출처: 해커스토플(Hackers TOEFL) 원문보기 글쓴이: [뉴스맨]
@ 관련기사 @
Philosophy: Idealism vs. Realism
The more plebeian illusion of naive realism, according to which things 'are' as they are perceived by us through our senses ... dominates the daily life of men and of animals; it is also the point of departure in all of the sciences, especially of the natural sciences.
(Albert Einstein)
Nothing seems of more importance, towards erecting a firm system of sound and real knowledge, which may be proof against the assaults of scepticism, than to lay the beginning in a distinct explication of what is meant by thing, reality, existence: for in vain shall we dispute concerning the real existence of things, or pretend to any knowledge thereof, so long as we have not fixed the meaning of those words. (George Berkeley)
(Introductory Quotes)
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are. .. What is at issue is the conversion of the mind from the twilight of error to the truth, that climb up into the real world which we shall call true philosophy. .. When the mind's eye rests on objects illuminated by truth and reality, it understands and comprehends them, and functions intelligently; but when it turns to the twilight world of change and decay, it can only form opinions, its vision is confused and its beliefs shifting, and it seems to lack intelligence. (Plato)
... if we take away the subject (Humans), or even only the subjective constitution of our senses in general, then not only the nature and relations of objects in space and time, but even space and time themselves disappear; and that these, as appearances, cannot exist in themselves, but only in us. What may be the nature of objects considered as things in themselves and without reference to the receptivity of our sensibility is quite unknown to us. .... not only are the raindrops mere appearances, but even their circular (spherical) form, nay, the space itself through which they fall (motion), is nothing in itself, but both are mere modifications or fundamental dispositions of our sensible intuition, whilst the transcendental object remains for us utterly unknown.
(Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 1781)
Idealism v.s Realism Philosophy
For thousands of years a philosophical / metaphysical battle has been fought between Idealists and Realists. Aristotle was the most famous Realist - Plato, Berkeley and Kant the most famous Idealists. Ultimately you realise that the only definitive outcome can occur if Reality is actually discovered, as this would end all speculation and doubt by finding in favour of the Realists.
A very concise (abrupt!) summary of the logic of Realism of the Metaphysics of Space and Motion and the Wave Structure of Matter.
All Things Exist in Space, All Humans have a Common Experience of Space.
Thus Space is the One (and only) Thing that is Common to and Connects the Many Things.
Thus Necessary Connection, Logic, Reason, Truth, Matter, Time and Forces require the a priori Existence of Space (to connect the Many Things Matter (and Ideas) which exist in Space).
Postmodernism is founded on Relative Space and Relative Truth
The Metaphysics of Space and Motion and the Wave Structure of Matter is founded on Absolute Space and Absolute Truth.
This gives absolute Foundations to Western Scientific Language (from Space and Time to Space and Motion) and thus gives Absolute Truth to Human Knowledge.
1. 대중의, 평민의, 서민의; (고대 로마의) 평민의.
2. 보통의, 진부한, 평범한; 속된(vulgar); 천한.
1. 순진한, 천진난만한; 순박한; 솔직한.
2. 경험[판단력, 지식 따위]이 없는, 고지식한, 우직한.
3. (동물 따위가) 실험[투약]을 받은 적이 없는.
perceive 【동사】 인식하다, 이해하다.
~s [-z])
1. (…에서의/…을 향한) 출발, 떠남, 발족; 발차[from/ for].
2. (…에서의) 이탈, 벗어남; 배반; 변경[from].
3. 《비유적》 (…에게 있어서의) (새로운) 시도, 방침[for]; (…의) 발전, 기원[in].
1. (해뜨기 전·해진 후의) 어스름, 박명; 황혼, 땅거미; 해질녘, 새벽녘.
2. 《비유적》 (성장·성공 따위 뒤의) 점진적 쇠퇴(기).
3. (의미·지식 따위가) 불명확한 상태; 어슴푸레한 짐작
(~s [-z])
1. 쇠퇴하다, 쇠약해지다, 퇴화[타락]하다.
2. 썩다, 부식하다; 황폐하다.
3. 〈물리〉 (방사성 물질이) 붕괴하다.
4. 〈우주〉 (대기 마찰로) 감속(減速)하다.
…을 쇠하게 하다; 부패하게 하다; 〔이〕를 썩게 하다.
1. 쇠잔, 쇠퇴, 조락(凋落); (힘·건강 따위의) 감퇴, 쇠약.
2. 부패; 부패한 물질[조직]; 황폐.
3. 〈물리〉 (방사성 물질의) 붕괴.
4. 〈우주〉 (인공 위성 등의) 감속, 궤도 축소.
n / k
~s [-z])
구성, 구조, 조직.
체격, 체질; 성질, 기질; 건강.
3. 헌법, 국가 기본법(특정국 헌법을 가리킬 때는 the C-); (회사·단체 따위의) 정관; 규약, 규칙.
4. 관습, 관행; 법령.
(법률 따위의) 제정, (위원회 따위의) 설립, (사람의) 임명; 선임(appointment).
