1. What is the coronary arteries?
The heart is the most important to keep life. By the way the heart is
also a living being which eats the Ki and Blood and discharges the waste
products. So the normal activation of heart is the most important to
last life. The coronary arteries is in charge of the supply of the best fresh
Ki and Blood to the heart.
The blood from the lung goes out through aorta whose first exit is
the coronary artery. The anatomy of heart shows that the coronary
artery is the most important vessel.
2. The stenosis of coronary artery
If the diameter of coronary artery gets narrower, the supply of fresh
blood will be insufficient. Of cause, the God designed the heart working
even under serious situations, so if the coronary artery gets damaged
a little, there is no problems at all. This also have people disregard
the early warning sign of heart failure.
It is little that the disorders form the mechanical movements of coronary
artery. The problem is the very slow and gradual worsening of the vessels
just like the old age. The waste products are accumulated in the arteries
druing ages and they block up the flow of blood at last. It is natural that
a hungry worker can not work as required.
3. The early warning signs of coronary artery disorders.
The waste products is also humidity in the east asian medicine. So we
can see the early sign of coronary artery disorders through the symptoms
and signs as follows.
The cause of humidity
Persistent overload of heart due to excessive exercise or the weakness
of liver or kidney or chronic diseases.
The weakness of cardinal muscles or neighbour membranes
The humidity in blood from liver or kidney
The damages from outside
The weakness of discharging capability from lung or spleen
Other individual reasons
Diagnostic signs
The pulse is stressed. (This is not easy to understand)
Thickened tongue
Reddish apex of tongue
Darkish color of tongue
Easy biting tongue during chewing foods
Lots of water on tongue
Uneven surface of tongue
Dried and yellowish coated tongue
Faster or slower pulse
The above are fragmentray. More detail diagnosis would require
intergrated pathological mechanism.
4. The prevention
We now know the early warning signs of the coronary artery disorder
from the above. So when we check the above signs by ourselves,
we have to get consultaion from highly qualified doctors in east
asian medicine.
One more I want to say, among advices regarding adult diseases,
the diet that meats should be avoided and vegetables are good for
the heart is never acceptable. True diet means that one eat the foods
one's body requires. This is called as KIMI in east asian medicine.
5. Management after Surgery
The surgery is a solution for emergency, not the treatment of the
disease. So the same pathology goes on after surgery.
The problem is the place of blocking is moving from large aorta
toward capillaries, where are impossible places for any surgeries.
A tree who had its a big root cut will alive, but fine roots cut dead.
This is the reason why the herbal prescription should be required
even after surgeries.