Plant protein sources are gaining recognition because of their low carbon footprint, nutritional enrichment, high sustainability, impending scarcity of animal proteins, and pivotal role in the production of functional foods and bioactive peptides. However, plant protein sources may face challenges owing to detrimental effects, such as the presence of anti-nutritional factors and limited digestibility. Fermentation is a proven method for overcoming these limitations. The sustainable production of fermented plant-based foods using novel technologies has become a burgeoning trend over the years.
Scope and approach
This review endeavors to delve into the production of fermented plant protein-based analogues and products, as well as fermentation-derived bioactive peptides, and their applications in commercial products. Moreover, recent progress in the potential effects of novel technologies assisted fermentation on plant protein sources has been elucidated.
Key findings and conclusions
Plant ingredients are enriched in high-quality proteins and used to manufacture fermented plant protein-based analogues and products. Functional bioactive peptides derived from plant proteins are generated during fermentation and are subsequently utilized for the preservation of food products. These peptides have been shown to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, extend the shelf life of commercial products, and prevent lipid peroxidation. Moreover, novel technologies are employed in the direct fermentation process to circumvent the shortcomings and quality defects of plant proteins. These technologies offer numerous benefits, including improvement in protein digestibility, increase in microbial proteolytic activity, release of bioactive peptides, enhancement of texture and physicochemical properties, and development of desirable flavors and colors in fermented plant-based products.
탄소 발자국이 적고, 영양이 풍부하며, 지속 가능성이 높고,
동물성 단백질이 곧 부족해질 것이며,
기능성 식품과 생체 활성 펩타이드 생산에 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 인정받고 있습니다.
식물성 단백질은
항영양 인자의 존재,
제한된 소화율과 같은 해로운 영향 때문에 어려움을 겪을 수 있습니다.
이러한 한계를 극복하는 입증된 방법입니다.
새로운 기술을 이용한
식물성 발효 식품의 지속 가능한 생산은
지난 몇 년 동안 급성장하는 트렌드가 되었습니다.
범위 및 접근 방식
이 리뷰는
식물성 단백질 기반의 발효 유사체 및 제품,
그리고 발효에서 유래된 생체 활성 펩티드의 생산과 상업적 제품에서의 적용에 대해
자세히 살펴봅니다.
식물성 단백질 공급원에 대한 새로운 기술 보조 발효의 잠재적 효과에 대한
최근의 진전 사항이 밝혀졌습니다.
주요 결과 및 결론
식물성 원료는
고품질 단백질이 풍부하며,
발효된 식물성 단백질 기반 유사체 및 제품을 제조하는 데 사용됩니다.
식물성 단백질에서 추출한
기능성 생체 활성 펩타이드는 발효 과정에서 생성되며,
이후 식품 보존에 활용됩니다.
이 펩타이드는
병원성 박테리아의 성장을 억제하고,
상업용 제품의 유통 기한을 연장하며,
지질 과산화를 방지하는 것으로 나타났습니다.
식물성 단백질의 단점과 품질 결함을 극복하기 위해
직접 발효 공정에 새로운 기술이 사용되고 있습니다.
이러한 기술은
단백질 소화율 향상,
미생물 단백질 분해 활성 증가,
생체 활성 펩타이드 방출,
질감 및 물리화학적 특성 향상,
발효 식물성 제품에서 바람직한 풍미와 색상 개발 등 다양한 이점을 제공합니다.
Globally, the plant-based food market is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.4% from 2022 to 2029 and is expected to reach a market value of $95.52 billion by 2029 (Meticulous Research, 2022). The demand for plant-sourced proteins is expected to rise in parallel with increasing population, which is projected to reach approximately 9 billion by 2050 (Lima, Costa, Rodrigues, Lameiras, & Botelho, 2022). Among them, the global fermented plant-based products market is projected to reach $422.26 million from $329.29 million by 2026, with an expected CAGR of 5.0% (Research and Markets, 2021). Plant proteins are considered suitable alternatives in the food industry because of their functional characteristics, quality criteria, and health benefits. They serve as potential substitutes for animal proteins because of their nutrient content, consumer demand, and potential applications in the production of food analogues, such as meat and dairy analogues, among other products. The need for plant-based nutritional proteins and value-added products has increased with increasing consumer health awareness (Nikbakht Nasrabadi, Sedaghat Doost, & Mezzenga, 2021). Protein sources included soybean meal, rapeseed meal, lupin flour, palm kernel cake, canola meal, corn meal, peas, and wheat bran. Mycoproteins, vegetables, algae, and cereals have been explored as protein-rich bioresources that mimic animal meat and dairy products, including fish meat analogues, cheese, and yogurt analogues, with similar textures, flavors, aromatics, and sensory properties. Texturized vegetable proteins act as high-protein, functional, and economical food ingredients that enhance the characteristics of plant-based analogues (Alrosan, et al., 2022).