6. 형성, 편성.
7. 정체(政體).
1. (능력·특성 따위가) 탁월한, 발군의.
2. 초자연적인, 인지(人智)가 미치지 못하는; 심원한.
3. (사상 따위가) 난해한, 추상[관념]적인; 형이상학적인; 막연한, 모호한.
4. 이상주의적인, 고상[고원]한; 터무니없는.
5. 〈철학〉 초월적인; 〈칸트 철학〉 선험적(先驗的)인.
6. 〈수학〉 (수·함수가) 초월의.
1. 〈수학〉 초월수(π·ε 따위) (~ number).
2. 〈스콜라 철학〉 (~s) 보편적 개념(존재·유일·진(眞)·선(善) 따위); 초월론적인 것.
zm / -m
포스트모더니즘(20세기 모더니즘을 부정하고 고전적·역사적 양식·기법을 채용한 1980년대 등장 예술 양식[운동]).
1. 형이상학, 순정(純正) 철학; 학문 이론.
2. (통속적으로) 추상적인 논의, 공론(空論).
@ 관련후기 @
(문제) 리얼리즘의 예는? 밤 골목이나 노동자
(1) Realism을 accuracy와 동의어로 생각되기 쉽지만, idealism의 반대로 생각하는 것이 더 정확하다. Idealism의 예로는, 형상이 없는 신(God)을 imagination을 이용해서 형상화하는 것이다. 이상주의는 인간과 신과 같이 완벽하며 이상적인 인간상을 표현하여 현실과는 거리가 있는 반면(황금비율 등을 강조하며), 리얼리즘은 현실적인 인간들과 사물을 표현한다.
(2) Ash can school은 말 그대로 ash can(재떨이)과 같이 도시의 작은 사물, 싸우는 사람, 또는 이야기하는 연인 등을 그려서 좀 낙천적(Optimistic)이고 긍정적인 작품을 주로 만들어 냈다. 그러나 realism의 대표적인 화가이며 Ash Can School의 일원이었던 Edward Hopper는 다른 ashcan school 화가들과 달리 사람에 초점을 맞추기 보다는 사물에 초점을 맞추었는데 빌딩, 건물, 도시 자체를 loneliness, isolation한 측면으로 그림으로써 도시의 부정적인 면을 주로 다루었으며, 가끔 사람을 묘사하는 경우가 있을지라도 말없고, 외롭고, 단절된 모습을 그리고 있다.
(3) 리얼리즘은 그전까지의 이상주의 미술에 반대해서 등장했고, 도시에서 민주주의가 발달했다고 봐서 자유로운 도시 풍경을 묘사한다. 그리고 묘사하는 인물도 노동자, night life 등 다양한데, 도시생활을 긍정적으로 바라보기 때문에 여러 명의 인물이 등장하고 활동적인 모습을 묘사한다. 그런데 Edward Hopper는 부정적으로 바라보았기 때문에 여러 명의 인물이 등장해도 서로 말도 안하며, 외로운 모습이고, 비활동적이다.
Ash Can School is a term that was loosely applied to a group of American urban realist painters of the early 20th century. The Ash Can School was more revolutionary in its subject matter rather than its style. The Ash Can school artists sought to paint "real life" and urban reality. These artists believed what was real and true in life was what was beautiful and what constituted "art." They painted gritty urban scenes and the poor and disenfranchised in America.
Ashcan School artists responded to the boisterous energy of early 20th century life to try to create a genuine American expression, though Hopper's scenes are more introspective. Although clearly an American Realist, and therefore associated with the Ashcan school, Hopper, on the whole, was considered atypical of his time period. The subject matter of the contemporary American city was indeed the center of much of Hopper's work, as in other members of the Aschan school. However, while Hopper painted a somewhat negative image of American society, one that portrayed the city as monumental and immobile, other artists were interested in the spectacular aspects of New York, focusing on its dynamism. Furthermore, Hopper's contemporaries used the city as a background for human activity, whereas Hopper concentrated on the city itself, as a huge complex of industrial materials.
@ 실제기출문제 @
(문제) 주제는?
① Ashcan school의 특징
② Hopper와 다른 Ashcan school의 차이점
(문제) 아이디얼리즘의 예는?
Statue of Goddess
(문제) Ashcan school에서 그린 typical subject는? (2개)
night life & labor
(문제) 왜 critics 들이 ashcan school painter를 ashcan 이라고 불렀나?
비난하기 위해서
(문제) Ashcan School의 특징은?
낙천적(optimistic), 주로 여러 사람이 있는 그림을 그렸다
(문제) Ashcan 학파의 대표적인 학자가 Edward Hopper의 특징은?
The negative view on the urban life
(문제) Edward Hopper가 그렸을 만한 그림은? (2개)
빌딩과 고독한 현대인의 모습(modern people's solitude)
(문제) What's in common between Hopper and other Ashcan school real live?
The urban reality(= real life)
출처 : 해커스 토플 http://cafe.daum.net/HackersToefl