1. 일요일 Sunday
1. To teach English is a hard work.=영어를 가르치는것은 어려운일이다.(명사적용법)
2. To see is to believe.눈에보이는것을믿는다.(명사적용법)
3. To see her was very happy. 눈으로보기엔그녀는아주행복해보인다.(명사적용법)
4. She needs to help her.그녀는 그녀의 도움이 필요하다.(형용사적용법)
5. She decided to go to school.그녀는학교에가는것이확실하다.(부사적용법)
6. I like to watch movies.나는 영화보는 것을 좋아한다.(부사적용법)
7. I want to learn English.나는 영어를 배우고 싶다.(부사적용법)
8. I want you to learn English.나는 너에게 영어를 배우고 싶다.(부사적용법)
9. I want something cold to drink. 나는모든 차가운 음료수를 원한다.(명사적용법)
10. He went to Busan to visit his aunt. 그는 이모를 만나러 부산에 갔다.(부사적용법)
11. It is a lot of fun to play tennis.테니스치는것은많이즐겁다.
12. She doesn't have a friend to help her.그녀은 그녀를 도와줄친구가없다.
19. He went out to buy meat.그는 고기를사러나갔다.
20. He went out to buy meat and wine.그는 고기와 와인을 사러 나갔다.
21. We eat to live, not live to eat.우리는 살기위해먹는다,
22. We have come here to study.
23. To use the machine is not difficult.
24. Tom has some friends to help.
25. Tom has some friends to help him.
26. I have no friend to play with.
첫댓글 수업시간에 설명했던 것을 생각하면서 틀린부분은 다시 수정해서 올릴것....