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빛과 흑암의 역사 (성경연구, 프리메이슨, 일루미나티)
카페 게시글
게시판 스크랩 왜 세계의 지성이 10월의 경악이란 불길한 말을 하나요?
차원상승 추천 0 조회 1,308 16.10.04 17:05 댓글 10
게시글 본문내용

 2016년 10월 : 천년만에 가장 중대한 일이 벌어지는 달

10월은 히브리인의 장막절과 완전히 합치되고,

천상의 정렬은 수많은 10월의 경악사건을 초래한다

October 2016: The Most Consequential Month of the Millennium

October and Tishri Match Up Perfectly,
Alignment Brings Many ‘October Surprises’


미국대선에 이번 10월은 어떤 결과를 만들어낼 것인가 

What happens this October will determine the outcome of the U.S. presidential election

defense-distributed-october-surprise-promo천상 정렬을 연구하는 이들
Cosmic Convergence Research Group

역사상 이토록 많은 불길한 예언들이 단하나의 달에 나왔던 적이 없다.

천문학자나 예언가, 심령술사, 전문가, 정치분석가들이 올해 10월을 최대 사건과 최악의 경악의 달로 이미 예언했다.

이것은 단지 천문학적 이야기만이 아니고, 거대한 사건이 벌어지는 것이라는데, 아주 강력한 다양한 예언들이 나왔다.

Never in the history of the world has so much anticipation and anxiety been focused on the outcomes of a single month.

According to astrologers and oracles, psychics and prophets, pundits and politicos, October of 2016 has been foreordained as a month of great events and awesome surprises.

Not only does the astrology stack up in such a way so as to indicate a month of HUGE happenings, so, too, have many powerful predictions been made by various oracles as compelling prophecies have been uttered by modern-day prophets.

                                      민주당은 떨고있는데, 위키리크스가 10월의 경악을 내놓을 것이기 때문이다

왜 10월이 그토록 중대한가?         Just why is October so momentous?

먼저 이번 10월이 히브리 민족의 장막절과 완전하게 맞춰진다. 엘룰29는 10월2일에 떨어지는데, 이는 나머지 30일이 장막절의 31일째와 합치한다는 뜻이다. 이런 하나의 사실만으로도 10월이 거대한 폭로와 예기치않는 변화를 초래할 조건으로 제시된다.

First it happens to perfectly align with the Hebrew month of Tishri.  Elul 29 falls on October 2nd which means the rest of the month until the 31st matches up with Tishri. This single point of fact means that the whole month of October has the potential to unfold in a manner that brings major revelations and unparalleled change.

주된 이유로 들수 있는 것은 성경상의 희년 축제 (슈퍼 희년)가 10월2일 일요일에 벌어진다. 달력상으로는 이번 달의 어느때, 어느 장소든 펼쳐지게 되어있으나, 실상은 미국과, 유럽, 중동에서 대부분 벌어지는도록 보장되었다. 이스라엘은 미국과 결속되어져 있기에 자동으로 같이 간다. 그래서 이의 결과가 아주 빠르게 급격하게 아가온다.

The primary reason for this is that the end of the Biblical Shemitah Jubilee (also known as the Super Shemitah) takes place on Sunday, October 2.  This sole calendrical event will set up the rest of the month for an anything goes, anytime, anywhere context.[1]  However, most of the real action is guaranteed to occur right here in the good ole USA (as well as Europe and the Mideast).  Because the destiny of the Modern State of Israel (MSI) is joined at the hip with that of the United States, outcomes for one will greatly affect the other.  And those outcomes will come fast and furiously.

수잔 라이스는 어떤 나라에 유례없는 400억 달러 지원금을 이스라엘에 준다고 말한다

$40 billion aid to Israel is ‘largest ever’ to any country, says Susan Rice

The upshot of this quite lopsided relationship (between the USA and Israel) is that one can easily take down the other, just as they have supported each other since the birth of the MSI in 1947.[2]  It is, however, the Super Shemitah that holds the key for the great unraveling that is about to take place. For the utter predictability of the Shemitah years is a well established pattern and cannot be denied in view of the historical events of epic proportions which always occur.

For the newcomer, witness 9/11 in the Shemitah year of 2001; witness the stock market crash of 2008, witness the various market crashes of 2015 along with the bankruptcies of Greece and Puerto Rico.   Going back to 1994 there was the great bond market crash and bankruptcy of Orange County.  All of these were Shemitah years.

