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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 4. 5. 화 on the back of ~의 뒤를 이어, ~에 덧붙여..
상당구 추천 0 조회 79 09.08.10 10:26 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special


4. 5. 화 on the back of ~의 뒤를 이어, ~에 덧붙여..


1 According to Chong Wa Dae, Korea and the United States are discussing holding a summit of their leaders by the end of June.

청와대는 올 상반기 중 한미 정상회담을 개최하는 문제에 대해 미국 측과 협의하고 있다고 밝혔습니다.

* hold a summit 정상회담을 갖다.

= meeting at which the leaders of two or more countries discuss important matters.

* summit talks 정상회담

2 President Roh Moo-hyun plans to initiate a constitutional revision for two consecutive four-year presidential terms next week.

노무현 대통령은 다음 주 중 대통령 4년 연임제를 골자로 하는 개헌안을 발의할 방침입니다.

* initiate 시작하다, 제안(발의)하다.

= start it or cause it to happen

= to get the ball rolling

= kick things off

* constitutional revision 개헌안

* two consecutive four-year presidential terms 대통령 4년 연임

- consecutive 연속적인, 계속되는..

= happen one after the other without interruption.

3 KOSPI surged yesterday on the back of Wall Street gains and foreign buying of tech stocks, sending the benchmark index to a fresh record high.

코스피지수가 글로벌 증시의 상승세와 외국인들의 매수 가담 등에 힘입어 연일 상승하며 어제, 사상 최고치를 경신했습니다.

* KOSPI = Korea Composite Stock Price Index 한국 종합 주가 지수

* surge 급등하다, 급격히 오르다.

= it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly.

* dormant 휴지 상태에 있는, 멈춰있는..

* on the back of ~의 뒤를 이어, ~에 덧붙여..

= it happens after that other thing and in addition to it.

4 The Seoul Metropolitan Government yesterday announced that

102 deadbeat staff have been chosen for relegation to menial duties.

서울시가 업무 능력이 떨어지고 태만하다고 판단되는 공무원 102명을 어제 확정 발표했습니다.

* deadbeat 게으름뱅이, 빈둥거리는 사람, 부랑자, 식객..

= If you refer to someone as a deadbeat , you are criticizing them because you think they are lazy and do not want to be part of ordinary society.

* deadbeat dad 태만하고 아버지 역할을 잘 감당 못하는..

* relegation 좌천 v. relegate 좌천시키다

= give them less important position

* menial 시시한, 지루한, 천한..

= menial work is very boring, and the people who do it have a low status and are usually badly paid

5 A new address system using street names will be implemented

by 101 cities across the nation starting from Today.

오늘부터 전국 101개 기초자치단체의 주소가 기존의 번지명에서 도로명으로 바뀌어 사용됩니다.

* implement 이행하다, 실행(실시)하다.

= make to happen

= fulfil, perform, carry out, execute, put into practice..)

Korean Scientists Pinpoint Enzyme In Controlling Sleeping Patterns

Need to sleep in the middle of the day or pull an all-nighter? A team of Korean scientists may offer the key to sleeping and staying awake as one pleases. Professor Kim Kyong-tai at the Pohang University of Science and Technology headed the team. The production of a hormone called melatonin is inhibited by light and only permitted in the dark.

Even artificial lighting curbs the production of melatonin and many believe is the cause of various sleep problems. Kim and the team of scientists have pinpointed the enzyme that distinguishes between light and dark and ultimately decides the production of melatonin. In about a decade, new forms of sleeping pills or stimulants may be available.

* as one pleases 자기가 원하는 대로

= to do things the way you wanted to do.

- You can do as you please = it's up to you 니가 원하는 대로 해.

* Pinpoint 정확하게 지적하다, ~의 위치를 정확하게 나타내다

= identify something correctly, to identify or locate something accurately, get to the bottom of sth..

* pull an all-nighter 밤새다           * pull 저지르다, 행하다

* inhibit 억제,제지하다 = curb

* stimulant 자극제, 흥분제

Korea Planting Trees In Mongolia to Reduce Yellow Dust

The worst yellow dust storm in four years hit Korea on the first weekend of April. The dust originates in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. The head of Mongolia's national weather agency said that this winter was the warmest in sixty years and saw very little precipitation. Korea's Meteorological Agency forecasts severe yellow dust storms this spring and more storms are expected in the coming weeks.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) recognizes that the problem is worsening with growing desertification. Korea recently supported the Forestation Project, which will create a greenbelt in Mongolia. Plans include planting 5,000,000 square meters of trees in Mongolia every year starting this year, 2007. The "greenbelt" project is slated to run until 2016.

* Forestation Project 산림가꾸기 프로젝트

* greenbelt  1. undeveloped land around city

               2. irrigated land bordering desert

* slate 후보자 명부에 등록하다, 후보로 세우다..

       = designate somebody

       = to choose or schedule somebody or something

         for a particular job or time

* slate board 석판, 석판에 기입하다..

* precipitation 강수, 투하, 낙하,

* meteorological 기상의
