Raising Children In God's Will (110) Chapter 2. Children's Love and Parents' Love Section 3. The Foundation of the Universe -The Father-Son Relationship
7) The Exact Content of the father-son Relationship - 3
The purpose of will is to find an ideal. Through what would an ideal be accomplished. When you eat all three meals a day, that is not the purpose of an ideal.
So what is the purpose of will? You cannot be satisfied w with eating three meals a day. And even for people who like to drink very much, that cannot be the purpose.
So what is the most important thing? Love. That love is not temporary nor cheap, that can be bought with a little money. That love is substantial.
When we analyze this substantial love, we find t hat there is no revolution. The love parents give their children is true love.
That is why the love our ancestors gave their children and the love we give our children is the same.
There is no evolution in love, nor an end. Love has no need of revolution, love is pure. (18- 12)