Bioactive dietary agents have been shown to regulate multiple cancer hallmark pathways. Epidemiologic studies have linked consumption of Allium vegetables, such as garlic and onions, to decreased incidence of cancer. Diallyl trisulfide (DATS), a bioactive compound derived from Alliumvegetables, has been investigated as an anti-cancer and chemopreventive agent. Preclinical studies provide ample evidence that DATS regulates multiple cancer hallmark pathways including cell cycle, apoptosis, angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis. DATS has been shown to arrest cancer cells at multiple stages of the cell cycle with the G2/M arrest being the most widely reported. Additionally, increased pro-apoptotic capacity as a result of regulating intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathway components has been widely reported following DATS treatment. Invasion, migration, and angiogenesis represent emerging targets of DATS and support its anti-cancer properties. This review summarizes DATS mechanisms of action as an anti-cancer and chemopreventive agent. These studies provide rationale for future investigation into its use as a cancer chemopreventive agent.
위 표와 같이 마늘은 100g당 33g의 탄수화물이 들어있음. 매일 하루 3쪽정도 복용하는 것이 적당함.
3) 양파
양파는 강한 항산화작용과 항염증, 항암작용이 있음. 양파에는 폴리페놀의 일종인 케르세틴이 풍부함. 케르세틴의 항암효과가 최신 논문에서 검증되고 있음.
Diet plays a key role to maintaining healthy life. Many natural products present in our diet, such as flavonoids, can prevent the progression of cancer. Quercetin, a distinctive bioactive flavonoid, is a dietary component that has attracted the attention of dietitians and medicinal chemists due to its numerous health-promoting effects.It is an outstanding antioxidant that has a well-documented role in reducing different human cancers. Quercetin exhibits direct proapoptotic effects on tumor cells and thus can inhibit the progress of numerous human cancers. The anticancer effect of quercetin has been documented in numerous in vitro and in vivo studies that involved several cell lines and animal models.
On the other hand, the high toxic effect of quercetin against cancer cells is accompanied with little or no side effects or harm to normal cells. Accordingly, this review presents an overview of recent developments on the use of quercetin against different types of cancer along with mechanisms of action. In addition, the present review summarizes the literature pertaining to quercetin as an anticancer agent and provides an assessment of the potential utilization of this natural compound as a complimentary or alternative medicine for preventing and treating cancer.
또한 케르세틴은 체지방 분해를 촉진하여 케톤체 생산에도 큰 도움을 줌. 하지만 양파에도 100 g중 9g의탄수화물이 들어있음.
비타민 E는 녹차, 아몬드, 해바라기씨유, 고추 등에 많이 함유되어 있고 불포화지방산의 산화를 방지함. 항산화력을 높이려면 인체가 원래 가지고 있는 항산화 효소의 작용을 활성화하는 것도 중요함.
글루타치온 페록시다제는 활성산소(과산화수소, H2O2)를 물과 산소로 분해함. 이때 글루타치온 페록시다제의 활동을 도와주는 것이 셀레늄이라는 미량원소임. 셀레늄은 글루타치온 페록시다제를 활성화하여 DNA손상 방지, 암세포를 세포자멸사로 유도하는 작용을 함. 셀레늄이 부족하면 암 및 관상동맥질환, 심근경색,동맥경화가 일어날 가능성이 높아짐.
Brazil nuts are among the richest dietary sources of selenium, an essential mineral with antioxidant properties. Selenium plays an important role in reproduction, metabolism, and immune health.
A single Brazil nut contains 68 to 91 micrograms (mcg) of selenium, meaning that just one nut per day can provide the daily recommended adult allowance of 55 mcg.
6) 아연
셀레늄외에 항산화 효소를 활성화하는 중요한 미네랄이 '아연'임. 정상세포에서 유전자 정보를 복사하고단백질을 합성하는 과정에서 아연이 필수적인 역할을 함. 아연이 부족하면 유전자 정보가 원활하게 전달되지 못하므로 정상세포 단백질 합성이 안되기 때문에 암 위험성이 높아짐.
Zinc is an essential element that is integral to many proteins and transcription factors which regulate key cellular functions such as the response to oxidative stress, DNA replication, DNA damage repair, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis.
