Toe the line : 규율을 따르다, 규정을 따르다
A : Now that we're roommates, we're going to have to do things differently.
(이제 우리 룸메이트가 되었으니까 일을 각기 다르게 해야한다)
B : What do you mean?
(무슨 뜻이야?)
A : We're going to have to split all the bills down the middle.
(모든 계산을 반으로 나워 부담해야 해)
B : Sure. No problem!
(알았어. 문제 없어)
A : You say that now, but make sure you toe the line.
(너 지금 그렇게 말했으나 규정을 확실히 지켜야 돼)
B : Don't worry, Have I ever let you down?
(걱정마. 내가 너를 실망시켰니?)
A : Do you want me to honestly answer that?
(내 솔직한 답변을 듣고 싶어?)
Example : The new director will make us toe the line, I'm sure.
(새로온 이사는 틀림없이 리에게 규정을 따르라고 할거야)
Have a nice day!
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