Earthly Life and Spirit World (Part 2) - 058 Chapter 1. The Kingdom Of God Section 3. The Qualifications And Conditions For Entering The Kingdom Of God 2) The Standard To Be Able To Enter The Kingdom Of God
② When You Cannot Enter the Kingdom of God - 1
True Father himself is worried about the Unification Church. What should be our motivation: God's Will or our own will?
The self should not become the motivation. However, in many cases, the motivation is derived from the self instead of from God's Will.
While God's Will asks us to go the way of suffering, the self tries to betray it. They are opposite positions.
While God's Will asks us to go right, the self tries to go left. You try to excuse yourself by saying, "I had a harder time than anyone else since joining the Unification Church."
The one who makes excuses for himself cannot enter the Kingdom of God. The position of absolute faith is not a place to excuse oneself.
There is nothing to say. The Kingdom of God is where one cannot be proud of one's achievements. What you call a hundred percent might be just one percent from God's viewpoint.
What you think is a hundred may be just one from God's viewpoint. Therefore, the one who is centered on himself cannot enter the Kingdom of God.