I'd like to rent a car, please.
Do you have a reservation?
No, I don't.
Do I have to have one?
No, that's fine.
Do you have a driver's license?
Do you want me to show it to you?
Yes, please. Thank you.
I'd like to rent a compact car.
I'd like to rent a mid-size car.
I'd like to return this car, please.
I'd like this one, please.
I'd like a small car, please.
I'duke something bigger.
Do I have to have one?
Do I have to?
Do I have to get one?
DoI have to bring one?
Do you want me to do it?
Do you want me to carry it?
Do you want me to fill out this form now?
Where can I rent a car?
I'd like to rent a car?
I have a reservation.
Can I switch to the 3-day rental plan?
I'd like a compact car.
Does that car have air conditioning?
I'd like a car with an MP3 player.
What's the daily rate?
Do you have anything cheaper?
How many miles does this car have on it?
Do I have to be insured?
How much does insurance cost?
I'll take the minimum insurance coverage.
What should I do if I get in an accident?
What kind of fuel does this take?
I would buy a half tank of gasoline.
I'll put in the gas myself.
Do I need to fill up the gas tank when I return in?
Can I get a map?
Where's the next petro (gas) station?
I've run out of gas.
Please fill it up.
I'd like 30 liters.
20 dollars worth, please.
I think my tires are low. Please check them.
I have a flat tire.
My car won't start.
My car broke down.
When will it be ready?
My battery is dead.
I need a tow truck.
I didn't see a stop sign.
Can I park here?
How much does it cost to park here?
렌트할 때 Words
rental car 렌터카
pick-up date 대여 일시
return date 반납 일시
rental period 대여 기간
deposit(bond) 보증금
mileage 주행 거리
driving record 운전 경력
daily rate 하루 대여료
rentall fee(rate) 대여 요금
weekend special 주말 특가
infant child seats 유아용 카시트
car rental agreement 차랑 대여 동의서international driver's license 국제 운전 면허증
auto(moto) insurance 자동차 보험
차랑 종류 Words
mini-compact 경차
compact 소형
standard 표준형
fullsize (large) 대형
mid-size 중형
two seater 2인승
small pickup 소형 트럭
minivan 소형 승합차
large van대형 승합차
luxury 고급차
automatic transmission 자동변속기convertible 오픈 카
manual(standard) transmission 수동 변속기
SUV 스포츠형 다목적 차량
운전 중 유의 Words
No Passing 추월 금지
No Parking 주차 금지
School Zone 어린이 보호 구역
parking fee 주차 요금
gas (petrol) station 주유소
parking meter 주차요금기
seat belt 안전 벨트
lane 차선
road map 지도
towing 견인
flat tire 펑크 난 타이어
(unleaded) petrol (무연) 휘발유
one-way 일방 통행
parking lot 주차장
tow truck 견인차
break-down 고장
accident 사고