‘근친교배’로도 왕성한 번식 가능
한 마리만 살아남아도 급속 확산
중고품점에서 구입한 소파 속에 숨어있던 단 한 마리의 빈대 때문에 고층아파트 전체가 삽시간에 빈대소굴로 변해버리는 일이 비일비재하다. 어떻게 한 마리의 빈대가 수백 마리로 불어나 다른 유닛으로까지 번져나갈 수 있는 걸까.
지난 6일 미국 필라델피아에서 열린 전미 열대의학·위생학회(American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) 연례회의에서 노스캐롤라이나주립대(UNC) 연구진이 발표한 연구조사 결과에 따르면 빈대의 무시무시한 번식력은 ‘근친교배(incest)’와 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 보인다.
UNC의 곤충학자 코비 샬 박사는 “빈대 암컷 한 마리 혹은 근친인 아주 작은 집단이 중고가구 등을 통해 한 장소에 침입했을 경우 광범위한 근친번식(inbreeding)을 통해 매우 빠르게 이동하면서 건물 전체를 감염시키게 된다”고 설명했다.
빈대는 전염병을 옮기지는 않지만 물리면 알레르기 반응을 일으킬 수 있다. 더욱 문제가 되는 것은 빈대에 의한 심리적 부작용이다. 이로 인한 불안과 불면증은 빈대가 박멸된 후에도 계속될 수 있기 때문이다.
Remember when "sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite" was just a cute bedtime expression that didn't mean anything? Well, those days are over. After 6 decades of living largely bed bug-free, Canada is facing a national infestation and it's now hit us here in Toronto.
In fact, the incidence of bed bug infestation has risen 500% in the last few years alone, and they're not just in dirty hotels - they're at the 5-star ones as well and swarming the public places you visit every day. Bed bugs are shutting down businesses and being found at your Toronto movie theaters and clothing stores as they inch closer and closer to your home..
In fact, at the beginning of July I noticed several welts all over my arms, neck, and back. At first I thought it was just an allergic reaction, but then one night I woke up to find bugs almost the size of a penny feasting on my arms! Needless to say, I woke my husband up and we were terrified by what we found. That's when I started looking for solutions to this nasty problem...
Things That Go Bite in The Night?
Bed bugs are tiny insects that rely on the blood of humans or animals to survive. As babies, they are as tiny as pinheads. A full-grown adult that's been making a nightly meal of you can balloon to the size of Lincoln's head on the penny. These little parasites are nocturnal and hate light, so they wait until the dark to creep out for their meals, which is why it can take so long to discover you've been sharing your home with them. New studies have even shown that they can carry and transfer dangerous diseases to their human hosts. This danger is even greater for women over 55 years of age because of their susceptibility to the diseases these critters carry.
Is There A Solution To This Growing Problem?
For too long a time, there were only a few solutions for this growing problem. Most people use pesticides or call exterminators, but those can have their own long term negative health effects and are usually very costly. Finally, a new innovative all natural product has come to the market and people are saying it's given them stunning results.
Putting Bedroom Guardian To The Test
Bedroom Guardian is a new product that is supposedly an all natural, safe and effective home device that prevents bed bugs from climbing up into your bed. Their company says that it's an odorless product that is completely safe, has no long term negative health effects and is very easy to use.
I decided that I wanted to give this new product a try for myself and see if it would actually stand up to its claims. The manufacturers of Bedroom Guardian are currently only selling their product online, so I visited their website and to my surprise they were offering a limited time Free* Trial! All I had to pay was the shipping costs of $9.95 and I could find out if it actually worked.
I received Bedroom Guardian in only 4 days and I immediately placed it next to my bed on the floor (the instructions said you could place it either on the floor next to your bed or between your mattresses).
After only the first day of using it my husband and I were absolutely shocked. Instead of waking up in the middle of the night feeling itchy bed bugs feasting on me, I was finally able to get a good night's sleep.
I thought maybe it was just a fluke and that the bed bugs would come back and attack in the coming days. But that wasn't the case at all. After three weeks of using Bedroom Guardian my bed bug problem had completely disappeared. My household is now completely bed bug free (we had it tested by a trained professional), and I don't have a single new bed bug bite! I never thought such a simple, all natural product would work this well.
Needless to say, I've contacted Bedroom Guardian and ordered more of their product so that I can place it in different areas of my house and prevent bed bugs from ever coming back. Also, I now take Bedroom Guardian with me whenever I go travelling or stay in a Hotel.
