Earthly Life and Spirit World (Part 2) - 054 Chapter 1. The Kingdom Of God Section 3. The Qualifications And Conditions For Entering The Kingdom Of God 1) The Qualifications For Entering Tim Kingdom Of God
④ Living for the Sake of Others - 1
If you are fifty years old and you lived for the sake of the universe and heavenly law for over 25 years, you can go to the Kingdom of God.
You can go beyond the boundary line to be able to stay in a better realm of the spiritual world. But people who live their whole life centered on themselves go to the original homeland of evil (hell)
regardless of their feelings. This has to be true. You have to recognize your situation and reflect on your past.
You should make effort to live for the sake of the whole, the country, the world, heaven and earth, and God, during the rest of your lifetime. If you do so, it follows that you will march forward to the ideal world in heaven. (78-119)
You may not know much about the spiritual world, but True Father is an expert. I have experienced the spiritual world more than anyone else has. The spiritual world is my special major field.
What is the origin of the spiritual world? The world which is composed of the principle-living for the sake of others- must be the Kingdom of God that mankind is expecting. That is our original homeland.