출처 : 2022-08-24 러시아연방 모스크바무역관
= GDPR 개인정보보호법 지침 준수
자료: Customs statistics: Globus FEA URL, Statistics service URL: Statista.com, Ministry of Industry
and Trade of the Russian Federation, Federal Customs Service, Expert magazine, RBC magazine,
Customs and foreign economic activity portal Issa, Prompk company industy news, Craftech’s (company) articles,
Brand essence research company
KOTRA 모스크바 무역관 자료 종합
첫댓글 #트리플팬데믹 #코시국 #엔데믹 #위드코로나 ~ing #리마인드2022 #8월 #러시아 #베어링 #EU산업 #해외직접제품규칙 #FDPR