What's the Australian/US dollar rate?
One Australian dollar is worth 77 US cents today.
I'd like to change 500 US dollars into Australian dollars, please.
Good. How would you like your bill?
In tens and fifties, please.
How many Australian dollars per US dollar?
= How many Australian dollars to US dollar?
What is the exchange rate of Australian dollars to US dollars?
The exchange rate is 1.26 Australian dollars to US dollars.
I'd like to change 500 US dollars into Australian dollars.
Could you change this into Australian dollars?
(In)Tens and fifties, please.
All of it in twenties, please.
환전할 때 Words
money exchanger 환전소
ATM(bank machine) 자동 인출기
exchange 환전
exchange rate 환율
bill 지펴
large bill 고액권
small billl 소액권
check(cheque) 수표
coin 동전
teller 은행원
각국의 화폐
(US) dollar 미국
Euro 유로화
pound 영국
Canadian dollar 캐나다
New Zealand dollar 뉴질랜드
Australian dollar 호주
yen 일본
yuen 중국
Homg Kong dollar 홍콩
franc 프랑스
rupee 인도
Singapore dollar 싱가포르
baht 태국
Twaian dollar 대만