제11장 수동태 (Passive voice)///
1. 수동태의 형식
수동태- 주어가 동작을 받는 형식의 문장
(1) 수동태를 만드는 법- [be + 과거분사 + by]
1) 능동태의 목적어를 주격으로 바꾸어 수동태의 주어로 한다.
ex) I visited him -> He was visited by me.
2) 능동태의 동사를 [be + 과거분사] 형태로 바꾼다. be 동사는 수동태의 주어의 인칭 및 수에 따라서 바뀌고, 시제는 능동태의 시제와 일치시킨다.
ex) He writes a book.
-> A book is written by him.
3) 능동태의 주어를 수동태에서 목적격으로 고쳐서 by뒤에 둔다.
ex) His parents love him.
-> He is loved by his parents.
(2) [by--]를 생략하는 경우
1) 능동태의 주어가 일반인을 나타내는 We, You, They, One, People일때 by us(you, them, one, people)를 생략
ex) They speak French in France.
-> French is spoken in France (by them).
We see stars at night.
-> Stars are seen (by us) at night.
One should keep one's word.
-> One's word should be kept (by one).
2) 능동태의 주어가 불분명하거나, 행위자를 나타낼 필요가 없는 경우 by-생략.
ex) They were killed in the war in 1950.
That house was built twenty years ago.
2. 수동태의 시제
(1) A letter is written by him.
-> He writes a letter.
(2) A letter was written by him.
-> He wrote a letter.
(3) A letter will be written by him.
-> He will write a letter.
(4) A letter has been written by him.
-> He has written a letter.
(5) A letter had been written by him.
-> He had written a letter.
(6) A letter will have been written by him.
-> He will have written a letter.
(7) A letter is being written by him.
-> He is writing a letter.
(8) A letter was being written by him.
-> He was writing a letter.
3. 주의해야 할 수동태
(1) 제4형식의 수동태- 간접목적어와 직접목적어를 주어로 하는 두 개의 수동태가 가능. 3형식 문장이 됨.
ex) He gave me a watch.
-> A watch was given (to) me by him
I was given a watch by him.
* 제 4형식의 동사 중에서 buy, make, write, send, pass등은 수동태가 하나이다.
ex) I wrote him a letter.
-> A letter was written (to) him by me.
Father bought me a camera.
-> A camera was bought (for) me by father.
(2) 제5형식의 수동태
- 2형식으로 변한다.
ex) We call him John.
-> He is called John (by us).
(3) 보어가 원형부정사인 수동태- 지각동사 및 사역동사 다음의 원형부정사는 수동태에서는 [to부정사]로 된다.
ex) We saw him break the window.
-> He was seen to break the window by us.
He made me go there.
-> I was made to go there.
(4) 조동사가 있는 경우
- [조동사 + be + 과거분사]
ex) He can solve the problem.
-> The problem can be solved by him.
I did not write the letter.
-> The letter was not written by me.
* do (does, did)는 수동태에 따라가지 않는다.
(5) [자동사 + 전치사](숙어)의 수동태- 한 단어처럼 취급
ex) The car run over a boy.
-> A boy was run over by the car.
(6) 의문문의 수동태- 의문사가 주어인 경우 [by + 의문사]가 문두에 온다.
ex) Who made the box?
-> By whom was the box made?
When did he make the box?
-> When was the box made by him?
(7) 수동태의 관용적 표현
ex) The news surprised them.
-> They were surprised at the news.
I was pleased with the gift.
= I was pleased to receive the gift.
We are satisfied with the result.
Is he much interested in music?
The doctor is known to everybody.
I am tired with walking.
I am tired of eggs.
I was born on August 2nd, 1945.