Catch him red-handed : to discover someone while they are in the act of doing something bad or illegal
(누군가가 좋은 않은 행동을 하거나 불법을 저지르는 것을 파악하다)
A : Well, I think Joseph is having an affair.
(아무래도 요셉이 바람피우나봐)
B : You've got to be kidding. What makes you think he's cheating on you?
(농담이겠지. 왜 요셉이 너를 속인다고 생각하지?)
A : He keeps breaking our dates, he's been working late all the time, and he's always telling me he's visiting his sister.
(계속 우리 데이트를 펑크내고, 항상 늦게까지 일한다고 하고, 매번 자기 여동생을 방문한다고 말해)
B : There's only one way to find out for sure.
(확실하게 알아내는 방법이 한가지 있지)
A : How?
B : Let's follow him.
(그를 미행하자)
A : Then we can catch him red-handed.
(그러면 우리가 그의 단서를 포착할 수 있지)
Have a nice day!