Fermented plant products are functional solids or liquids produced by the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and fungi (molds and yeasts) using one or more legumes, fresh fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and herbs. They have improved nutritional value due to the presence of flavonoids, polyphenols, prebiotics, probiotics, biological enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and organic acids. The fermentation process, which typically involves submerged or solid-state fermentation by various microorganisms, offers a cost advantage over enzymatic hydrolysis by eliminating the need for expensive proteases (Mota, et al., 2018). Microorganisms can effectively produce bioactive peptides from plant-based sources and improve their bioavailabilities. Fermentation is employed to reduce antinutritional factors (ANF) in plant protein sources and enhance nutrient digestibility and bioavailability. The molecular, functional, and nutritional properties of protein sources have been optimized using fermentation for potential use as alternatives in the production of fermented products (Olukomaiya, Fernando, Mereddy, Li, & Sultanbawa, 2019). Optimized fermentation is a key aspect of food processing, as it ensures safety and enhances beneficial composition. The advent of modern fermentation equipment has introduced new approaches to produce novel food products. These advancements in the fermentation process are based on cost-cutting measures, innovativeness, profit, process improvement, product quality, and better yields. Hence, food fermentation processes can be used to deliver safer, more cost-effective, and better food products.
Bioactive peptides are biomolecules composed of 2–20 amino acids that possess various bioactivities such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antifungal activities. Fermentation also has benefits in peptide production, leading to a reduction in the reaction time and a higher bioactive peptide concentration. It also avoids certain limitations such as allergenicity, bitterness, and toxicity of bioactive peptides (Nasri, Abdelhedi, Nasri, & Jridi, 2022). Plant proteins are rich in antibacterial peptides, such as defensins, 2S albumins, glycine-rich proteins, lipid transfer proteins, snakins, thionins, cyclotides, and napins (Baindara & Mandal, 2022); antioxidative peptides such as gab protein, superoxide dismutase homologue, dioscorin and LTP1 protein (Wen, Zhang, Zhang, Duan, & Ma, 2020); antifungal peptides such as napins (Mignone, Shwaiki, Arendt, & Coffey, 2022), pseudothionins, defensins, snakins (Bartova, Barta, & Jarosova, 2019), and thionins (Thery, Lynch, & Arendt, 2019); and antiviral peptides such as cyclotides, kalata B1, sesquin, and phaseococcin (Vilas Boas, Campos, Berlanda, de Carvalho Neves, & Franco, 2019), capable of providing potential bioactivities. These peptides are encrypted within the parental protein and present in an inactive form, thus requiring release for bioactivity. Synthetic antioxidants, such as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), and tert-butylated hydroquinone (TBHQ) have potential health hazards. Therefore, bioactive peptides can replace synthetic preservatives, helping extend the shelf life of food products (Sarker, 2022). Plant protein-derived bioactive peptides act as potent regulators and food additives that prevent lipid oxidation and microbial spoilage, thereby preserving the quality and safety of food products. J. Zhang, Wang, Han, and Li (2019) discovered that buckwheat peptides were found to markedly extend the shelf life of tilapia fillets. By immersing the fillets in peptide solutions, the microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory qualities were effectively preserved throughout the storage period.
Several defects are found during the fermentation of plant proteins, including the generation of formaldehyde, methanol, nitrite, and biogenic amines, as well as other technical defects, including irregularities in fermentation temperature, microorganism control, trace element deficiency, and storage stability issues (Zinina, et al., 2022). To solve this problem, various strategies, including the potential application of novel technologies, optimization of fermentation processes, and improved bacterial culture, enhance the effectiveness of plant proteins to make them multifunctional ingredients in food fermentation systems to improve the sensorial, organoleptic, and technological characteristics of final food products. Additionally, numerous green technologies, such as ultrasound, microwave, pulsed electric field, ohmic heating, cold plasma, and high hydrostatic pressure, have been applied for the pretreatment of plant proteins during solid-state and submerged fermentation (Valdes, et al., 2022). Novel technologies have been used in combination with fermentation to reduce the limitations associated with microbial fermentation and enhance bioprocesses, product yield, and quality. Pretreatment with plant proteins through ultrasound-assisted fermentation (USF) and microwaves can improve the solubility, digestibility, and formation of fewer degradation products, owing to shorter reaction times (H. Liu et al., 2022). High hydrostatic pressure-assisted fermentation (HHPF), pulsed electric field-assisted fermentation (PEFF) and ohmic heating can enhance productivity and nutrition, and enable optimal and controlled conditions (Sagita, et al., 2023; Xia et al., 2022). Cold plasma is considered a sustainable and “green” approach for protein modification with minimal use of chemicals and solvents. Nevertheless, plasma has proven successful in inactivating allergens and anti-nutritional factors in most proteins (Basak & Annapure, 2022). The synergistic effects of these innovative technologies efficiently increase the production of bioactive peptides with improved bioactivity. Furthermore, co-fermentation using LAB and fungal consortia can facilitate the hydrolysis of plant proteins, which may improve plant protein and peptide properties (Christensen, Garcia-Bejar, Bang-Berthelsen, & Hansen, 2022).