777.7 SHEMITAH Numerology Explained and Decoded

The critical point here is that 2016 represents the end of a major Shemitah cycle making it the Super Shemitah.  Therefore, what takes place during the month of October (Tishri according to the Judaic tradition) will have great consequence for the entire world community of nations.  Whatever occurs will likely be triggered on Monday, October 3rd since October 2nd is a Sunday.  We may not even see that trigger in the MSM, although something quite HUGE just happened on Friday.

아엠에프는 중국 런민삐를 특별인출권 구성에 포함됨을 발표하다

HISTORIC IMF ANNOUNCEMENT: Reminbi Now Included in the SDR Basket of Currencies

Astrology for October is quite tumultuous and validates the Shemitah

This October will see a number of transits and other astrological events that will create extraordinary tension and opportunity for change.  Most real change comes at the barrel of a gun.  Isn’t that true in life in general?  Who ever gives up their comfort food unless a serious health condition forces them to?  Does the sugarholic (or alcoholic, or caffeine addict, or nicotine addict, or coke addict, or gambler, or Smartphone addict, or endorphin addict, etc.) ever just stop gratifying their addiction … unless it becomes truly life-threatening?!  Sounds like a certain politician presently running for POTUS irrespective of her diagnosed Parkinson’s disease, Subcortical vascular dementia and Post concussive syndrome.

힐라리의 파킨슨 병은 더이상 숨길수없네

Hillary’s Parkinson’s Disease Can No Longer Be Concealed


Well that’s exactly where things are for the Oligarchy of 1% that currently runs Planet Earth.  For it is the pathological love of money (and psychopathic addiction to power) that has pushed them firmly into the seats of power and influence around the globe.  However, their grip on that virtually absolute power is now loosening.  And the astrology shows us how this is happening.  Nevertheless, it’s even more important to understand that it is the ruled (the 99%) who ultimately permitted the tyrannical rulers to run their tyranny on them.

     지배도당은 아주 거칠어진다

Oligarchs Gone Wild

With Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in houses controlled by the 1%, the 1% decided what if anything ever warranted protest or needed reform (Uranus). They were empowered to choose which ideals would guide us (Neptune). They also decided who should hold power, how it should be wielded and why (Pluto).

For much of the time, the oligarchs also decided what was logical and legal (Saturn), who would become wealthy, how wealthy they would become, who would share in that wealth and why (Jupiter).

For going on half a century, the oligarchs made virtually all the rules. They won every hand. They decided every case. By the end, they called every shot.

But that was us, drinking our own oligarchic koolaid. We followed the yellow brick road that we ourselves had paved to global oligarchy.
(Source: October 2016 ? The Deep Astrological Context)

옐로우브릭로드, 즉 런던의 도심을 걷던 99% 사람들이 그토록 사랑하던 돈에 대한 집착이 깨진다는걸 알수있다.

물론 돈을 좋아하는것은 잘못된게 아니다, 허나 돈을 버는 방식과 그걸 쓰는 일이 변하며, 그 에너지가 변한다.

Only by understanding that it is the 99% who also walked down the very same “yellow brick road”, can the spell of the love of money be broken.  There’s absolutely nothing inherently wrong with money itself; rather, it is the energetic charge associated with HOW it is earned, and HOW it is spent.

이번달은 자체의 천문적 특성을 지닌다

Each month has its own astrological imprint

The following breakdown of the primary days in October may not be comprehensible to most.  Nonetheless each one serves as a critical marker during a month ? October ? that is typically full of surprises.  This month will be no different and will quite likely see some of the most kariotic surprises of all time.

The following short description of the primary astrological makers for October ought to be kept handy throughout the month.  Each of these days has the potential for being a defining moment for the 3rd Millennium.

? 10월은 붕괴가 연속으로 일어난다  October unfolds with a series of collapses, astrologically tied to these dates:

? 10월5일 - 화성이 목성과 4각형을 그린다  October 5th ? when Mars squares Jupiter.

