제가 퍼올렸던 블러그 내용 중에 경기중요도 관련 표(영어)가 있는데
▌FIFA 랭킹 경기 중요도
경기 중요도 | 설명 |
5 | Friendly Matches played outside of International Match Calendar windows |
10 | Friendly Matches played during International Match Calendar windows |
15 | Group phase matches of Nations League competitions |
25 | Play-off and final matches of Nations League competitions |
25 | Qualification matches for Confederations final competetions and for FIFA World Cup final competitions |
35 | Confederation final competition matches up until the QF stage |
40 | Confederation final competition matches from the QF stage onwards; all FIFA Confederations Cup matches |
50 | FIFA World Cup final competition matches up until QF stage |
60 | FIFA World Cup final competition matches from QF stage onwards |
출처: http://kini.kr/1689 [kini's Sportugese]
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