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카페 게시글
영어자료실 스크랩 3. 6. 화 Daylight-saving(s) time 일관 절약시간 (섬머타임)
상당구 추천 0 조회 40 09.08.10 10:30 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

3. 6. 화 gagged 입막음, 언론 압박  toll (사고·재해 등의) 희생


1 President Roh Moo-hyun is seriously considering nominating former Finance Minister Han Duck-soo as his new prime minister.

노무현 대통령은 새 총리로 한덕수 전 재정경제부 장관을 유력하게 검토 중인 것으로 알려졌습니다.

* seriously 진지하게, 중대하게

* You use seriously to indicate that you are not joking and that you really mean what you say.

* nominating (선거·임명의 후보자로서) 지명하다

*If someone is nominated for a job or position, their name is formally suggested as a candidate for it.

2 The main opposition Grand National Party boycotts assembly sessions amid wrangling over private school law yesterday.

한나라당은 어제, 여당과의 사립학교법 재개정 협상 문제를 놓고 국회 의사일정에 대한 전면 불참을 선언했습니다.

* wrangling 말다툼하다, 언쟁하다;논쟁하다

* If you say that someone is wrangling with someone over a question or issue, you mean that they have been arguing angrily for quite a long time about it.

*amid: ~하는 동안에/ during

3 Korea to call for OECD to revise 2007 draft report on its economy saying the paper misinterprets the government's economic policy.

정부는 경제협력개발기구의 2007 한국보고서 초안이 우리 경제 상황을 정확하게 반영하지 못하고 있다고 보고 수정을 요구하기로 했습니다.

* revise 교정, 정정, 수정하다

*If you revise the way you think about something, you adjust your thoughts, usually in order to make them better or more suited to how things are.

* misinterprets 오해하다, 오역하다

* If you misinterpret something, you understand it wrongly.

4 Daylight-saving(s) time in the U.S. changes beginning March 11 this year.

올해부터 미국에서 시행되는 섬머타임제가 3월 11일부터 앞당겨집니다.

* Daylight-saving(s) time  일관 절약시간 (섬머타임)

* Daylight Saving Time is a period of time in the summer when the clocks are set one hour forward, so that people can have extra light in the evening.

5 A suicide car bomber struck a busy commercial district in Baghdad  killing at least 26 people and injuring more than 50.

이라크 바그다드 도심에서 발생한 차량폭탄 테러로 최소한 26명이 숨지고 50명 이상이 부상했습니다.

*commercial  상업상의

*commercial district=상업지의 (도심의)

*Commercial means involving or relating to the buying and selling of goods.

=명동이나 강남역 정도가 될 수 있다고 말했었죠?

some place where its very busy...like downtown?

No more apologies for "comfort women", says Japanese Prime Minister Abe

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told Japanese lawmakers in a debate on Monday that Japan would not apologize again for operating military brothels in the years up to and during World War II. Abe came under fire last week for saying there was no evidence that the military had a role in forcing up to 200,000 women into prostitution. Most of the women were from Korea and China, and the issue of so-called "comfort women" has been a focal point for frosty relations between Japan and those countries.

Upon hearing testimony from several women who were forced into work in the brothels last month, the U.S. Congress may passa resolution demanding a formal acknowledgement and apology from Japan. However, Abe stated that the testimonies were not based on proof. The Korean Foreign Ministry has accused Abe of, "glossing over the historical truth."

(1st) under fire : If you come under fire from someone or are under fire, they criticize you strongly. 강하게 비난하다.

= draw the fire of …의 공격[비판]을 초래하다

= go through fire and water 물불을 가리지 않다, 온갖 위험을 무릅쓰다

= on fire 흥분하다

(2nd) gloss over: If you gloss over a problem, a mistake, or an embarrassing moment, you try and make it seem unimportant by ignoring it or by dealing with it very quickly. 그럴듯한 말로 얼버무리다.

= put[set] a gloss on …을 빛나게 꾸미다

= take the gloss off (…의) 흥을 깨다

Risk of injury high for Disney park mascots

If you think you’ve got it rough at your job, you should try being Mickey Mouse for a day. A study by the US Health and Safety Administration suggests that there is a lot more danger to the job of Disney park mascot than you might expect.

Of the 1,900 actors who work as Disney mascots across the world, more than a third of them have sustained injuries while wearing the mascot costumes that Disney parks are famous for.