? 10월7일 - 태양이 명왕성과 4각형을 그린다  October 7th ? when Sun squares Pluto

? 10월15일 - 태양은 천왕성을 좌표상에서 만난다  October 15 ? when Sun conjuncts Uranus

? 10월19일 - 화성이 명왕성을 좌표상에서 만난다. 이것은 매 2년마다 발생하는데, 이번것은 모든 명왕성 출현자리에 큰 격동을 주는 날이다.  Then the big one on October 19 ? when Mars conjuncts Pluto. This alignment happens every 2 years, but in light of the earlier October dates this is the one that will give a big kick to all the Pluto aspects in October.
(Source: The Patriot Astrologer)


올해의 회색 백조  The Gray Swans of 2016

There is no question about the many and diverse gray swans that now lurk in every location across the planetary civilization.  They were set up this way so that when the other shoe dropped every single resident of the planet would be affected by something, somewhere.  In this way, each individual will be challenged to respond to the coming events in a proactive, courageous and life-affirming manner.

For instance, who can deny that a collapse of Deutsche Bank would affect every German … and every European.  Talk about a massive gray swan flying over the Continent.

The Controlled Demolition of Deutsche Bank And Financial Collapse Of Europe

What follows is the current list of Gray Swans, as per the intelligence briefing platform DEEP CONNECTIONS.

회색 백조라 : 확실한 현재적 위험 리스트 GRAY SWANS: The Clear and Present Danger List

  1. 유럽 금융은 세계적 전염병으로 인해 붕괴된다 (도이치뱅크가 진원지) European banking collapse with immediate global contagion (ground zero: Deutsche Bank). [Analysis…]
  2. 유럽 금융붕괴 ( 이태리 금융이 진원지)  European banking collapse (ground zero: Italian banking sector).[Analysis…]
  3. 일본 경제 붕괴  Economic collapse of Japan. [Analysis…]
  4. 사이버 테러/ 사이버전쟁이 미국 기초시설을 흔든다(금융, 전력, 인터넷 등등) Cyberterrorism/cyberwarfare/sabotage affecting US infrastructure (e.g. financial markets, power grid, internet). [Analysis…]
  5. 유럽연합은 브렉시트로 인해서 붕괴한다(프랑스, 이태리도 마찬가지) The collapse of the European Union due to a successful Brexit-like referendum in France or Italy. [Analysis…]
  6. 시리아에서 미국 나토는 러시아와 전쟁을 가열한다, 이는 동유럽, 발칸, 폴란드로 확산된다  Escalation of a war between the US/NATO and Russia originating from the Syrian conflict or from the eastern European border countries (Balkans/Poland).[Analysis…]
  7. 세계 국가채권 거품이 터진다, 고정 수입 파생상품도 터진다  Bursting of the global sovereign bond bubble and the interconnected fixed-income derivatives network.
  8. 미국과 중국이 남지나해역에서 전쟁을 가열한다  Escalation of a war between the US and China originating from the South China Sea territorial water disputes.
  9. 중국 위안화가 급하게 평가절하한다  A large and rapid Chinese currency deval‎uation.
  10. 뉴욕 귀금속 시장에서 물건인도가 끊긴다  (금과 은)A failure to physically deliver (force majeure) on the New York Comex precious metals market exchange (monetary metals: gold and/or silver).
  11. 조직적 시민 소요가 미국 여러 도시에서 가열된다. 이는 게엄령을 촉할하고 사회적 의식을 바꿔놓는다. 미국에 대한 모든 현재 상황을 바꾸게 된다. Organized civil unrest that escalates to prolonged violence in multiple US cities which triggers martial law and a permanent re-calibration of the social consciousness vis-?-vis a collective, national awakening to a starkly different definition of America on all levels???from its 1776, constituent DNA to the US’ perceived status through the eyes of the rest the world.
    (Source: Prevailing Gray Swans: The Clear and Present Danger List for the Week Ending September 23, 2016)

This list was taken from the following essay which recently appeared under the title: October 2, 2016 = Elul 29, 5776: HUGE Window of Opportunity and/or Collapse.  This post provides much more vital understanding about this decisive month of October 2016.

The U.S. Presidential Election

Let’s face it, it doesn’t get any bigger than this one.  November 8th is surely the biggest election in the history of the USA.  Hence, what occurs (or does not occur) during the month of October will dictate the final outcome of this election cycle.

As for dramatic political surprises, here’s one that just happened:

Send for Nigel! Trump flies in Farage to help sharpen up his debating skills for his next clash with Hillary Clinton

We haven’t seen “October Surprises” like those that will be dropping out of the sky over the next 30 days.  If ever there was a time to really hang onto your hat, this month is it.


Of course, the real $64,000 question is whether Obama will “wag the dog” for Hillary? There are many concerning developments in Syria that point directly to the Obama Administration deliberately inflaming a regional war as a distinct prelude to a World War III.  These folks seem hellbent to do whatever is necessary to shoehorn Hillary Clinton into the Oval Office.

