어 공부를 할 때 한국 사람들은 흔히 토익 성적을 잘 받기 위해, 토플 성적을 잘 받기 위해 영어를 공부합니다. 이때 문제집을
보고 영어를 공부하게 되죠. 이것이 영어 공부를 방해하는 것입니다. 영어를 공부하는 것이 아니라 문제푸는 스킬을 공부하는
것이죠. 그리고 문제를 풀며 영어를 공부한다 하여도 실제 사용은 못 하는 것입니다. 왜? 사용할 기회를 만들지 않기 때문이죠.
그러면서 1, 2년 영어 공부하면 시험 성적은 올리죠. 하지만 영어 실력은 그대로 입니다. 영어는 언어입니다. 언어는 왜
공부하는 것일까요? 언어는 말을 하고 쓰고, 듣고, 읽기 위해 배우는 것이지 문제를 풀기위해 배우는 것이 아닙니다. 결국
시간낭비를 하고 있는 것이죠. 참 안타깝습니다. 대한민국의 잘못된 영어 교육 시스템이 낳은 부산물 입니다.
영어 공부 절대 단기간에 못 끝냅니다. 영어 실력을 금방 올려 주겠다던 장사치들 그리고 그들이 내는 Goods, 다 쓸데 없습니다.
시간이 오래 걸릴 지라도 우리는 정석을 밟을 필요가 있습니다.
Short- and Long-Term Views for Your English
you’d see the way to reduce the time in learning and advancing your
English and why you should redeem your actual English competency, not
problem-solving skills in detail. To get a test score, it’s effective
to study English in traditional ways in private English education
institutions or through cracking knowledge from various books. But you
should know that it’s a short-term perspective that makes you forget
your knowledge easily. You are going to more easily forget what you’ve
studied in English since you’ve studied English based on test. You
should increase the test score by studying English, not test. You need
to study English based on firsthand speaking and writing experience,
Active Learning. You have to study English by speaking and writing, not
by solving grammar- or vocabulary-related questions, and not by
memorizing grammars, expression!s and vocabularies.
way directly using English to learn English might take longer to mark a
score you expect than the traditional ways. But, in a long-term
perspective, I assure that you can eventually lessen a humongous amount
of time by bettering your actual English ability and then by taking a
test. You need to replace your obsolete methods with up-to-date ones
for your English skills you can speak and write.
can improve your TOEIC score by speaking and writing. To speak and
write, you need to know how to speak and write. You are going to have
to study grammars and expression!s to speak and write so that the
overall efforts you do for your speaking and writing competency would
increase your knowledge of English for tests as well as the practical
use of English.
put down an incident. You need 900 at TOEIC. If you study TOEIC, not
English, you can get the score in five months. But if you study
English, not TOEIC, through speaking and writing, it might take a
longer time, probably one year. At first glance, it seems like studying
TOEIC is better than studying English to take the score. It’s true. But
here you need to know why you need the TOEIC score. You may need the
score to enter into a company. And you get the score by studying TOEIC,
not English, in five months. After that, you get a job in the company,
and you are positioned in the International Trade Department. Now, you
may feel hard because you are not good at English in practical use.
Even though your TOEIC score is 900, you are not good at speaking since
you haven’t spoken in English and you haven’t practiced speaking
skills. You’ve only studied TOEIC. So, for better quality of work
performance, you register an English conversation class. You go to
there to learn speaking skills after your job.
the point. Regardless of whether you get a good grade in the shorter
time, you have to learn speaking skills again to improve your skills
which are seriously necessary for your job. To be good at speaking, you
might have to participate in the class approximately for one year,
actually more than one year. Let’s try to calculate. It takes five
months and one year for both taking a test score and getting speaking
skills. Even though you’ve put your time for the TOEIC score for five
months, you have to additionally practice speaking skills to use
English. In doing so, you have to spend more time and money.
in case you try to improve your English ability, not TOEIC score, you
can reduce the time and money you have to spend. As mentioned earlier,
you might need one year to get 900 score in TOEIC if you study English
through directly writing and speaking, thereby getting practical
English knowledge. In that case, you don’t have to additionally put
your time and money to improve your speaking skills for your job
because you are already good at speaking you’ve practiced through
Active Learning. You can get the TOEIC score from speaking and writing.
might be prone to study English only for higher grades for tests. In
the long-term, however, learning English in that way will waste your
valuable time, efforts and resources. Don’t see things only for your
short-term achievements. Eventually, you might have to spend more, or
you might have to come back to where you started to begin the most
necessary things.