This review discusses the applications of plant proteins as functional ingredients in food model systems. This review also highlights recent findings on fermented plant protein (FPP) sources, their use during fermentation, plant-derived bioactive peptides, and their potential use in commercial products. Additionally, a detailed overview of the production and fermentation culture of fermented plant-based analogues and other products is provided. This review also aimed to determine the prospects and applications of plant proteins in food production by employing novel technology-assisted fermentation processes, including ultrasound, microwave, high-pressure, pulsed electric field, ohmic heating, and cold plasma. Our objective is to equip researchers and food producers with a deeper understanding of the use of plant protein in fermented plant analogues and products and the strategies needed to effectively address the associated challenges.
전 세계적으로 식물성 식품 시장은 2022년부터 2029년까지 연평균 성장률(CAGR) 12.4%로 성장할 것으로 예상되며, 2029년에는 시장 가치가 955억 2천만 달러에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다(Meticulous Research, 2022).
식물성 단백질에 대한 수요는
2050년까지 약 90억 명에 달할 것으로 예상되는 인구 증가와 함께 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다(Lima, Costa, Rodrigues, Lameiras, & Botelho, 2022).
그 중에서도
식물성 발효 식품 시장은
2026년까지 3억 2,929만 달러에서 4억 2,226만 달러에 이를 것으로 예상되며,
연평균 성장률은 5.0%로 예상됩니다(Research and Markets, 2021).
식물성 단백질은
기능적 특성, 품질 기준, 건강상의 이점 때문에
식품 산업에서 적합한 대체재로 간주됩니다.
식물성 단백질은
영양소 함량, 소비자 수요, 육류 및 유제품 유사품과 같은
식품 유사품 생산에 대한 잠재적 응용 가능성 때문에
동물성 단백질의 잠재적 대체재로 사용될 수 있습니다.
식물성 영양 단백질과 부가가치 제품에 대한 필요성은
소비자 건강에 대한 인식이 높아짐에 따라
증가하고 있습니다(Nikbakht Nasrabadi, Sedaghat Doost, & Mezzenga, 2021).
단백질 공급원에는
대두박, 유채박, 루핀 가루, 팜 커널 케이크, 카놀라박, 옥수수박, 완두콩, 밀기울 등이
미생물 단백질, 채소, 해조류, 곡물 등은
동물성 육류와 유제품을 모방한 단백질이 풍부한 생물 자원으로 연구되어 왔으며,
생선 고기 유사품, 치즈, 요구르트 유사품 등
유사한 질감, 풍미, 향, 감각적 특성을 가진 제품이 개발되었습니다.
식물성 단백질은
식물성 유사물의 특성을 향상시키는
고단백, 기능성, 경제적인 식품 원료로 작용합니다(Alrosan, et al., 2022).
발효 식물 제품은
하나 이상의 콩과 식물, 신선한 과일, 채소, 버섯, 허브를 사용하여
젖산균(LAB)과 곰팡이(곰팡이 및 효모)를 발효시켜 생산되는
기능성 고체 또는 액체입니다.
플라보노이드, 폴리페놀,
프리바이오틱스, 프로바이오틱스, 생물학적 효소, 미네랄, 비타민, 유기산이 함유되어 있어
영양가가 향상되었습니다.
발효 과정은
일반적으로 다양한 미생물에 의한 수중 또는 고체 발효를 포함하며,
고가의 프로테아제(Mota, et al., 2018)의 필요성을 제거함으로써
효소 가수분해에 비해 비용 면에서 이점이 있습니다.
식물 기반의 원료에서 생체 활성 펩티드를 효과적으로 생산하고
생체 이용률을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.
식물성 단백질 공급원 내의 영양소 파괴 인자(ANF)를 줄이고
영양소 소화율과 생체 이용률을 향상시키기 위해 사용됩니다.
