제목: A genomic view of the eastern Eurasian
steppe history
일시: 2019. 1. 31.(목) 16:00~18:00
장소: 서울대 신양인문학술정보관(4동) 301호 세미나실
강연자: 정충원(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History,
Leader of the Population Genetics / MHAAM Group)
초록: Nomadic pastoralists of the Eurasian steppe played a pivotal
role in the history of sedentary societies in their periphery but
their history was only sparsely recorded, mostly by their
neighbors. A lack of detailed historical records inspired much
debates on the nature of various steppe populations or polities,
such as Xiongnu, Xianbei and Göktürks. Recent developments in
archaeogenetics, a genomic study of DNA sequences from ancient
individuals, provide a powerful tool to reconstruct past human
population structure, migration and mixture in unprecedented
resolution. However, archaeogenetic studies on the eastern steppe,
i.e. Mongolian highlands, have barely been conducted. Here we
introduce our ongoing large-scale project on Mongolia, including
genome-wide data of 197 ancient individuals from Neolithic to
Mongolian empire periods. We observe that repeated mixtures
between eastern and western Eurasian ancestries define the genetic
history of the eastern steppe. We observe strong genetic and
geographic distinctions in the Late Bronze Age, associated with
the archaeological differentiation between slab grave and
Khirigsuur burial traditions. Later in time, Xiongnu-period
genomes suggest a major shift in the western Eurasian ancestry in
the steppe and breakdown of a correlation between genes and
geography, likely to be connected with the introduction of horses
as the key domesticates and with the associated increase in
mobility. Our study exemplifies dynamic nature of the steppe
population history and potential of fine-scale inference using
state-of-the-art genomic technologies.
(강연은 한국어로 진행됩니다.)
주최: 서울대 인문대 동아시아비교인문학 연합전공
강연자인 정충원 선생님은 Ancient DNA에 대한 genome-wide 분석에서 괄목할 만한 연구 성과를 내고 있는 세계적인 학자입니다. 정충원 선생님의 연구는 선사시대 인류의 이동과 계통에 대한 최신의 연구를 대표하며, 선사시대 언어의 계통과 분화 과정에 대해서도 시사하는 바가 큽니다. 언어유형론 및 언어의 역사와 계통에 관심을 갖는 연구자들이 흥미있게 들을 만한 내용입니다. 주위의 많은 분들께 알려 주시고, 많이 참석해 주시기 바랍니다.
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