Among the reported injuries are those from being hit and kicked by children, neck and back strain, and contact with parade floats in motion. In 2004 an actor in a mascot costume was crushed by a parade float and killed in Orlando, Florida’s Disney World. Disney is now using NASA engineers to design more manageable costumes.

(1st) got it rough : If you say that someone has had a rough time, you mean that they have had some difficult or unpleasant experiences.

=could be used 'get it bad' instead

=have a rough time (of it) 쓰라린 일을 겪다, 애를 먹다

(2nd) sustain : If you sustain something, you continue it or maintain it for a period of time. 지탱하다, 유지하다

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special

3. 5. 월 gagged 입막음, 언론 압박  toll (사고·재해 등의) 희생

1 Korean activists held candlelight vigil calls for withdrawal of Korean troops from Afghanistan.

한국군의 아프가니스탄 등 해외 파병의 철군을 촉구하는 시민단체의 촛불집회가 잇따르고 있습니다.

* vigil 철야 기도; (밤을 새워 비는) 축일 전야

* A vigil is a period of time when people remain quietly in a place, especially at night, for example because they are praying or are making a political protest.

2 Korea expresses 'regret' over U.S. lawmakers' call to widen it's auto market.

정부는 한국 자동차시장 개방을 확대하도록 요구한 미국 측에 유감스럽다는 입장을 밝혔습니다.

* expresses <감정·생각 등을> 표현[표명]하다(show)

* When you express an idea or feeling, or express yourself, you show what you think or feel.

* widen 넓히다, ;<눈이> (놀람 등으로) 둥그레지다

* If you widen something or if it widens, it becomes greater in measurement from one side or edge to the other.

=If your eyes widen, they open more.

3 Korean government is likely to send North Korea the 300,000 tons of fertilizer aid in a single shipment.

정부는 북한이 최근 제20차 장관급회담을 통해 요구해 온 비료 30만 톤을 조만간 한꺼번에 지원할 것으로 보입니다.

* fertilizer 비료, 특히 화학비료

* Fertilizer is a substance such as solid animal waste or a chemical mixture that you spread on the ground in order to make plants grow more successfully.

* aid 돕다, 거들다

* Aid is money, equipment, or services that are provided for people, countries, or organizations who need them but cannot provide them for themselves.

4 Indonesia landslides toll hits 40 with scores of people believed to be buried under the mud.

인도네시아의 산사태로 최소 40명이 숨지고 수십 명이 실종됐습니다.

* toll (사고·재해 등의) 희생

* A toll is a total number of deaths, accidents, or disasters that occur in a particular period of time.

* scores 다수, 많음

* If you refer to scores of things or people, you are emphasizing that there are very many of them.

5 BBC gagged over item on alleged corruption in party funding after losing an emergency hearing at London's High Court.


정치자금 스캔들에 대한 뉴스를 보도하려고 했던 영국 BBC가 법무장관의 방송금지 결정으로 방송을 내보내지 못하는 사태가 생겨 논란이 일고 있습니다.

* gagged 입막음, 언론 압박

* If a person is gagged by someone in authority, they are prevented from expressing their opinion or from publishing certain information.

* alleged 증거 없이 주장된, ~~라고 말하는

* An alleged fact has been stated but has not been proved to be true.

6 Korea's weather agency issued a strong wind warning for most of the peninsula.

기상청은 전국 대부분 지역에 강풍 특보를 내렸습니다.

U.S. to unfreeze some North Korean assets

Officials have reported that in order to keep North Korea from backing out of its promise to end its nuclear program, the U.S. will soon recommend the release of large amounts of frozen North Korean assets in foreign bank accounts. Between eight to twelve million U.S. dollars out of $24 million in blocked assets are expected to be released as part of the denuclearization agreement reached with North Korea during six-party talks on February 13th.

Washington placed the restrictions on a bank in Macau in 2005, which promptly resulted in the bank freezing North Korea’s accounts in order not to lose business with the U.S. Other banks with North Korean accounts quickly followed suit. The restrictions struck a nerve with North Korea, as they have been a sensitive issue ever since.

(1st) backing out: If someone has the backing of an organization or an important person, they receive support or money from that organization or person in order to do something. 보증; 후원(support)

(2nd) struck a nerve: annoy or irritate 신경을 건드리다.

Atkins Diet said to be best in scientific study

It has been suggested by a scientific study that the Atkins diet, which swept North America and parts of Europe three years ago, can be one of the most effective ways for women to lose weight. In the study, overweight women went on Atkins or one of three other competing diets for twelve months. In the end, women on Atkins lost twice as
