It's very temperamental : it often does not work properly.
(기계나 장비 따위가 자주 말썽을 부린다)
A : Why has the photocopier stopped?
(왜 복사기가 멈췄지?)
B : Oh, it's probably because the paper has jammed. You'll have to open the door and look inside the machine to check.
(아마 종이가 끼었을 거야. 복사기 문을 열고 기계내부를 체크해 봐야 될걸?)
A : Oh yes, I can see where a sheet of paper has got stuck.
(그래. 종이가 어디에 끼어있는지 볼수 있지)
B : You need to follow the instructions printed inside the door to remove it and restart the machine.
(복사기 문 안쪽에 적힌 지시사항을 따라서 해보고 기계를 작동시켜봐)
A : That wasn't too difficult. Well, I'll restart the machine and hope for the best.
(그거 별거 아닌데. 기계가 잘 작동되길 바라면서 재 작동시켜 봐야지)
B : You'll need a lot of hope for that machine. It's very temperamental and really needs replacing.
(기계에 많은 것을 바라게 될걸. 그 기계는 자주 말썽을 부림으로 정말로 교체가 필요해)
Have a nice day!
첫댓글 I will be back next Monday. Have a nice national holiday and wonderful weekend!