등나무(wisteria)를 뜻하는 말레이어 rotan 에서 유래되었다고 합니다.
전 세계 600종 이상이 있지만 그중 70%가 인도네시아에서 서식한다고 해요. 껍질을 벗겨 가구, 공예품의 재료로 사용합니다.
noun [ U or C ]
a plant like grass that grows on wet ground, often next to rivers:
This wetland sedge forms low-growing attractive clumps of fine-leaved vegetation.
이 습지대는 잘 자라지 않는 매력적인 미세 잎 식생 덩어리를 형성한다.
What is low growing?
Definitions of low-growing. adjective. of plants that grow relatively low to the ground. synonyms: flat-growing, ground-hugging low. literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension.
A Brief History Of Rattan
The history of rattan appeared with pharaohs in ancient Egypt, rattan is an ancient craft that uses raw materials originally developed for basket weaving. Later, the Romans were influenced by Egyptian woven furniture, and adopted this material as their own technique, expanding the style across their country.
The rapid growth of trade with Asia brought rattan to the West, increasing the number of rattan suppliers. This style of rattan products soon come to the British Empire, from India to the West Indies, and to England itself, where it was associated with a safely civilized exoticism that captivated the Victorians.
The origin of rattan is a fast-growing relative of the palm family, the rattan is indigenous to tropical parts of Australia, Asia, and Africa. It grows from the forest floor, scaling fruit, cedar, and rubber trees, and is harvested and processed by farmers. There are about 600 species in total worldwide.