The word "gyro" comes from the Greek word gyros, which means "circle" or "turn, spinning top"
gimbal (n.)
1570s, "joints, connecting links," alteration of gemel "twins" (late 14c.), from Old French jumel "a twin" (12c., Modern French jumeau), from Latin gemellus, diminutive of geminus (adj.) "twin, born together" (see geminate).
As a type of contrivance for securing free motion in suspension, by 1780. Related: Gimbals.
Gemmels (plural) was Middle English for "twins" (late 14c.), also "Gemini," from Old French gemeles; hence also gemel ring, a double finger-ring that may be taken apart; also gimmal.
One of the earliest forms of rings was the gemel or gimmal ring. It was a twin or double ring composed of two or more interlaced links, when the two flat sides were in contact, the links formed one ring. Mottoes and devices were often engraved on the inner or flat side. At the time of betrothal, it was customary for the man to put his finger through one hoop, and the woman through the other. They were thus symbolically yoked together. The links were then broken, and the two kept a link until the marriage. Some gimmal rings with three links were made for the purpose of a witness keeping the middle one. There is a gimmal containing nine links still in existence. A old one given by Edward Seymour to Lady Katharine Grey had five links and a poesy of his own composition.
자이로 스코프 센서는 물체의 회전각과 기울기를 측정하는 센서로, 각속도 센서라고도 불립니다. 자이로 스코프 센서는 라틴어로 '회전하는 것(팽이)'을 뜻하는 '자이로(gyro)'에서 유래했습니다.
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디지털 카메라
A top is a type of gyroscope, which is a precision instrument that spins on a pivot and seems to defy gravity:
A top is governed by the gyroscopic effect, which means it will spin on a constant axis unless acted upon by a couple.
.For example, a top will precess around a vertical axis if it's spinning on its axis and placed on a flat surface at an angle to the vertical.
A gyroscope is a top combined with gimbals. Gyroscopes are used in many applications, including navigation systems in ships and planes, oil drilling, and motion picture making.
Here are some other things to know about gyroscopes and tops:
The faster a gyroscope spins, the greater the gyroscopic effect, making it more resistant to disturbing couples.
The first known apparatus similar to a gyroscope was invented in 1743 by John Serson.
Johann Bohnenberger of Germany created the first instrument that was more like an actual gyroscope in 1817.
A gyroscope's axis of spin can be changed by applying a couple at right angles to the spinning axis. This is called gyroscopic precession.
A gyrowheel is a small bicycle wheel with a motorized gyro inside that can be used as a precessing top.
A "tippy top" is a top that consists of a hemisphere with an axle shaft above. When set spinning on the hemisphere, the top will flip upside down and spin on its axle.
가운데에 팽이가 돌고 있다
A gyroscope in operation, showing the freedom of rotation in all three axes. The rotor will maintain its spin axis direction regardless of the orientation of the outer frame.
짐벌은 카메라로 동영상이나 사진을 촬영할 때, 결과물의 흔들림을 최소화하기 위해 사용되는 장치이다. 보통 내부에 자이로 센서와 가속도 센서가 있어, 움직이는 반대 방향으로 본체를 기울여 결과물의 흔들림을 최소화시킨다.
세 개의 짐벌이 하나로 구성되어있다. 각각의 짐벌은 roll, pitch and yaw의 자유도를 가진다.