"As for the Zanj, they are people of black color, flat noses, kinky hair, and little understanding or intelligence."
=> 그들은 검은 피부, 납작한 코, 심한 곱슬 머리, 아주 낮은 이해력과 지능을 갖췄다.
"We know that the Zanj (blacks) are the least intelligent and the least discerning of mankind, and the least capable of understanding the consequences of actions." Jahiz (d. 868 AD), Kitab al-Bukhala'
=> 우리 모두는 흑인들은 가장 야만적이고, 가장 이해력이 떨어지는 인류라는 것을 알고 있다.
"[inhabitants of sub-Saharan African countries] are people distant from the standards of humanity" "Their nature is that of wild animals...." Persian geography Hudud al-`alam, 982 AD
=> 사하라 이남의 거주자들인 인류의 기준에 부합되지 않는다. 그들은 동물일 뿐이다.
"They [the Shu`ubiyya] maintain that eloquence is prized by all people at all times -- even the Zanj, despite their dimness, their boundless stupidity, their obtuseness, their crude perceptions and their evil dispositions, make long speeches." Jahiz, Al-Bayan wa`l-tabyin, vol. 3
"Galen says that merriment dominates the black man because of his defective brain, whence also the weakness of his intelligence." Mas`udi (d. 956 AD), Muruj al-dhahab
=>갈렌이 말하기를 흑인들은 뇌에 결함이 있기에 늘 즐거운 분위기다. 그들의 낮은 지능도 한 몫한다.
"As regards southern countries, all their inhabitants are black on account of the heat of their climate... Most of them go naked... In all their lands and provinces, gold is found.... They are people distant from the standards of humanity." Hudud al-`Alam, Persian geography, 982 AD
"The Zanj are so uncivilized that they have no notion of a natural death. If a man dies a natural death, they think he was poisoned. Every death is suspicious with them, if a man has not been killed by a weapon." Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, India, 1030 AD
About the Zanj: "Their nature is that of wild animals. They are extremely black." About the Sudan: "Among themselves there are people who steal each other's children and sell them to the merchants when the latter arrive." Hudud al-`Alam, 982 AD
"If (all types of men) are taken, from the first, and one placed after another, like the Negro from Zanzibar, in the Southern-most countries, the Negro does not differ from an animal in anything except the fact that his hands have been lifted from the earth,--in no other peculiarity or property,--except for what God wished. Many have seen that the ape is more capable of being trained than the Negro, and more intelligent." Philosopher-theologian Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201-74), Tasawwurat
"Therefore, the Negro nation are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because [Negroes] have little [that is essentially] human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated." Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah, 14th century AD
"A man of discernment said: The people of Iraq ... do not come out with something between blonde, buff and blanched coloring, such as the infants dropped from the wombs of the women of the Slavs and others of similar light complexion; nor are they overdone in the womb until they are burned, so that the child comes out something between black, murky, malodorous, stinking, and crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs, deficient minds, and depraved passions, such as the Zanj, the Somali, and other blacks who resemble them. The Iraqis are neither half-baked dough nor burned crust but between the two." ibn al-Faqih al-Hamadani, Mukhtasar Kitab al-Buldan, 903 AD
"beyond [known peoples of black West Africa] to the south there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings." Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah
"[Blacks] are ugly and misshapen, because they live in a hot country." Ibn Qutayba (828-89 A.D.)
"The Zanj are slight-witted (kam 'aql), and God, most high, has created them stupid, ignorant, and foul (palid)." anonymous, Iskandarnamah, 1343 AD
아프리카 국가들과는 모든 인적 교류를 막아야합니다. 아 큰일이네요..망국의 흑형질, 흑인 찬양은 당장 멈추어야 합니다
첫댓글 지금도 흑인은 ...... 창조적인 학문과 생산적인 일에는 무능합니다 ....흑인이 두각을 나타내는건 .....대중음악과 춤 그리고 스포츠 정도일뿐
인종간 능력과 우열은 .... 인정하지 안으려하지만 우열은 분명히 존재합니다
아름님이 보시기에
백인 흑인 황인중 어떤 인종이
제일 우월하죠 ?
어느 인종이 굳이 우월하다고 가리기 보다는 .... 분야별로 다른데 .... 보는 사람이 어느 부분에 중점을 두고 보느냐에 따라 다르겠지요 .....스포츠 좋아하는 사람입장에선 흑인이 우월하다고 하겠죠
유럽과 동양 그리고 아프리카 각지역에 살고있는 백인과 동양인 그리고 흑인은 같은 선상에 놓고 비교할수가 없습니다 .... 사회환경이 너무 다르기 때문에....
그러나 한나라안에 이 3개인종이 같은교육을 받고 있다면 ....비교가 가능하겠죠
미국에는 .... 흑인.백인.황인이 같은 국가와 사회체계속에서 같은 교육을 받고 있기 때문에 비교할수 있을겁니다
정치는 .... 비교할수 없을겁니다 ....같은 인종이 많은쪽이 유리하기 때문이죠
그러나 ..... 학문.기업경영.스포츠.예술 등등에선 각인종의 차이는 상당히 뚜렸하게 구분되는듯 합니다
백인과 황인종은 ... 학문과 기업창업과 경영쪽에서 / 흑인과 백인은 ....스포츠에서 ..... 같은 교육을 받았는데 학문과 기업창업과경영엔 ...흑인은 우리에게 알려진 유명한 사람이 거의 없습니다
미국에서 백인 다음으로 많은 인구가 흑인인데 .... 동양인이나 중동(이슬람)인들 보다도 .... 학문이나 기업인이 더 적은듯 합니다 ....(이건 지극히 저의 개인적인 느낌입니다 )
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