곰이 생각해야겠다: one has to ponder the historical ~
1. 자동차업계의 구제 금융은 백악관의 지원을 필요로 할 것이다: a bailout of the auto industry ~
2. 그 주제는 어제 오바마 당선자가 백악관에서 부시 대통령과 만났을 때 등장했었다: the subject came up ~
3. 그는 원래 금융부문을 안정시키기 위해 할당되었던 7천억 달러를 가지고 자동차업계를 구제하는 것을 고려해야 한다: he should consider ~
4. 오바마 대통령 당선자가 참전 용사들을 기리는 동상에 헌화했다: President-Elect Obama ~
5. 그의 새로운 인수사무실이 오늘 공식 출범했다: his new transition office ~
6. 시카고와 워싱턴 D.C에 있는 그의 인수팀들은 최종적으로는 최고 450명까지 직원을 두게 될 것이다: His transition teams ~
7. 거의 7백만 달러가 민간 기금에 의해 조성될 것이다: Almost $7 million will ~
8. 우리가 발표하는 규정들은 역대 어느 인수팀에 의한 것보다도 엄격하고 가장 포괄적인 윤리 규정들이다: We are ~
9. 오늘 발표된 오바마의 윤리 규정들은 로비스트들로 하여금 그의 인수 팀에서 일하는 것은 허용하지만 그들의 전문 분야에서는 아니다: His ethics rules announced today would allow ~
10. 대통령 당선자는 부시 대통령이 즉각적인 경기 진작 포괄안을 지지할 것을 강력히 촉구했지만 대통령은 그 문제를 무역관련입법과 연계하기를 원했다: the President-Elect pushed President Bush to ~
11. 오바마는 어제도 부시 대통령에게 위기에 처한 자동차 업계를 지원할 것을 촉구했었다: Obama also yesterday pushed ~
12. 주택 소유자들의 변동금리형 주택담보 대출 기한이 조만간 만료될 예정인데 그러면 어쩔 수 없이 조만간 채무 불이행을 하게 될 것이다: homeowners’ adjustable rate mortgages are ~
13. 아직 임명되지 않은 장관들과 특별위원장들이 임무를 새로이 시작할 수 있게 될 것이다: the cabinet secretaries and commissioners ~
1. 많은 사람들이 심각한 육체적 그리고 정신적 부상을 입고 돌아왔다: many have ~
2. 밥 우드러프가 이 도전을 해결하는 새로운 프로그램을 발견했다: Bob Woodruff has found ~
3. 조우 그래시아는 아프가니스탄 파병 임무를 완료한 후 경찰관이 되겠다는 꿈을 갖고 있었다: Joe Gracia dreamed of ~
4. 그의 꿈들이 틀어졌다: his dreams ~
5. 그는 뇌에 외상을 입었고 그의 오른 다리를 절단해야 했다: He suffered a traumatic brain injury and ~
6. 샌 디에고에 있는 해군 의료 센터에서 회복되는 동안 그래시아는 특이한 기회를 소개받았다: during his recovery ~
7. 우리가 하는 일은 관심있는 참전용사들을 IT분야로 소개하면서 그들에게 기본적인 IT기술을 가르쳐주는 것이다: What we're doing is ~
8. ‘전환 교육 아카데미’에서 진행되는 강좌들은 부상한 병사들에게 새로운 직업 기회를 제시해준다: The courses at ~
9. 이들은 전처럼 잘 갖고 있지를 못한다: they don't ~
10. 이들은 목요일 아침에 와서 全 강좌를 수강한다: They would ~
11. 나는 훈련받은 것 외의 다른 분야에서는 거의 아는 것이 없었어요: I didn't really have ~
12. 내가 시간을 그냥 낭비하고 있다는 느낌이 들었다: I felt like I was ~
13. 그의 파병 복무 경험이 아직도 그를 따라다니며 괴롭힌다. 나바는 심각한 외상후 스트레스 증후군에 시달린다: His tour of~
14. 정직하게 말하면 나는 이 강좌를 통해 내가 무엇을 얻으려는 것인지 명확한 기대치가 전혀 없었다I honestly had ~
1. 자동차업계에 대한 구제 금융을 강력히 반대하는 사람들은 자동차 업계를 ‘심판’이 임박한 ‘공룡’에 비유하고 있는 한편 민주당 측에서는 이번 주 ‘레임 덕’ 회기 중에 금융권에 투입될 7천억 달러 가운데 일부라도 자동차업계에 갈 수 있도록 하기 위해 최선을 다하겠다는 입장을 일요일에 공식화했다.
