Seventy-one members of the National Assembly on Tuesday rolled out a resolution calling for a formal end to the Korean War.
National Assembly (Yonhap) |
Sponsored by Rep. Kim Kyung-hyup of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea, the motion calls on the two Koreas, US and China to declare a formal end to the Korean War and to start discussing signing a peace treaty.
“Now, beyond the denuclearization talks between US and North Korea, we need to see that the declaration will help to usher in peace on the Korean Peninsula,” said Kim, the head of the parliament’s Special Committee on Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation.
The resolution urges the US and North Korea to make progress in their denuclearization talks while encouraging both Koreas to do their part to improve inter-Korean relations.
The Korean Armistice Agreement, signed by the US, North Korea and China in 1953, brought about a cease-fire on the Korean Peninsula, but the two Koreas remain technically at war. Since the signing of the armistice, heightened military tensions have often resulted in skirmishes.
At the inter-Korean summit in April 2018, President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un agreed they would declare a formal end to the Korean War by 2018. They said they would replace the armistice agreement with a peace treaty.
However, amid rocky inter-Korean relations since then, the two leaders have yet to fulfill their promise.
South Korea’s parliament is not alone in addressing the issue. The US Congress has also recently spoken about a declaration to end the Korean War.
In July, US House Rep. Ro Khanna, D-California, spearheaded the passage of an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that is now pending Senate approval.
Drafted by Khanna, the amendment, for the first time in US Congress history, supports an end to the Korean War that began in 1950.
The amendment holds that the United States should achieve “the denuclearization of North Korea” and “an end to the 69-year-long Korean War.”
Before the House floor vote, Khanna explained his decision behind the amendment, saying, “It is time that we end the hostilities with North Korea through bipartisanship and find peace.”
Sixty-five representatives from the ruling Democratic Party and two lawmakers from the Justice Party signed the resolution Tuesday at the National Assembly, along with one legislator from the minor conservative Bareunmirae Party and three independents.
None of the main opposition Liberty Korea Party members, however, have put their name on the resolution.
By Choi Si-young (
첫댓글 usher 영어
발음미국/영국 [Λʃər]
뜻 안내하다 더보기
She ushered them to their seats. 그녀는 그들을 좌석으로 안내했다.
영어 발음미국/영국 [siˈsfaiˈər] .뜻① 전투 중지 ② 정전 ③ 사격 중지 구령
skirmish 영어
발음미국/영국 [skə́ːrmiʃ]
뜻① 작은 접전 ② 소전투 ③ 작은 접전을 벌이다
spearhead 영어
발음미국/영국 [spiˈrheˌd]
뜻① 창끝 ② …의 선두에 서다 ③ 최전선 더보기
act as the spearhead of …의 선봉이 되다.
legislator 영어
발음미국/영국 [lédʒislèitər]
뜻① 입법자 ② 법률 제정자 ③ 입법부의 의원
lawmaker 영어
발음미국/영국 [lɔ́ːmèikər]
뜻① 국회의원 ② 선 ③ 입법자
representative 영어
발음미국/영국 [rèprizéntətiv]
뜻① 대표적인 ② 국회의원 ③ 대의원의 ④ 대리인 더보기
the last representative of the royal family 왕가의 마지막 대표자
a diplomatic representative 외교관
independent 영어
발음미국/영국 [ìndipéndənt]
뜻① 독립한 ② 무소속의 ③ 독자적인 ④ 자주의 더보기
an independent country 독립국
India became independent from[of] Britain in 1947. 인도는 1947년에 영국에서 독립했다.
종전선언에 국회가 결의안을 갖는 것은 매우 의미있는 일일 것이다. 아무리 결의안을 채택하더라도 전쟁이 결코 일어나지 않는다고 볼 수는 없지만 대문을 잠궈 놓는 것과 열어두고 집을 비우고 외출하는 것과의 차이와 같을 것이다
한국당도 당리당략 차원에서 무조건 반대만 할 것이 아니라 좋은건 좋다고 해야 국민들의 사랑받는 야당이 될 것이다