아르헨티나 대표팀 스태프 코로나 양성 판정 - 밀촉 접촉자와 함께 격리 중선수단은 전원 음성 판정
Roy Nemer on Twitter
“It's a member of the Argentina staff who tested positive for COVID, not a player. Everyone else tested negative. The person, along with someone who was in close contact are in isolation. This from the Argentina account.”
“Argentina staff member tests positive for COVID, players test negative. https://t.co/JHsm3ps8Q5”
Argentina staff member tests positive for COVID, players test negative | Mundo Albiceleste
여기를 눌러 링크를 확인하세요
Selección Argentina 🇷 on Twitter
“#SelecciónMayor Todos los testeos PCR realizados en el día de la fecha a la Delegación @Argentina arrojaron resultados negativos 💪🏻”
출처: 樂soccer 원문보기 글쓴이: 리오넬 메갓지민