| 논 문 | 발제자 |
02월 10일 | Austin Hale(1980), Person markers: Finite Conjunct and Disjunct Verb Forms in Newari, In Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics 7, 95-106. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University. | 동소현 |
Timothy Jowan Curnow(2002), Conjunct/disjunct marking in Awa Pit, Linguistics 40-3, 611-627. | 이지은 | |
Nicolas Tournadre(2008), Arguments against the Concept of ‘Conjunct’/‘Disjunct’ in Tibetan, In Chomolangma, Demawend und Kasbek eds., Festschrift für Roland Bielmeier (2008), 281–308. | 임근석 | |
| Simeon Floyd, Elisabeth Norcliffe and Lila San Roque eds.(2018), Egophoricity, John Benjamins. |
09월 14일 | Elisabeth Norcliffe, 1.Egophoricity: An introduction, 1-36. ※ 1.부터 3.4.까지. | 정해권 |
09월 28일 | Elisabeth Norcliffe, 1.Egophoricity: An introduction, 36-78. ※ 4.부터 7.까지. | 정해권 |
10월 12일 | David Hargreaves, 2.“Am I blue?”: Privileged access constraints in Kathmandu Newar, 79-108. | 송영숙 |
Robyn Loughnane, 12.The evidential nature of conjunct-disjunct terms: Evidence from Oksapmin and Newar, 377-404. | 전문이 | |
10월 26일 | Gwendolyn Hyslop, 3.Mirativity and egophoricity in Kurtop, 109-138. | 이지은 |
Barbara Kelly, 4.Interactions of speaker knowledge and volitionality in Sherpa, 139-152. | 신현규 | |
11월 09일 | Liberty Lidz, 5.Egophoricity and differential access to knowledge in Yongning Na(Mosuo), 153-172. | 이영윤 |
Erika Sandman, 6.Egophoricity in Wutun, 173-196. | 김현주 | |
11월 23일 | Robert W. Fried, 7.Egophoricity in Mangghuer: Insights from pragmatic uses of the subjective/objective distinction, 197-224. | 홍재성 |
12월 14일 | Henrik Bergqvist, 11.The role of sentence type in Ika (Arwako) egophoric marking, 347-376. | 임근석 |
Stephen Wechsle, 15.Self-ascription in conjunct-disjunct systems, 473-494. | 동소현 | |
12월 28일 | John R. Roberts(2017), A Typology of Switch Reference, In Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, R. M. W. Dixon eds., The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology, 538-573. | 전문이 |
| Minyao Huang and Kasia M. Jaszczolt eds.(2018), Expressing the Self: Cultural Diversity and Cognitive Universals, Oxford University Press. |
01월 11일 | Kasia M. Jaszczolt, 1.Introduction: The self in language, in thought, and en route in-between, 1-12. | 조은경 |
Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, 2.‘Me’, ‘us’, and ‘others’: Expressing the self in Arawak languages of South American, with a focus on Tariana, 13-39. | 이지은 | |
dlwldms01월 25일 | Elizabeth Coppock and Stephen Wechsler, 3.The proper treatment of egophoricity in Kathmandu Newari, 40-57. | 임근석 |
Rodanthi Christofaki, Expressing the self in Japanese: Indexical expressions in the service of indexical thoughts, 72-87. | 이영윤 | |
02월 08일 | Felix Ameka(2017), Logophoricity, In Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, R. M. W. Dixon eds., The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology, 513-537. | 신현규 |
02월 22일 | Anna Bugaeva(2008), Reported Discourse and Logophoricity in Southern Hokkaido Dialects of Ainu, 言語研究 133, 31–75. | 홍재성 |
Hsiang-Yun Chen, De se marking, logophoricity, and ziji, 88-115. | 박은석 |
전체 폴더
20.02.10.: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sSKzzN8uq903rqNF3Fy86L-cfKOhkf79
Austin Hale(1980), Person markers: Finite Conjunct and Disjunct Verb Forms in Newari, In Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics 7, 95-106. Pacific Linguistics, the Australian National University.
Timothy Jowan Curnow(2002), Conjunct/disjunct marking in Awa Pit, Linguistics 40-3, 611-627.
Nicolas Tournadre(2008), Arguments against the Concept of ‘Conjunct’/‘Disjunct’ in Tibetan, In Chomolangma, Demawend und Kasbek eds., Festschrift für Roland Bielmeier (2008), 281–308.
