★ 모델명 : STRIPER 2105CC
★ 제작연도:2014
★ 길 이 :22
★ 사용시간:0
★ 엔 진 :머큐리 4사이클 200 마력
★ 옵 션 :티탑 트레일러 등등
★ 특 징 :
스트라이퍼 21피트 센타콘솔 입니다 .
스트라이퍼 국내 딜러로써 적극 추천하는 보트 입니다 .
미국현지 재고 판매 차원에서 저렴하게 구입 가능합니다
현지 소비자 가격은 65995 달러 입니다
자세한 문의사항은 010-5396-8400 입니다
The sleekest of the new Center Consoles, the 2105 Center Console gives you the power and grit of its larger counterparts in a slightly more compact design that fits any budget. With a 200 horsepower and a 96 gallon fuel capacity, she's both fast and powerful. Large console with self contained marine head. Self-bailing decks, diamond-pleated non-skid surfaces and a deeper freeboard make it safe and stylish, and large forward fish boxes and deck provide extra fishing efficiency.
Length: 21'5"
Beam: 8'6"
Anchor Line Locker; Cleats SS (8); Composite Transom; Fills Stainless Steel; Fibercore One-Piece Stringer System; Fish Lockers w/Drains; Fuel Filter; Hand-Laid Fiberglass Construction; Hull Graphics; Noise & Vibration-Dampening Foam; Recessed Rod Racks; Rub Rail Insert Stainless Steel; Self Bailing Cockpit w/ SS Scuppers; Swim Platform w/SS Boarding Ladder; Thru-Hull Fittings Stainless Steel
32 gallon Bait well w/High-Speed Pickup; Bait Station; Bow Pulpit w/Anchor Roller; Compass; Console Changing Room; Flush Mount SS Rod Holders (4); Grab Rail; Hydraulic Tilt Steering; Raw Water Wash down; Recessed Drink Cup Holders (10); Steering Wheel SS w/Knob; Windscreen
Leaning Post w/Footrest & Rocket Launchers; Forward Cooler Seat (54 Qt)
12-Volt Accessory Plug; Dual Battery Switch; Ignition -- Safety Interlock System w/Lanyard; Manual/Auto Bilge Pump; Navigation Lights; Horn Instrument Panel -- Tach; Speedo; Trim & Fuel Gauge; Rocker Switch Panel; Courtesy Lights
Five to Life™ Limited Warranty*;
Five years of coverage from bow to stern including, lights, pumps, switches ect.
Lifetime warranty on hull and stringers and transom.
Meets or Exceeds U.S. & Canadian Coast Guard Regulations; NMMA Certification
MSPR 65,995.00
Rigged with following options:
Mercury 200hp Verado four stroke
Digi trolling feature
Electronic throttle and shifting
2- AGM Marine 900CCA batteries
T-top w rod holders and deck light
Electric assist steering
Coaming pads
Pump out Sani head
Rear jump seats
Color band gel coat
4-Blade Stainless steel prop
Galvanized dual axle trailer
Custom full length storage cover