저는 불교호스피스활동을 하면서 스님들의 열악한 호스피스환경을 보며
스님들이 죽음앞에서 여법하고 수행자다운 죽음을 준비하는데 도움이 되는
수행자 호스피스를 하려고 원력을 세워 출가했었습니다.
출가후 출가전 알고있던 생각과 현실이 많이 다르다는 것을 느꼈고
지금 내가 부처님 제자로써 어떤 호스피스를 해야하는지 많은 방황을 했습니다.
현재 불교호스피스를 하고계신 유명한 몇몇 스님들과는 출가전부터 친분이 있었지만
제가 추구하는 바와 많이 다른 방향이기에
그분들의 제의를 사양하고 고민을 한 결과
부처님의 가르침을 우선 제대로 알아야겠다고 생각이 들어 찾아본 곳이 미얀마 ITBMU 학교입니다.
진도 팽목항에서 공황상태에 빠진 가족들을 위로하고 진정시키기위해
저또한 끔찍한 시신을 바라보며 가족들보다 더 강해져야했고
끔찍한 자식의 시신앞에서 이성을 잃어 누구도 말리지못하는
누구든 죽일듯 달려드는 가족들을 두렵지만 막아서야했던 수행자입장에서 버틸수있었던것은...
4대종교의 성직자가 다 모여있지만
그 무엇보다 불교의 힘이 가장 클 수 있었던 이유는 부처님의 가르침 때문이었습니다.
종교인들이 뭘할 수 있겠냐며 회의적이던 공무원과 타종교봉사자들까지...
위급한 상황에선 스님들을 찾을 수 있었던 힘은 무엇이었을까요...?!
저는 더더욱 확신했습니다.
부처님은 2600년전에도 ... 지금에도 ... 가장 위대한 웰다잉 지도자이심을...
좀더 체계적인 부처님의 가르침인 죽음수행과 죽음교리를 익혀서 돌아와
진도에서보다 더 강력한 자비에너지를 퍼트려야겠다고 다짐하며 유학준비를 했습니다.
저처럼 뭔가 부처님의 가르침을 갈구하시는 다른 분들께도 도움이 될까하여 글 남김니다.
저는 이 자료찾기까지 너무 헤맸었거든요....
부디 도움이 되시는 단 한분에게라도 인연의 끈이 되기를....
The International Theravãda Buddhist Missionary University is situated on the Dhammapãla Hill, Mayangon Township, in Yangon, Union of Myanmar. It was inaugurated on 9 December 1998, under Ministry of Religious Affairs with these objectives :
(a) to study and comprehend the canonical texts of Theravãda Pitaka as approved successively by the Fifth and Sixth Buddhist Councils held in Myanmar.
(b) to abstain from evil deeds and practice good deeds.
(c) to promote the four modes of sublime living (Brahma-vihara dhamma) which would lead to the establishment of peaceful and prosperous world and
(d) to train more missionaries endowed with good morality, to be well-versed in Pitaka literature to have experience in meditation practices.
Diploma and Degrees Offered
One year diploma and other degree are offered for graduate and post-graduate students.
They are as follows;
1. One-year diploma course: Diploma in Buddha Dhamma in (B. Dh.)
2. Two-year graduate degree course: Bachelor of Arts in Buddha Dhamma: B.A. (B.Dh.)
3. Three-year M.A post graduate course: Master of Arts in Buddha Dhamma: M.A. (B.Dh.)
4. Four-year Ph.D post graduate course: Doctor of Philosophy in Buddha Dhamma: Ph.D (B.Dh.)
One year Diploma course in Buddha Dhamma was introduced in December 1998. Then, Diploma conferring ceremonies were successivelyy held for seven years. Diploma certificates have already been presented to 192 foreign and local students.
First Convocation for B.A(Buddha Dhamma) degree was held in June 2002.B.A(B.Dh) degree was conferred presented to 192 foreign and local students.
M.A. (B.Dh) course has started in year 2003.