발효된 제품의 생산에 대한 잠재적 대안으로 사용하기 위해
발효를 통해 단백질 공급원의 분자적, 기능적, 영양적 특성이
최적화되었습니다(Olukomaiya, Fernando, Mereddy, Li, & Sultanbawa, 2019).
발효 최적화는
식품 가공의 핵심 요소입니다.
발효 최적화는
안전성을 보장하고 유익한 성분을 향상시키기 때문입니다.
현대적인 발효 장비의 출현으로
새로운 식품 생산에 대한 새로운 접근 방식이 도입되었습니다.
발효 공정의 이러한 발전은
비용 절감, 혁신성, 수익, 공정 개선, 제품 품질 및 수율 향상을 기반으로 합니다.
식품 발효 공정을 통해 더 안전하고,
더 비용 효율적이며,
더 나은 식품을 제공할 수 있습니다.
생체 활성 펩타이드는
항균, 항산화, 항진균 작용 등 다양한 생체 활성을 가진
2~20개의 아미노산으로 구성된 생체 분자입니다.
펩타이드 생산에 이점이 있어 반응 시간을 단축하고
생체 활성 펩타이드 농도를 높일 수 있습니다.
생체 활성 펩타이드의 알레르기 유발성, 쓴맛, 독성과 같은
특정 제한을 피할 수 있습니다(Nasri, Abdelhedi, Nasri, & Jridi, 2022).
식물성 단백질에는
디펜신, 2S 알부민, 글리신 함유 단백질, 지질 전달 단백질,
스네킨, 티오닌, 사이클로토프, 나핀(Baindara & Mandal, 2022)과 같은
항균성 펩타이드가 풍부합니다.
가브 단백질, 슈퍼옥사이드 디스뮤타제 동족체, 디오스코린,
LTP1 단백질(Wen, Zhang, Zhang, Duan, & Ma, 2020); 나핀(napins)과 같은
항진균 펩타이드(Mignone, Shwaiki, Arendt, & Coffey, 2022),
슈도티오닌(pseudothionins), 디펜신(defensins), 스네킨(snakins)(Bartova, Barta, & Jarosova, 2019),
티오닌(thionins)(Thery, Lynch, & Arendt, 2019); 사이클로티오드(cyclotides)와 같은
항바이러스 펩타이드,
칼라타 B1, 세스킨, 그리고 파소코신(Vilas Boas, Campos, Berlanda, de Carvalho Neves, & Franco, 2019)은
잠재적인 생체활성을 제공할 수 있습니다.
이러한 펩타이드는
부모 단백질 내에 암호화되어 비활성 형태로 존재하므로
생체 활성을 위해 방출되어야 합니다.
부틸화 하이드록시톨루엔(BHT), 부틸화 하이드록시아니솔(BHA),
tert-부틸화 하이드로퀴논(TBHQ)과 같은
합성 항산화제는 잠재적인 건강 위험이 있습니다.
생체 활성 펩타이드는
합성 방부제를 대체하여 식품의 유통 기한을 연장하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다(Sarker, 2022).
식물성 단백질에서 추출한 생체 활성 펩티드는
지질 산화 및 미생물 부패를 방지하는
강력한 조절제 및 식품 첨가물 역할을 하여 식품의 품질과 안전성을 보존합니다.
J. Zhang, Wang, Han, and Li (2019)는
메밀 펩티드가 틸라피아 필레의 유통 기한을 현저하게 연장한다는 사실을 발견했습니다.
필레를 펩티드 용액에 담그면
저장 기간 동안 미생물학적, 물리화학적, 감각적 특성이 효과적으로 보존됩니다.
식물성 단백질의 발효 과정에서
포름알데히드, 메탄올, 아질산염, 생체 아민 등의 여러 가지 결함이 발견되며,
발효 온도 불균형, 미생물 조절, 미량 원소 결핍, 저장 안정성 문제 등
기타 기술적 결함도 발견됩니다(Zinina 외, 2022).
이 문제를 해결하기 위해,
새로운 기술의 잠재적 적용,
발효 과정의 최적화,
박테리아 배양 개선 등 다양한 전략을 통해
식물성 단백질의 효과를 향상시켜
식품 발효 시스템에서 다기능성 성분으로 만들어
최종 식품의 감각적, 관능적, 기술적 특성을 개선합니다.
초음파, 마이크로파, 펄스 전기장, 저항 가열, 냉각 플라즈마, 고수압 등
다양한 녹색 기술이 고체 상태 및 수중 발효 과정에서
식물 단백질의 전처리에 적용되고 있습니다(Valdes 외, 2022).
미생물 발효의 한계를 극복하고 바이오프로세스를 향상시키며,
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최적의 통제된 조건을 가능하게 합니다(Sagita, et al., 2023; Xia et al., 2022).
