The Way Of The Spiritual Leader - 323 Chapter 5 - Ministering and Giving Guidance to the Members Section 3 - Essential Elements of Guidance Given to Members 1. Living for the Sake of Others
2) A Church Leader's Purpose of Existence is for the Sake of the Members - 2
You value the vertical relationship with God but often ignore the relationships with people. When we look at the content of the Principle that should be lectured on, we can see that it is surely a precious gospel and truth.
Therefore, without the unity of the vertical content about God and the horizontal relationship between Cain and Abel, there can not be any restoration.
You have to understand that this is where all the contents that symbolize the truth are contained and all the meanings that symbolize the cross are also contained.
For this reason, everyone must always think about God no matter if he or she is happy or sad. Before the vertical standard, one must think about God both when they are happy and when they are experiencing difficulties.
Why is this? This is so that the whole can unite with God. Therefore, in the external environment there must a foundation for the members to mourn together with you when you are feeling sorrowful.
Moreover, there must also be a foundation for you to share your happiness with members.
Accordingly, as much as you care for God, you must care for people. You have to understand the meaning behind the words of Jesus, "When you do something for someone very small and insignificant, then this is the same as doing something for me." He said this even though the disciples did not carry it out for him directly. (34-229)
Because you are currently engaged in the Cain-Abel conflict on the horizontal plane, you should love and care for the members. You have to care for them with the same heart as God. (76-337) |