At present the Internatioanl Theravãda Buddhist University has admitted 91 foreign students from 17 countries and 90 Myanmar students to study in different courses.
Academic Requirements
Anyone regardless of gender, race, religion, and creed, having educational qualifications prescribed by the University, can apply for admission. However, students are required to sit for the entrance examination.
Any application for Diploma in Buddha Dhamma will have to meet the following requirements;
1. The foreign monks, nuns and laymen must have passed at least the Matriculation or equivalent. For the laymen and nuns who are Myanmar citizens must have their first degrees B.A. or B.Sc. Myanmar monks must have passed DhammÈcariya examination.
B.A or B.Sc Myanmar monks and nuns who apply for Diploma course must not be younger than 18 and older than 45 Age limit for students who apply for the one-year Diploma course will be given special consideration.
2. All candidates need to sit for an entrance examination prescribed by the University.
3. They should have some knowledge of Pãli, Sanskirt, and Theravãda Buddhist Scriptures. They must be fluent in spoken and written English.
Academic Terms
The first term starts in June and ends in September. The Second term starts in December and end in March. Vacation April, May and November.
Visa and other expenses
Once an international student is admitted to the diploma course, the Ministry of Religious Affairs will take care of visa application and its extension. Tuition, boarding and messing for foreign students will be provided free by the university. Travel expenses for joining will not be borne by the university.
Dr. Ashin Dhammapiya, Professor, ITBMU, Yangon, Myanmar
It is a privilege and an honor for me to present the academic mission and activities of The International Theravâda Buddhist Missionary University (ITBMU) to the International Conference of All Theravâda Buddhist Universities, in Asia, which holds for the very first time in Myanmar this year, 2007.
This conference is truly significant and meaningful to all delegates from different Buddhist Universities in Asia. The aim of the conference is to work together in the academic mission to propagate Buddha-sâsana (Buddha's dispensation). In such a wonderful occasion, I believe every participant in the conference will have a worthy experience of the academic missionary trip to Myanmar. All delegates meeting here together have the opportunity to make a bridge to convey the academic mission from one place to another; from one country to another. I truly appreciate the effort of the organizers, sponsors and all coordinators of the conference, and may I take the opportunity to present the Academic Mission and Activities of ITBMU on behalf of the members of the university.
ITBMU was inaugurated in December 1998. It has been sponsored by Myanmar government.[2] ITBMU is located on the beautiful site of the sacred Dhammapala Hill near the Sacred Tooth Relic Pagoda, known as "Swedawmyat Zaydi", Yangon, Myanmar. The goal and the mission of ITBMU is to preserve Theravâda Buddhism, and to share the knowledge of Theravâda Buddhism both in theory and in practice with the students of the world, and to promote happiness and moral well-being for all. Besides this, it helps the students study Theravâda Abhidhamma, Pâéi language and Pâéi literature till they comprehend the canonical texts of Theravâda Piíakas. The Myanmar Buddhist Pâéi scholars with high academic achievement teach ITBMU students the Tipiíaka Pâéi texts and commentaries. And students also have the opportunity to learn both theories and practice of meditation including Samatha (tranquility) and Vipassanâ (insight) meditation.
ITBMU is internationally noted for its academic mission, because of distinguished faculties including Pariyatti, Patipatti, Religions and Missionary works, Languages and Translation. Members of the faculties perform their academic roles to the utmost of their abilities. There are five objectives of the ITBMU:-
(1) To share the genuine Theravâda Buddhism (the teachings of Gotama Buddha) with the people of the world.
(2) To study and comprehend the canonical texts of Theravâda Piíakas as approved successively by the six Buddhist councils.
(3) To abstain from evil deeds and practice good deeds.
