What is the line for?
Anything interesting?
Yeah. I'm getting a ticket for the Picasso Exhibition.
Oh, yeah? What's the admission fee?
It's $15 for adults.
I see. Do you think I can get a student discount?
I think so, if you have an international student card.
What are you in line for?
Are you in line?
What's going on?
How much is the entrance fee?
How much is it to get in?
How much does it cost to get in?
Can I get a student discount?
Do you think I can get a free ticket?
Do you think they are open on Sundays as well?
Do you think they have free brochures?
Do you think we can take photo in here?
Can I take pictures in here?
Where is the tourist imformation center?
Can I get some imformation for tours of this area?
Do you have a tourist map?
Do you have a city map?
Do you have any brochures about the museums?
What are som tourist attractions here?
Are there some good places to see around here?
What do you think are the best places to see?
Do you have any recommendations?
Could you recommend some interesting sights?
Where can I see the best view of the whole city?
What do you think I should see?
Where do you think I should go?
Do you know where I can see a play?
Is there a theater nearby?
Do you know where the museum is?How do I get there?
Can I go there on foot?
You can catch a bus over there.
Where's the ticket line?
What is this line for?
What's on tonight?
What's today's program?
Are there any soccer games today?
Which teams are playing?
What is the most popular one?
When does the show begin?
What time does the movie start?
What time does the movie finish?
When does the show close?
When's the gallery open?
It starts in an hour.
What are the show times?
How long does the show run?
The show runs about two hours.
Do you have matinees? 낮공연
How long does it take to look around?
Who stars in it? 출연하다
What language is the movie in?
Does it have English subtitles? 영어 자막
관광 정보 Words
ticket office
brochure 팜플렛
entrance 입구
exit 출구
admission (entrance) fee
opening hour
business hours
closing hour
group didcount 단체 할인
restroom (bathroom) 화장실
관광지 표지판 Words
This way 이쪽으로
Watch your head 머리 조심
No Smoking 금연
Non-Smoking Area 금연 구역
Quiet Please 정숙
Do Not Climb 올라가지 마시오
Do Not Touch 만지지 마시오
No Pets Allowed 애완동물 반입 금지
Way Out 나가는 길
No Pictures Inside 실내 촬영 금지
No Entry 들어가지 마시오
No Tripods Allowed 삼각대 사용 금지
No Sketch 스캐치 금지
No Video Photogragh 비디오 촬영 금지
No Flash 플레쉬 금지
Authorized Personnel Only 관계자 외 출입 금지
No Pictures (Photograghy, Camera) 사진 촬영 금지