Bedroom Guardian is Easy to Use, and Begins Working Immediately
After researching and looking through hundreds of Bed Bug prevention products, Smart Style Living chose Bedroom Guardian as the preferred pick. Not only was it the simplest to use, but it had the most studies conducted and research showing that it really works. Julia tested out this new innovative product and found that it immediately got rid of her nasty bed bug problem for good. She recommends that you use Bedroom Guardian as a preventative measure so that you stop this bed bug epidemic from spreading to your house.
Limited Time Offer For Our Readers
For a limited time only through this online exclusive offer, Bedroom Guardian is allowing customers to try the product for free (just pay $9.95 for postage)! With Bedroom Guardian you'll be on your way to sleeping soundly with total peace of mind! But hurry! There are limited Free Trial Units available!
Step 1:
Click Here To Order A Limited Time Free Trial of Bed Bedroom Guardian!
UPDATE: Use our exclusive link and Claim your Free Trial!
Note: Promo Expires on October 3, 2013
Step 2:
Enjoy a better nights sleep knowing Bedroom Guardian is protect you and your family.
It's really that easy!
Overall, I had a very positive experience with Bedroom Guardian, which was very surprising to me. What once seemed impossible has now turned into a reality, and I'm recommending all my friends order free trials in order to prevent bed bugs from coming into their homes!
P.S. Bedroom Guardian has agreed to keep the free trial active for our readers for a short while longer. Get in on it while you can!
지난 3년 동안 북미 도시에서 빈대가 유례없이 기승을 부리고 있는 것은 주요 살충제에 대한 저항력이 커졌기 때문인 것으로 많은 과학자들은 추정해왔다. 사람들의 이동이 그만큼 증가했기 때문이라는 이론도 있었다. UNC의 이번 연구는 새로운 단서를 제공한 셈이다.
UNC 연구진은 방제작업이 끝나기가 무섭게 번지는 빈대의 생태를 연구하기 위해 노스캐롤라이나와 뉴저지 아파트 단지에서 발견된 빈대의 유전자를 분석했다. 그 결과 각 건물 내에 군생하는 빈대들은 매우 가까운 근친관계라는 사실이 발견됐다.
특이한 사실은 빈대는 바퀴벌레와 마찬가지로 근친교배를 거듭해도 아무 이상이 없이 대대로 번창하는 유전적 특이성을 지녔다는 것. 연구진은 “동물이나 곤충의 경우 다양성이 제한되면 근친교배로 인한 유전적 결함이 점점 커져 개체군이 붕괴되는 것이 보통인데 빈대에게서는 놀랍게도 이러한 현상이 전혀 발견되지 않았다”고 밝혔다.
연구진이 미국 동부해안을 따라 21곳에서 채집한 빈대들의 유전자를 분석한 결과 이들의 시조는 단 한 마리의 암컷임이 확인됐다.
한때 저소득층 주거지의 골칫거리로만 여겨졌던 빈대는 지난 1년 반 사이에만 서스캐처원의 병원, 뉴욕의 나이키 점포, BC의 도서관 등 다양한 건물에서 발견되고 있다. 최근 들어 토론토시보건국에는 빈대관련 신고 및 문의전화가 무수히 걸려오고 있다. 2009년에는 1,568건, 2010년에는 2,113건에 달했다.
샬 박사의 연구에 따르면 한 세입자에 의해 들어온 빈대가 건물 전체로 번지는 경우가 허다하다. 그는 초기단계에 진원지를 방제하는 것이 확산을 막는 가장 효과적 방법이지만 실천이 그리 쉬운 일은 아니라고 말한다. 많은 경우 자신의 유닛에 빈대가 있다는 사실이 알려지는 것이 부끄러워 건물주나 관리사무실에 알리는 것을 피하기 때문이다.
위니펙의 곤충학자 타즈 스튜어트씨는 “다세대 주거지에 사는 사람들은 이웃을 보호할 의무가 있다”면서 “아파트나 주택에서 집밖에 가구 등을 내놓을 때는 반드시 밀봉함으로써 빈대가 다른 주거지로 번지지 못하도록 해야 한다”고 조언했다.
(글로브앤드메일 전재)
첫댓글 같은아파트라도 유닛에따라 다르긴해요 저도 베드벅 리포트 있었던 아파트 살았었는데 저희집은 멀쩡ㅇㅇ벌레한마리 본적없음 2년 살면서
빈대의 무시무시한 번식력 아파트 전체가 삽시간에 빈대소굴로 변해버리는 일이 비일비재하다하네요 무엇보다도
빈대가 인간에게는 치명적인 고통을 안겨준다고 합니다