(4) To promote the four modes of sublime living (Brahmavihara) which would lead to the establishment of a peaceful and prosperous world and
(5) To train more missionaries, endowed with good morality, who are well-versed in the Piíaka literature and meditational practices.[3]
ITBMU occasionally provide the students' needs with academic programmes, which include special Abhidhamma courses which emphasize the distinguished Abhidhamma texts, such as Dhammasaàganî, Vibhaàga, Dhâtukathâ, Puggalapaññatti, Kathâvatthu, Yamaka and Patthâna Pâéi texts and commentaries together with vacanamagga (ayakauk) and Vinaya and Sutta Pâéi courses which emphasize the distinguished Vinaya Pâéi and Sutta Pâéi texts and the commentaries.
ITBMU is well-known for the study of Abhidhamma and meditation which emphasizes Samatha (tranquility) and Vippasanâ (insight) meditation both in theory and in practice. Indeed, the most outstanding academic programmes of ITBMU are Abhidhamma and meditation, which students learn as "Academic Subjects". Students are encouraged to learn equally the theories and practice of meditation, because in Buddhism, without the practice of meditation, it is impossible for the students to get the true message of the Buddha. Therefore, meditation as well as Abhidhamma is included in the academic curriculum recognizing the subjects as Academic Subjects. To students who complete the two distinguished subjects along with other subjects, are granted their academic diplomas and bachelors.
The application of Credit System is currently being introduced in ITBMU.[4] Students are notified to take courses that are relevant to their academic programme. The credit system is a policy of ITBMU. Nowadays the credit system is used in most modern academic universities in the West and the East. With the basic grading system as a compulsory policy, the university comfortably determines the students' academic quality and performance. In order to determine a student's eligibility to remain enrolled in the university, the students' quality and performance are measured and progress toward the student's objective is also weighed for their academic accomplishment.
In reality, using letter grading system, such as A, B, C, D, and F, accumulating grade point of the average (GPA), such as 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0, is also easy access for the academic degree program. Grading system at ITBMU is based on the semester system and most credit courses are with 3 unit basis. One unit (credit) is equal to one and one-half (1 ½) quarter units which is used in some universities as a quarter system.
The policy will be applied to all course works for an acceptable degree program. The grading system will also be applied to other areas, such as projects, field work, internships, individual studies, or directed reading and so on. The best advantage of the use of credit system is easy access in determining students' quality and their academic performance. It is also easy to transfer their course works to other universities in both East and West without difficulties, when students wish to transfer their course works to other universities. The official transcript (the student's academic work) is recognized by most universities. Therefore, the use of credit system is like linking to a network system which is an easy access to reach other universities in both East and West without delay. Thus students who study in those universities where credit system is used will have far more advantage than other students who study in universities where credit system is not used.
Last but not least, the academic mission of ITBMU will continue to work for the well-being of all beings. May I inform you that this conference is truly the right place and the right time to share each and everyone's academic experiences with the other academic mission delegates. In our modern age, with advanced technology, and availability of networking in most places, the E-networking programme is one of the best way of communications for academic missions to reach one another and to link one university's programme to another's at relatively low costs. Since members of Buddhist universities are keen to help one another, it is time to reform procedures of academic mission and policies of universities, including E-networking, E-library, E-education, student exchange programme and teacher exchange programme and so on. This is the dream of The International Theravâda Buddhist Missionary University of Myanmar.
[1] Presented at The International Conference of All Theravâda Buddhist Universities held at The International Theravâda Buddhist Missionary University, Yangon, & at Woodlands Hotel, Poppa Mountain Resort, Bagan, Myanmar, 9-12th March 2007.
[2] The booklet of the Course of Study. The International Theravâda Buddhist Missionary University, Yangon, Myanmar,1998, 1.
2010 International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University
(Entrance Examination for Diploma in Buddha Dhamma)
English Grammer and Composition
Explain any two of the following:
(a) Action speaks louder than words.
(b) When in Rome, do as the Romans.
(c) Prevention is better than cure.
