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감동 책 역사 인물 Inspiration 스크랩 데이비드 W. 다니엘스 는 누구인가?
kingdom 추천 0 조회 45 17.09.02 08:33 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

Who Is David W. Daniels?

퍼시픽 크리스찬 칼리지에서 바이블과 언어학을 훈련받았다. 
히브리와 그리이스 성경을 20여년을 탐구하고, 성경의 역사를 공부하고나서 
그가 내린 결론은 킹제임스 성경이 영어로된 하나님의 보존된 말씀이라는 것이다.

그는 킹제임스 성경이 영어로 보존된 하나님의 말씀이라는 것을 한 번 이해한 후에,
데이비드 다이엘은 의심없이 성경을 믿는 주의깊은 직역자가 되었다. 

세권의 책을 집필하였다.

1. 로마카톨릭과 성경
2. 로마카톨릭과 바빌론종교 
3. 프리메이슨에 속지말라.

  • 1984 B.A. Bible and Linguistics, Pacific Christian College
  • 1987 M.Div General Theology, emphasis in Linguistics, Fuller Theological Seminary
  • 3 Summer SIL ? Summer Institute of Linguistics, trained to be a Bible translator, Northwest SIL (1983, 1985, 1986)
그리고 두번째로 그의 삶을 변화시킨것은 칙 만화였다.

아무튼 부족한 실력에 이렇게 표현하게 하신 은혜에 감사드리며 더 좋은 Update를 기도해 봅니다. 

Chick Tracts Changed My Life ? Twice

By David W. Daniels

Many of my friends know that Chick Publications recently changed my life when they showed me that the King James Bible is God's preserved Words in English. All other versions are either incomplete or perverted. I can now say with confidence: "Thus saith the Lord!"

But this is not the first time the work of Chick Publications has changed my life. At nine, I considered myself "half Christian, half Buddhist," saying strange words from a book (really praying to pagan devils), and rubbing the prayer beads while looking at a paper in a wooden box. (Not unlike looking at a statue of Mary while reciting set prayers, using a rosary.) But God knew I loved comics.

A soul winner walked by with the Chick tract, THIS WAS YOUR LIFE!I read it with him and said the prayer at the back. He told me to go to a church that teaches Christ.

But I misunderstood about Christ. I started to going to the "church" of "Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints." I became a Mormon. But the story does not end there.

I was a Mormon for four years, then became a Religious Scientist (an occultic group like Christian Science). Two years later I took the new-age "est" training and later joined the "Unity School of Christianity."

In my last year of high school, I was performing spells and reading occultic literature, believing I was "god" and there was no devil. But God got hold of me again. one night, I performed a spell. In my exhilaration I cried out, "I am a prophet of God!"

Then I heard a voice: "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." (Matthew 7:21-23)

I remembered the picture of that man standing before God in THIS WAS YOUR LIFE! I knew that I needed to repent, as it says in every Chick tract. I repented with all my heart. And I have never regretted that day the soul winner came to my apartment, with an open heart and a Chick tract

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