Lusail National Stadium (86,000 seats)
venue for the tournament final. The venue is set among a host of facilities for fans to enjoy themselves
in the build up to the tournament, including the Lusail International Race Circuit, the Lusail
Entertainment Centre, as well as the magically sparkling waterfront.
Khalifa International Stadium (70,000 seats)
the stadium will be transformed into a 70,000-seat stadium that will personify Qatar's unique blend of
tradition and modernity.
Doha Port Stadium (43,500 seats)
will be visible from afar at night, giving the illusion of floating out at sea and making for spectacular
television images from the air, to be beamed by billions of viewers across the globe. After the last
game of the World Cup has been played, as part of Qatar's legacy to football across the globe, the
stadium will be down-scaled and its modules used to construct new stadiums in other countries of
the developing world.
첫댓글 월드컵 개최유무와 상관없이 추진되는 것인가요?
아니면 월드컵을 개최할 시에만 추진되는 것인가요?
월드컵 유치를 전제로 추진되는 것으로 알고 있습니다.
뭐...예상은 했는데...
아직 카타르가 유치 실패한 것은 아니지만...
월드컵과 상관없이 추진한다면 아시아에 또다른 귀중한 보석들이 탄생할텐데...
혹시...이렇게 설레발 떨었는데...
카타르가 개최권을 획득하려나...^^;;;
기대 이상의 추진력, 블레터의 발언, 최근 카타르의 메인 이벤트 관심도 등등...괜히 무서운데...
거의 중간에 운동장만 남겨 놓고 나머진 다 허물었다 새로 지어야 겠네요... 휴~