Howdy!~ My fellows!~~~
Last week I thought that spring is just around corner. Spring is all around now ^^....
And the crucial diet season is coming for "HOT !!! HOT !!! HOT !!! SUMMER"So I choose a sort of sensitive issue ^^
Anyhow hope u have FUN FUN with this week's sensational issue.
And From this week we will grant the complimentary beverage ticket
to people
who gain a best score in SPEED QUIZ SESSION!!!~
Small talks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Can you tell us about your experience of learning English?
How are you studying English now?
2. Please describe a trip you took to another country on vacation.
Where did you go, what did you do, and how was it?
3. Can you tell us about how you learned a certain technique?
How did you learn it and who taught you?
4. Can you describe the most unique neighborhood you live in ?
Diet and Exercise -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Language points >
* To be in good shape
Heather is in really good shape these days
*to be out of shape
She used to be fat and ut of shape a few years ago, though.
* couch potato
All she did was sit around and watch TV. What a couch potato she was!
*to put on / gain weight
As a result, she put on a lot of weight
*to exercise / to get exercise
Recently, though, she has started to get a lot of exercise.
*to golf / to swim / to jog
She has started jogging 5 kilometers twice a week.
*to go golfing / to go swimming / to go jogging.
* to go on a diet / be on a diet
She went on a low-calorie diet.
*to lose weight
Now, she's lost 20kilograms and is looking and feeling great.
*health nut
I wouldn't call her a health nut, but she certainly is in good shape.
< Discussion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. How would you describe your eating habits? Do you usually eat three square meals a day?
2. Have you ever gone on a diet? What did you eat? What did you avoid?
3. Do you think crash diets are sometimes useful or are they hazardous to your health?
4. Do you have any weakness when it comes to food? Are you worried that your bad eating habits are going to catch up with you when you are older? Are there any foods that you specifically try to avoid?
5. Do you like working out in health clubs, or do you find it boring?Are they too expensive?
6. What sports do you know how to play? How often do you play them? What sport would you like to learn or participate in?
7. Do you do any other physical activities such as dancing, hiking in the mountains cycling, swimming, etc?
8. Do you take vitamins or other health tonics?
9. Do you think children are in worse shape today than they were when you were a kid? Were you quite active when you were in school?Are you still quite active?
10. Have all of our modern conveniences made us a lot lazier?
11. Do you eat a lot of fast food? What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
12. How often do you visit your doctor? Do you g to the doctor even if you have a cold?
13. Do you know anyone who is a hypochondriac?
14. Do you think you are in better or worse shape than the average person? What could you do to improve your health?
15.Have you ever been hospitalized because of illness or for an operation?
16. Have you ever had a cast? Crutches? X-ray? Stitches? Describe the procedure and what it felt like.
17. Do you think people put too much emphasis on being thin, without regard for being healthy?
18. Do you work /drink /smoke too much? How much? How will this affect your health in the future? Do you have any plans to cut back on these bad habits?
New dating styles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is becoming more common to see student couples kiss and hold hands on the street and elsewhere. But most elders frown on this bold expression of love by the younger generation. They complain about the increasing cultural gap with the young generation about dating. It is true that, influenced by Western culture, people are now expressing their emotions more openly.
Many university freshmen try to find boyfriends and girlfriends through blind dates shortly after they enter school. They did not have enough time to meet the opposite sex during their high school days, as they had to prepare for university entrance exams.
"There aren't as many blind dates in the United States as in Korea. Most American students go to parties to find their boyfriends and girlfriends," said Tommy Yoon, a Korean-American who spent his teenage years in the United States.
Blind dates are especially popular with university freshmen who feel pressured to get boyfriends and girlfriends.
"Every day, about 10 students ask for personal counseling on boyfriends or girlfriends," said Cho Young-a, an official at the Student Counseling Center at Yonsei University in Seoul.
Some couples visit the center to have a group discussion or take a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument, or psychological tests, Cho said. Professor Na Yoon-kyung at the Yonsei University College of Education Science, said, "Dating is not something every student must do. Young students have a tendency to waste time and money and shackle each other's partners. I am worried that young students do not enjoy various college activities due to dating."
Kim Min-kyung, a junior at Yonsei University College of Economics, agreed. "I have had a tight pocketbook for a long time, as I always hang around with my boyfriend and spend too much money," she said.
"I have also neglected my female friends since having a boyfriend," Kim said, adding she is worried about what will happen if they break up. Kim and other students said they go on dates everyday and do the same things, such as watching a movie or having dinner together. Tommy Yoon said that in the United States, couples try to do something meaningful like washing their car or fishing, which doesn't cost a lot of money. But he said it is still "romantic and beautiful" to love somebody.
Q1. tell us about the best & worst blind date in your life.
Q2. suppose that you meet kind of "폭탄" in blind date, how will you do??
or If you've already got that experience, tell us. did it work? if so, give some tips to us !!
Q3. what do you think about the couples who have awful skinship in public?
(ex. kiss, hug on the subway or bus. so on...) envy them? or wanna kill them?? ㅋㅋ
Q4. Between friends and girlfriend or boyfriend, what is the best way to deal
with some events? (ex. appointment at the same time....so on...)
Q5. recommand good place & events for lovers where do you wanna go and
what do you wanna do when you have girlfriend or boyfriend??
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그게 진짜 고수라지요.. 쉬운 단어들로 다양하고 풍부한 표현들을 자유자제로 구사하는 능력~~
정성이 많이 느껴지네요

때 뵈여

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그닥 ... 그렇지도 않은뎅.ㅋㅋ ...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
일찍 올려주시는거 알고나서 후다닥 왔습니다. 잘 읽어볼께요~

샘이 글을 후다닥 


그래요 샘 이번주도 버닝

언니 멋쪄~~~
오늘..첨 가려는데요...떨리는 맘에 계속 글을 기다렸네요... ^^ 이제 인쇄합다