Simeon Floyd, Elisabeth Norcliffe and Lila San Roque eds.(2018), Egophoricity, John Benjamins.
20.09.14.: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zxelqKO3PGkCo4wjCx3Pw9jIKA3HehrR
Elisabeth Norcliffe, 1.Egophoricity: An introduction, 1-36. ※ 1.부터 3.4.까지.
20.09.28.: https://drive.google.com/open?id=16YFHYdv0uMCmHxzO0HPYu3kuqkQQN4m4
Elisabeth Norcliffe, 1.Egophoricity: An introduction, 36-78. ※ 4.부터 7.까지.
20.10.12.: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lBaKi4Bzlldx9BOQNjPOb7iDAiQSu3pq
David Hargreaves, 2.“Am I blue?”: Privileged access constraints in Kathmandu Newar, 79-108.
Robyn Loughnane, 12.The evidential nature of conjunct-disjunct terms: Evidence from Oksapmin and Newar, 377-404.
20.10.26.: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Jb9HGLug-KjJ4IrnahlLI5E42aceLpz2
Gwendolyn Hyslop, 3.Mirativity and egophoricity in Kurtop, 109-138.
Barbara Kelly, 4.Interactions of speaker knowledge and volitionality in Sherpa, 139-152.
20.11.09.: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1C_edUZB1wXSbaGkqbQWPdj3n3fcQdeTa
Liberty Lidz, 5.Egophoricity and differential access to knowledge in Yongning Na(Mosuo), 153-172.
Erika Sandman, 6.Egophoricity in Wutun, 173-196.
20.11.23.: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1R_weU6An0gPtSOT9ZmSqE_nw7jpCWcZT
Robert W. Fried, 7.Egophoricity in Mangghuer: Insights from pragmatic uses of the subjective/objective distinction, 197-224.
Keith W. Slater, 8.Morphological innovations in Mangghuer and Shirongolic: Reconstructing the formal emergence of the subjective vs. objective distinction, 225-268.
20.12.14.: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FTmLnwpt2k_NlDb8kZ1gA7mrW7A0IKYW
Henrik Bergqvist, 11.The role of sentence type in Ika (Arwako) egophoric marking, 347-376.
Stephen Wechsle, 15.Self-ascription in conjunct-disjunct systems, 473-494.
20.12.28.: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ISHgStJxNDEUYfCG96hIlAhjtzalaeQ6?usp=sharing
John R. Roberts(2017), A Typology of Switch Reference, In Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, R. M. W. Dixon eds., The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology, 538-573.
Minyao Huang and Kasia M. Jaszczolt eds.(2018), Expressing the Self: Cultural Diversity and Cognitive Universals, Oxford University Press.
21.01.11.: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18NxkHuu3OolyPbZQYduJgDmrSSWEFvTd?usp=sharing
Kasia M. Jaszczolt, 1.Introduction: The self in language, in thought, and en route in-between, 1-12.
Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, 2.‘Me’, ‘us’, and ‘others’: Expressing the self in Arawak languages of South American, with a focus on Tariana, 13-39.
21.01.25.: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Tfm0b6p1skv-2vAP16bjAw4lY0VHabyO?usp=sharing
Elizabeth Coppock and Stephen Wechsler, 3.The proper treatment of egophoricity in Kathmandu Newari, 40-57.
Rodanthi Christofaki, Expressing the self in Japanese: Indexical expressions in the service of indexical thoughts, 72-87.
21.02.08.: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Vu-nb1jbfRcwRY2yrZENisTH-LIPTg2q?usp=sharing
Felix Ameka(2017), Logophoricity, In Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, R. M. W. Dixon eds., The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology, 513-537.
21.02.22.: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11Da-pqWr_z9wBhIJZ5oL3YAAc7UnKlo7?usp=sharing
Anna Bugaeva(2008), Reported Discourse and Logophoricity in Southern Hokkaido Dialects of Ainu, 言語研究 133, 31–75.
Hsiang-Yun Chen, De se marking, logophoricity, and ziji, 88-115.
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정말 고맙습니다.
임근석입니다. 12월 14일 .The role of sentence type in Ika (Arwako) egophoric marking,
1월 25일 ‘Me’, ‘us’, and ‘others’: Expressing the self in Arawak languages of South American, with a focus on Tariana
발제 신청합니다.
Kasia M. Jaszczolt, 1.Introduction: The self in language, in thought, and en route in-between, 1-12.