Hardline opponents of an auto industry bailout branded the industry a "dinosaur" whose "day of reckoning" is near, while Democrats pledged Sunday to do their best to get
2. 이명박 대통령 당선자의 정권인수위원단은 지역 발전 및 지방 자치를 활성화하기 위해 전국 지역 및 대도시들을 7개 경제권역으로 구획하는 계획을 발표했다. 그 계획에 따르면 권역별 인구는 약 5백만 명 가량이 되며 각 지역의 역사적 문화적 특징과 산업 성장 패턴 그리고 지역 풍습에 기초해 독자적인 개발 전략을 추구하게 될 것이라고 인수단은 발표했다.
President-elect Lee Myung-bak`s transition team issued plans to zone the country`s provinces and metropolitan cities into seven economies as part of his drive to promote provincial growth and local autonomy. Under the plan, each would compose a population of around 5 million, and each would pursue a distinguished development strategy based on their historical and cultural characteristics, industrial growth patterns and local customs, the government transition team said.
3. 2006년, 식품제조업계 종사자는 15만 명이었다. 거의 모두 임금 근로자이거나 봉급 생활자였으며 일부만 자영업자이거나 무급 가족 근로자였다. 2006년 당시 식품류를 제조하는 사업장은 대략 2만 8천 개가 있었으며 이 가운데 100인 이하의 직원을 둔 사업장이 89%였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 500인 이상 사업장이 전체 일자리의 36%를 차지했다. .
In 2006, the food manufacturing industry provided 1.5 million jobs. Almost all employees were wage and salary workers; only a few were self-employed and unpaid family workers. In 2006, about 28,000 establishments manufactured food, with 89 percent employing fewer than 100 workers. Nevertheless, establishments employing 500 or more workers accounted for 36 percent of all jobs.
4. 퍼듀 대학 이사회는 시각공연예술센터 건립을 위한 2천1백2십만 달러 계약을 승인했다. 이 계획을 위해 퍼듀 대학은 1천 3백만 달러에 해당하는 채권 발행을 입법 당국으로부터 허가 받았으며 주지사의 승인 절차를 남겨두고 있다. 완공에 필요한 나머지 7백만 달러는 개인의 기부를 통해 조달될 예정이다.
The Purdue University Board of Trustees today awarded a $21.2 million contract to construct the Visual and Performing Arts building. Purdue received legislative authorization to issue $13 million in bonds for the project, subject to the governor's approval. The remaining $7 million to complete the project will be raised through private donations.
5. 평생 농구를 해오셨나요? 혹시 재정학 분야 학위를 갖고 계신가요? 전문 분야에 상관없이 무엇이든 여러분의 지식을 글로 써주시면 그에 대한 보상을 해드립니다. 글을 기고하시면 어떻게 돈을 벌 수 있는지 아래에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.
Have you been playing basketball all your life? Do you have your degree in finance? Whatever your Area of Expertise, we want to pay you for writing about what you know! Find out how you can get paid to contribute here.
6. 부시 대통령은 전쟁이 진행 중인 그루지야에 식량 등 생필품을 지원하기 위해 해공군을 지원할 예정이라고 발표했다. 그 외에도 콘돌리자 라이스 미 국무장관이 직접 그루지야를 방문해 “그루지야 민주 정부에 대한 미국의 확고한 지원을 전달”할 것이라고 말했다.
President Bush announced that
(OC) Good evening. It was symbolic, but so, too, was it important. The first post-election White House meeting, Bush and Obama. The transition, the transfer of power from one man to another, one political party to another, has begun. To make it work will take good will from both sides for it was Barack Obama after all who threw two years worth of political rocks at George Bush. When George Bush steps down, he once said, the world is going to breathe a sigh of relief. Jack Tapper is at the White House tonight, saw as much as any of us did of their meetings today. Jake?
(OC) Good evening, Charlie. Well, the two men had a conversation that President Bush later described as good, constructive, relaxed and friendly. Among the topics they discussed, ways to help the struggling auto industry, and that $700 billion in funds allocated to help stabilize the economy.
(VO) President and First Lady Bush met the President-elect and his wife at the south portico this afternoon. After which the two men walked along the colonnade to the Oval Office for Obama's first visit to what will soon be his office. There, the two men spoke for more an hour on national security and how to get the economy back on track.
Of course, they have differences on policies, but they both love their country equally and their love of country they're going to put first, and then they'll work together to make sure that they have everything that they need going forward.
(VO) After their meeting, President Bush took Senator Obama on an impromptu tour of the residence, including the living quarters, the
(VO) The President-elect has said he intends to hit the ground running and will consider reversing some executive orders initiated by President Bush, such as Bush's ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Obama will consider shutting down
As a candidate, Senator Obama said that he wanted all the Bush executive orders reviewed and decide which ones should be kept and which ones should be repealed and which ones should be amended. And that process is going on.
(VO) Obama is not expected to make any cabinet appointments this week, though towards the end of the week he'll likely formally announce top White House staff positions, such as White House Counsel.
(VO) Political strategist David Axelrod will likely be a White House senior advisor. Campaign advisor Roberts Gibbs, Press Secretary.