2. Write one word for each of words given below.
(The first letter of each word is given)
Example: increase the speed .........(a) = accelerate
(a) resting on the surface of water or in air ..........(f)
(b) motor van for carrying wounded or sick people .........(a)
(c) the lowest part of anything ...........(b)
(d) put in the ground and cover with earth .........(b)
(e) costing very little money ......... (c)
(f) a person’s female child ........... (d)
(g) money paid as a penalty .......... (f)
(h) fail to remember or recall ....... (f)
(i) make or produce goods on a large scale ........(m)
(j) person who has received or receiving medical treatment ......(p)
3. Rewrite the following sentences, using the conjunctions given in brackets.
(a) If we are attached to our lives, we will not be free from sufferings.(Unless)
(b) However rich one is, he must leave everything one day.(Although)
(c) Buddhist people meditate for the purpose of attaining the bliss of Nibbana.(so that)
(d) Unless you are contented with what you get, you cannot live a happy life.(Either..or)
(f) Sloth and indolence are the roads to death.(not only...but also)
4. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.
(a) Look...................me and listen to me carefully.
(b) We should be afraid .................suffering of Samsara.
(c) Meditations must depart.............unsuitable place for meditation practice.
(d) It is advisable for all of us not to associate .............fools.
(e) Meditation teachers look ..............their trainees all the time.
(f) It is dark in here. Please turn...................the light.
(g) Men’s life consists ..........ups and downs.
(h) The man ran....................the thief but could not catch him.
(i) You should take .........................your shoes at the gate.
(j) The teacher has advised him to abstain............smoking.
5. Write an essay on one of the following:
(a) Buddha, the Founder of Buddhism
(b) A Successful Life
(c) Loving – kindness
2011 International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University
(Entrance Examination for Diploma in Buddha Dhamma)
English Grammer and Composition
Read the passage.
This monk, after using any piece of furniture(such as couch, bench or stool) belonging to the monastery, would leave it outside in the compound, thus exposing it to rain, sun and white ants. When other monks chided him for his irresponsible behaviour, he would retort, “I do not have the intention to destroy those things; after all, very little damage has been done, ” and so on and so forth and he continued to behave in the same way. When the Buddha came to know about this, he sent for the monk and said to him, “Monk, you should not bahave in this way, you should not think lightly of an evil action, however small it may be; because, it will grow big if you do it habitually.”
Write the new sentence by using the underlined words.
(a) after using
(b) and so on and so forth
(c) in the same way
(d) should not bahave
(e) an evil action
2. (a) Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
(1) Prices have .......................steeply since last August.
(2) Three old trees will have to be.................because they are dangerous.
(3) He lost his balance and.....................heavily.
(4) My grandfather .......................this firm in 1924.
(5) The United Nations was.......................in 1945.
(b) Finish each sentence in such a way
that it means exactly the same as the sentence given.
(1) “I wish to speak to your father”, said the teacher to the boy.
The teacher told
(2) People are not allowed to walk on the grass in public gardens.
No one
(3) Yangon is the most popular city in Myanmar.
No other
(4) “Who has stolen my watch?” she asked.
She wanted to know
(5) His father beat him for not attending class regularly.
3. Construct correct sentences using the following.
(a) not only............but also
(b) no sooner..........than
(c) whether..........or
(d) so.........that
(e) either.......or
4. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her how you are planning to join the International Theravada Buddhist Missonary University.
5. Write an essay on one of the following (about 200 words)
(a) A religious festival in our country
(b) The subject I enjoyed learning most
(c) The Three Precious Gems
1. Write a short paragragh on brief history of the Buddha.
2. “Morality is a good foundation for the human society.” Justify this statement.
3. Give a brief account on four major religious.
4. What is the final goal of the Buddhists?
5. Do you agree the statement
“A religion is necessary for a person’s social and moral life”, why?
