Earthly Life and Spirit World (Part 2) - 055 Chapter 1. The Kingdom Of God Section 3. The Qualifications And Conditions For Entering The Kingdom Of God 1) The Qualifications For Entering Tim Kingdom Of God
④ Living for the Sake of Others - 2
We are destined to go there regardless of our will. That is our way of life. We are going the way of a traveler. What can be a problem in your life? Whether you are living more for the sake of others or for yourself.
If you lived more for the sake of others, you will go to the Kingdom of God. If the opposite is true, you will go to hell. You may be unable to believe this fundamental formula now, in your present situation, but when you die you will come to understand.
God has worked providentially to save mankind through religion. Therefore, the higher the dimension of a religion, the more that religion teaches higher contents which are in accord with the principle of the original homeland. Therefore, many high religions could not help but teach the idea of sacrifice and service.
Because God has been working providentially behind religion to match the world to the original world, we cannot deny that God is working within human history.
Accordingly, a religion that is living for the sake of others will develop, while a religion which tries to take the subjective position, centered on itself, will decline. (74-51)
What is the Kingdom of God? You should know with certainty what the Kingdom of God is. It is the world of love. It is the world of living for the sake of the center, God. (98-35)