(VO) And three Bush political appointees will likely stay on, because they serve set terms. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, and FBI Director Robert Mueller.
(OC) Charlie, on its face, one has to ponder the historical implications of what happened here today. The building behind me after all was first built by slaves. Charlie?
(OC) Jake Tapper, who will be reporting on the Bush – or the Bush, the Obama presidency for at least the next four years.
(OC) Of course, a bailout of the auto industry will need the support of the White House. The subject came up yesterday when President-Elect Obama met at the White House with President Bush. Our chief White House correspondent Jake Tapper joins us from the White House again tonight. Jake?
(OC) Good evening, Charlie. Well that's right, in their meeting yesterday, President-Elect Obama suggested to President Bush that he consider bailing out the auto industry with that $700 billion allocated originally to stabilize the financial sector.
(VO) At a war memorial at Soldier Field in
(VO) His transition teams in Chicago and
We are announcing rules that are the strictest, the most far-reaching ethic rules of any transition team in history.
(VO) Obama during the campaign originally pledged that lobbyists would not work in his White House. Before the primaries he weakened that pledge, changing it to...
They will not run my White House.
(VO) His ethics rules announced today would allow lobbyists to work on his transition team, just not in the area of their expertise. And they cannot lobby during the transition. Obama's team spent some of the day in a dispute with the White House over details of yesterday's meeting with the President. There were reports that the President-Elect pushed President Bush to back an immediate economic stimulus package, but the President wanted to link it to trade legislation. The White House denied that. Obama’s incoming Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that any economic help should stand alone.
The American people right now need help economically. You don't link those essential needs to some other trade deal.
(VO) Obama also yesterday pushed for the President to deliver aid to the struggling auto industry. And to use more of the more than $500 billion yet to be allocated from the economic stabilization funds to help homeowners whose adjustable rate mortgages are about to expire, and who will soon be forced to default.
(OC) And Charlie, by the end of the week, we expect the Obama transition team to dispatch what they're calling agency review teams to go to government agencies to prepare policy and personnel so that the cabinet secretaries and commissioners yet to be named will be able to hit the ground running. Charlie?
(OC) All right, Jake Tapper at the White House, thanks to you.
(OC) And we have "A Closer Look" tonight at one effort to help veterans struggling to support themselves and their families.
(VO) More than 1.6 million
(OC) And many have returned with severe physical and mental wounds, making it especially hard to find new careers. Bob Woodruff has found a new program that addresses the challenge.
(VO) Joe Gracia dreamed of becoming a police officer after he completed his tour of duty in
It shattered my heel bone. I don't have a heel bone in this foot anymore.
(OC) There's no heel bone?
No, it's just plates and screws.
(VO) He suffered a traumatic brain injury and had to have his right leg amputated.
(OC) Did you imagine that maybe you would not be able to work again at all?
Yeah, yeah. And that did cross my mind. I started wondering, well what am I going to do? And where am I going to live?
(VO) But during his recovery at
What we're doing is introducing interested veterans to IT, giving them basic IT skills.
(VO) The courses at the
We found traumatic brain injury patients, they don't retain things as well as they used to. So sometimes they need to hear it more than once or twice. They would come and take the full class on Thursday morning, come back again and take the full class Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. And it helped.
(VO) Now three times per week, Gracia learns computer skills.
(OC) Is this emotional?
Yeah, yeah. It is, because I'm actually happy.
These guys haven't completed their mission. They'll tell you that. So, now, they don't want to become a burden on this country. They want to participate in the growth of this country.
(VO) For some, that mission has always been serving their country. Marine Sergeant Guillermo Nava lived for the Marine Corps.
When I found out I couldn't stay in the Marine Corps, I was devastated. I didn't have time to go to school, so I didn't really have a background in anything else except for what they trained me in.
(VO) He was not sure how he would support his family.
I was very worried. I didn't know what I was going to do. I had my wife and son and I felt like I was wasting away.
(VO) His tour of duty still haunts him. Nava suffers from severe PDSD.
I hear sounds sometimes or smells and it brings me back to a moment that we were over there in
(OC) In
I was involved, specifically, in about two or three that I can really remember, and we got mortared almost every night.
(VO) While recovering from a serious accident, Nava enrolled in the
I honestly had no set expectations of what I was going to get out of the class. I actually picked it up really fast.
(VO) So fast, he is now a special test equipment engineer for Northrop Grumman.
With a job like this, I'm doing a little bit of a part. Not necessarily boots on the ground, but I'm still helping.
(VO) In a sense, this company changed your life?
Definitely. They literally changed my life. Gave me a future.
(VO) And renewed hope. Bob Woodruff, ABC News,
(VO) And you can find a link to a new online support program for veterans, along with information about helping and hiring vets at our website, ABCNews.com.