Rainforest Rambles 열대우림속을 걷다.
Earlier this week Year 6 went on a trip to the Penang Botanical Gardens linked to their science topic on evolution and inheritance. These budding young botanists logged the number of plant species at 3 different sites, explored the adaptive traits plants have to survive in the tropical rainforest ecosystem and drew field sketches that Charles Darwin would be proud of. Along the way we found some pretty interesting animals too!
6학년 학생들이 Penang botanical Garden의 숲속을 걸었습니다..열대우림의 생태계에서 동식물이 살아남는 것에 대해 많은 것을 배웠습니다.

첫댓글 여기는 페낭 식물원 중에서도 Lily Pond란 곳이예요...들어가면 아주 시원하답니다....페낭에 계신 분들...꼭 가보세요...^^