2013 International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University
(Entrance Examination for Diploma in Buddha Dhamma)
English Grammer and Composition
Read the passage
The thory of Kamma is different from “moral justice” or “reward and punishment” The idea of moral justice is the concetption of a supreme being i. e. God who is a law-giver and sits in judgment, deciding what is right and wrong. Kamma is law in itself. But it does not follow that there should be a law giver. Inherent in kamma is the potientiality of producing its due effect. The cause naturally produces the effect. Kamma is like a seed that produces the fruit. Therefore kamma is a nature law and it has nothing to do with the ideas of justice that is governed by God or other mighty-beings. The law of action, according to which good or appropriate acts give rise to good effects and bad or inappropriate acts to bad effects, is imperilling a chain of successive births, each life’s condition being explained by actions in the previous life. Every physical event has its cause and every cause will have its determinate effects. The theory of Kamma extends the concept of causation to include moral and spiritual life as well. Therefore the theory of Kamma is easy to understand thus, “As a man sows, so shall he reap.”
Write the new sentences by using the underlined words.
a) who is
b) its due
c) has nothing to do with
d) is easy to
2. (a) Join two clauses, using RELATIVE PRONOUN.
1. A lay adherent does not observe five precepts.
He lives the home-life without self-confidence.
2. Nibbana is our ultimate goal. Why do we want to attain to it?
3. Bagan is traditionally known to be founded in the 9th century.
It reached the zenith of its political and cultural progress during the dynasty of “Temple builders”
4. Myanmar is situated in Southeast Asia. It is a predominantly Theravada Buddhist country.
5. Our Rector Sayadaw is a learned one. He is now 72 years old.
(b) Rewrite the following, omitting RELATIVE PRONOUN.
1. Everyone loves a person who disseminates loving-kindness impersonally.
2. One day we have to leave everything which we possess.
3. A person who is of much knowledge may make mistakes when lacking a good sense.
4. A person who offers only lip-service will lose the others’ admiration.
5. Tears which are different dependent on individuals as cool or hot are said to be medicinal.
3. (a) Change the Voice in the following sentences:
(1) Shall I ever forget those happy days?
(2) By whom was this jug broken?
(3) One cannot gather grapes from thistles.
(4) Without effort nothing can be gained.
(5) Subject him to a severe examination.
(b) Report the following in Indirect Speech:
(1) He said, “I am glad to be here this evening.”
(2) “Where do you live?” asked the stranger.
(3) He said, “How clever I am!”
(4) He said, “I have passed the examination.”
4. Write a letter to your friend telling him or her why you want to attend the International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University.
5. Write an essay on one of the following
(a) Buddhism
(b) What I want to do in life
How do you understand the teachhing of the Buddha? Explain.
The role of religion is great in a society. Explain.
What are differences between the nature of Citta(consiousness) and Cetasaia(metal states)?
Buddhism never encourages blind-faith. Explain.
Do you think that you can attain peace of mind by meditation? Explain.
첫댓글 정보 감사합니다
감사합니다. 뜻 하신 바 좋은 결과 맺으시길 ~
와아~~스님 감사합니다~~_()_
혹시 입학 허가 조건 중에 나이 제한 있나요?
Any application for Diploma in Buddha Dhamma will have to meet the following requirements;
1. The foreign monks, nuns and laymen must have passed at least the Matriculation or equivalent. For the laymen and nuns who are Myanmar citizens must have their first degrees B.A. or B.Sc. Myanmar monks must have passed Dhamm?cariya examination.
B.A or B.Sc Myanmar monks and nuns who apply for Diploma course must not be younger than 18 and older than 45 Age limit for students who apply for the one-year Diploma course will be given special consideration.
예전 얼핏보고는 나이제한이 있구나 했는데 다시 보니 미얀마인에 국한된거로 나와있긴한데 ....
정확히 알아보려고
현재 재학중인 스님께 이메일로 문의 해놓았습니다.
답변도착하면 정확한 글 올리도록 하겠습니다.
현재 그곳에서 공부하고계신 스님말씀으로
나이는 크게 상관없는거같다고하시네요^^;;;
3년전 50세넘으신분도 합격하셧다고합니다!!!!
답변 정말 감사합니다. 좋은 정보를 얻게 되었네요.
사실 공부에 나이 제한이 있어서는 안된다고 생각합니다만 간혹 나이 제한이 있는 경우가 있더라고요.
한번 심각하게 고민해 봐야 겠습니다!!!