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그럼에도 불구하고,
플라즈마는 대부분의 단백질에서 알레르겐과 항영양 인자를 비활성화하는 데
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식물성 단백질과 펩타이드의 특성을 개선할 수 있습니다(Christensen, Garcia-Bejar, Bang-Berthelsen, & Hansen, 2022).
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또한 발효 식물성 단백질(FPP)의 출처,
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식물 유래 생리 활성 펩타이드,
그리고 상업적 제품에서의 잠재적 사용에 대한 최근 연구 결과를 강조합니다.
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우리의 목표는
연구자와 식품 생산자가 발효 식물 유사체와 제품에 식물 단백질을 사용하는 것과 관련된 문제를
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Section snippetsPlant-based protein sources
Various plant protein sources have been highlighted as alternatives to animal-based food. Some of the best sources of plant proteins are legumes, cereals, seeds, nuts, plant by-products or waste, and aquatic plants. A general representation of the list of plant protein sources and their effective utilization in the production of fermented plant products (FPP) is shown in Fig. 1.
Fermentation is a food-processing method that involves living microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeasts, to facilitate the enzymatic transformation of complex food compounds into simpler components, such as alcohols, organic acids, free phenolic compounds, simple sugars, and peptides. Fermentation can enhance the nutritional value of food, improve digestibility, and add unique flavors. The success of the fermentation process depends on several factors, including the choice of microorganisms,
Fermented plant-based meat analogues
A meat analogue, also known as meat substitute, imitation meat, or faux meat, ensures the chemical characteristics and aesthetic qualities of specific types of meat. The success of meat analogues can be attributed to several factors. Primarily, they are perceived as health-conscious alternatives to traditional meat products because of their cholesterol-free composition, similar meat-like texture, and cost-effectiveness, making them a viable option for consumers (Joshi & Kumar, 2015). Wheat
Fermented plant protein-derived bioactive peptides and their role in commercial products
To overcome food spoilage and lipid peroxidation of fresh products, such as meat products or bakery goods, plant-derived peptides are obtained during fermentation and used in the food industry. In the context of developing highly beneficial food protein bioactive peptides, it is imperative to understand the structure-activity relationship of biomolecules (Kumari, Sanjukta, Sahoo, & Rai, 2021). Detailed knowledge of this relationship offers insights into the suitable selection of microbes to
Effects of novel technologies-assisted fermentation on plant proteins and fermented products
Current trends in pre-fermentative methods, such as ultrasound, microwave, high-pressure, pulsed electric field, ohmic heating, and cold plasma, aim to optimize plant protein processing. Non-thermal technologies are potentially employed for the pretreatment of plant proteins, which play a key role in the release of multifunctional bioactive peptides. Novel technologies in food fermentation aim to satisfy consumer expectations, guarantee high-quality safe products, and fulfill industrial
Comparison with animal origin
Plant-based cheeses are animal-friendly and environmentally sustainable alternatives to traditional cheeses (Jadhav & Annapure, 2021). During livestock production, a significant proportion of protein (approximately 81.7 %) is lost when feed and grass proteins are converted to meat proteins. The environmental implications of animal protein production, combined with the growing recognition of the health advantages of plant proteins, underscore the need for continued research and development in
Conclusion and future perspectives
As mentioned above, the growing demand for high-quality foods that are microbially safe and retain natural freshness has increased the use of plant proteins in food processing. This review provides the current state of research on plant proteins that are particularly suitable for fermentation and can serve as viable alternatives to animal proteins, considering their nutritional properties, consumer demand, and their applications in the production of plant-based meat analogues. Although
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Muhammad Salman Farid: Conceptualization; visualization; Data curation; Writing - original draft; Formal analysis. Rameesha Anjum: Formal analysis; Writing-review & editing. Yiping Yang: Writing-review & editing. Maolin Tu: Writing-review & editing; Supervision. Tao Zhang: Writing-review & editing; Supervision. Daodong Pan: Reviewing; Supervision. Yangying Sun: Writing-review & editing; Supervision. Zhen Wu: Conceptualization; Validation; Writing-review & editing; Supervision; Project
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
This work was supported by the Outstanding Youth Fund of Zhejiang Province (LR22C200001), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32072192, 31972048), the Key Project of Ningbo Science and Technology (2023Z127), the National Key R & D Program of China (2021YFD2100103), the Open Project Program of the First-Class Bioengineering Disciplines in Zhejiang Province (KF2023004), the Student Research and Innovation Program of Ningbo University (2023SRIP3603), and the K. C. Wong Magna Fund in
References (177)