On cloud nine : extremely happy and excited
(너무 행복한, 최고조로 기쁜)
A : You're looking happy today.
(너 오늘 행복해 보인다)
B : I am. I've never been happier.
(그래. 이처럼 행복한 적이 없지)
A : Did you win the lottery or something?
(로또에 당첨되었어? 아니면 뭔가 있어?)
B : No. Last night Joseph proposed to me. He finally popped the question.
(아니. 어제밤에 요셉이 프로포즈했어. 그가 결국 청혼을 했어)
A : That's great!
B : It sure is. I've been on cloud nine all day long.
(확실히 그렇지. 하루종일 기분이 너무 좋아)
A : Well, you'd better come down. There's work right here on Earth for you to do.
(자, 진정해. 지상에서 네가 해야할 일이 바로 여기 있으니까)
* pop the question : 청혼하다.
on Earth : 지상에서, 이땅에서
Have a nice day!
첫댓글 I am on cloud nine everyday,for all things that I do go well.I try to have the thankful mind for all things that are good or not.I believe all things belong to the mind how we think.And I think that only those who do their best can catch the chance to be happy.Good-night.
Yeah, you gave us a right word! Have a good day.