Why did the NWO ruling cabal really select Hillary Clinton?a politically defective, medically unfit, notoriously untrustworthy and dangerously misguided candidate?

As for Donald Trump’s response to her presidential aspirations, the following video portrays The Donald as such a no-nonsense speaker of the truth that his performance is entirely UNPRECEDENTED IN ELECTION HISTORY.  Should he continue to increase the number and intensity of these truth bombs over the course of October, Hillary will have acquired the worst case of political PTSD ever!

VIDEO: Trump Demands That Obama Not Pardon Hillary!  This Video Will Blow You Away! Best 15 min of Trump to Date!

Special Note:
Since this essay focuses on astrology, it is of paramount importance to understand that 2016 ? until January 27, 2017  ?  is the Chinese Year of the Red Fire Monkey.  Yes, Donald Trump is a quintessential Fire Monkey tearing apart the whole jungle as it should be.  Bernie Sanders had a similar energy on his side, but he wimped out.  The key point is that everyone needs to awaken their inner “Red Fire Monkey” because that is exactly what it’s going to take.  The energies are conspiring to create a surprising reversal of fortune for the ruling elites, but the job must be performed by We the People.  However, there is only one way to pull off such a reversal.  Every concerned soul must step up when they are called to do so.  In the Year of the Red Fire Monkey there is simply no stopping those who truly align with the dharma of the indomitable Monkey.  In ancient Eastern lore, Lord Hanuman, perhaps the greatest Fire Monkey of all time, was known to be supremely powerful, unrivaled off the battlefield, and invincible in war.  (See the “Action & Advocacy” section below.)


O C T O B E R  2016 will be written about in future history books as the most consequential time frame of the era.

Whether the events are dramatic or the developments are paradigm-shattering, what does transpire in the next four plus weeks will radically alter American society, profoundly change Western civilization and deeply transform the planetary order.


Cosmic Convergence Research Group
September 30, 2016


[1]  The 2015/2016 Shemitah Jubilee And The End Of The Modern Era

  • 16.10.04 17:31

    첫댓글 그리고 10월이 지난 후.....

  • 16.10.04 19:03

    또 다른 때를 말 하겠지요...
    계속되는 반복!

  • 16.10.04 19:33

    지금은 자비의 황금시간 ~♡

  • 16.10.04 20:23

    음모론, 사차원 이런거에 빠져 오늘도 허우적거리며 점치다가 틀리면 아님말고! 외치면 끝.

  • 16.10.04 20:34

    맞지도 않는 예언 자꾸 올리실 필요가 있을까요?
    9월 27일 정세와 음모에 WARNING! OCTOUBER 라는 제목으로 올려진 글에 의하면 10월 4일 해가 돋기 전에 소행성이 프에르토리코에 떨어져서 진도 12이상의 강진이 있을 것이고 지구의 자전이 3일 동안 멈출 것이고, 프에르토리코 주민 75만 명이 죽을 것이라는 정보를 올리셨던데...
    어떻게 된 것인가요?
    진정 궁금해서 묻습니다.

  • 16.10.04 20:59

    오늘이 10월 4일이군요

  • 16.10.04 21:07

    @rose of... 몇 시간 정도는 착오가 있을 수 있으니까 더 기다려봐야 하는건지...

  • 16.10.04 21:22

    @갈렙 몇년전에도 나왔던 경고였던것같습니다 - ㅡ
    푸에르토리코는 지금 오전이네요
    해가 돋기전이라고했으니 오류인듯합니다

  • 16.10.04 21:11

    잦은 방귀는 똥을 싸는법
    입대로 된다는 소리가 있습니다
    이 시대의 흐름을 보면 터지긴 터집니다 다만 언제 어떻게 어떤 모양
    으로 나타 나는 것이냐는 것이죠
    조만간 ~~~

  • 16.10.04 21:46

    이 예언 사건에 대해서는 해명이 있어야 할 줄로 압니다.
    계산착오가 있어서 좀더 기다려봐야하는 건지, 아니면 완전히 잘못된 예언이었던지.....아니면 고의적인 사기였는지...
    관심을 가지고 지켜볼 일입니다.

    지금 현재 프에르토리코 시간이 10월 4일 오전 8시 50분 정도 됐네요.
    아직 해가 뜨지 않았을리는 없습니다.
