The Way Of The Spiritual Leader - 325 Chapter 5 - Ministering and Giving Guidance to the Members Section 3 - Essential Elements of Guidance Given to Members 1. Living for the Sake of Others
2) A Church Leader's Purpose of Existence is for the Sake of the Members - 4
How many tears have you shed for the sake of the nation, members and brothers, how much did you practice true love? This is the problem.
Inasmuch as we, the Unification Church, are seeking the history of heart centering on this type of question, our standard cannot be lower than the heart of Jesus of the historical times. Centering on God's heart, we must be higher. (60-145)
One who lives for the sake of others does not become indebted to others. If he lives such an altruistic life, then without fail, three generations of his descendants will prosper.
When you open the door at the dawn as the cock crows, there will be people standing there waiting for you. Without sleeping, even at night, they will come climbing over the walls.
Isn't this how it should be? After they come, you are to talk about the public vision of God, about the people and this world.
When you are talking centering on the perspective of God's love and the ideal world of God, then you do not even know that the night is about to pass by.
You will feel as if departing is the great sorrow of the thousand years, and not being aware of the fact that the time is passing by.
This type of time is connected and on that basis the foundation has been established. Do you understand what I am saying? |