Zinc: A promising agent in dietary chemoprevention of cancer
Proper intake of dietary nutrients is considered crucial for preventing the initiation of events leading to the development of carcinoma. Many dietary compounds have been considered to contribute in cancer prevention including zinc, which plays a pivotal role in host defense against the initiation and promotion of several malignancies. Zinc is an essential element that is integral to many proteins and transcription factors which regulate key cellular functions such as the response to oxidative stress, DNA replication, DNA damage repair, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis.Zinc has been ascribed roles in the metabolism and interaction of malignant cells, particularly in apoptosis. Zinc is involved in structural stabilization and activation of the p53 that appears to be an important component of the apoptotic process and also in activation of certain members of the caspase family of proteases. Zinc exerts a positive beneficial effect against chemically induced preneoplastic progression in rats and provides an effective dietary chemopreventive approach to disease in vulnerable section of population with family history of carcinoma. The present review provides an insight into the research conducted on animals as well as on human subjects for providing the concept that zinc deficiency is an important factor in the development and progression of malignancy and that zinc could be efficacious in the prevention and treatment of several cancers viz., colon, pancreas, oesophageal and head and neck. However, it needs further exploration with regard to other definitive bioassays including protein expression and documentation of specific molecular markers to establish the exact mechanism for zinc-mediated cancer chemoprevention. Preclinical trials need to investigate the genetic and epigenetic pathways of chemoprevention by zinc.
Vitamin D, traditionally known as an essential nutrient, is a precursor of a potent steroid hormone that regulates a broad spectrum of physiological processes. In addition to its classical roles in bone metabolism, epidemiological, preclinical, and cellular research during the last decades, it revealed that vitamin D may play a key role in the prevention and treatment of many extra-skeletal diseases such as cancer. Vitamin D, as a prohormone, undergoes two-step metabolism in liver and kidney to produce a biologically active metabolite, calcitriol, which binds to the vitamin D receptor (VDR) for the regulation of expression of diverse genes. In addition, recent studies have revealed that vitamin D can also be metabolized and activated through a CYP11A1-driven non-canonical metabolic pathway. Numerous anticancer properties of vitamin D have been proposed, with diverse effects on cancer development and progression. However, accumulating data suggest that the metabolism and functions of vitamin D are dysregulated in many types of cancer, conferring resistance to the antitumorigenic effects of vitamin D and thereby contributing to the development and progression of cancer. Thus, understanding dysregulated vitamin D metabolism and function in cancer will be critical for the development of promising new strategies for successful vitamin D-based cancer therapy.
8) 비타민 A
비타민 A도 세포핵에 들어갈 수 있고 비타민 D와 상승효과에 의해 암세포분열과정에서 세포자멸사를 촉진함. 비타민 A는 닭고기, 돼지고기 간에 많이 함유. 또한 시금치, 당근, 호박 등 녹황색 채소에 함유된 베타카로틴으로부터도 합성됨. 이 베타카로틴은 필요한 만큼 비타민A를 체내에서 합성하므로 녹황색 채소를 과다섭취해도 비타민 A가 과다하는 일은 없음.
Vitamin A, Cancer Treatment and Prevention: The New Role of Cellular Retinol Binding Proteins
Elena Doldo, Gaetana Costanza, [...], and Augusto Orlandi
Retinol and vitamin A derivatives influence cell differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis and play an important physiologic role in a wide range of biological processes. Retinol is obtained from foods of animal origin. Retinol derivatives are fundamental for vision, while retinoic acid is essential for skin and bone growth. Intracellular retinoid bioavailability is regulated by the presence of specific cytoplasmic retinol and retinoic acid binding proteins (CRBPs and CRABPs). CRBP-1, the most diffuse CRBP isoform, is a small 15 KDa cytosolic protein widely expressed and evolutionarily conserved in many tissues. CRBP-1 acts as chaperone and regulates the uptake, subsequent esterification, and bioavailability of retinol. CRBP-1 plays a major role in wound healing and arterial tissue remodelling processes. In the last years, the role of CRBP-1-related retinoid signalling during cancer progression became object of several studies. CRBP-1 downregulation associates with a more malignant phenotype in breast, ovarian, and nasopharyngeal cancers. Reexpression of CRBP-1 increased retinol sensitivity and reduced viability of ovarian cancer cells in vitro. Further studies are needed to explore new therapeutic strategies aimed at restoring CRBP-1-mediated intracellular retinol trafficking and the meaning of CRBP-1 expression in cancer patients' screening for a more personalized and efficacy retinoid therapy.
베타카로틴에서 비타민 A를 합성하는 능력에는 개인차가 있음. 이 능력이 낮은 사람(27-45%)은 BCMO라는 효소가 결핍되어 있음. 그래서 비타민 A 부족을 해소하려면 식물에서 섭취하는 베타카로틴(레티놀)이 아니라 간이나 장어 등 동물성 비타민 A를 직접 섭취해야 함.
지용성 비타민A는 잉여분이 간에 저장되므로 매일 섭취 안해도 됨. 예를들어 건강한 사람은 닭고기 간을하나를 먹으면 약 2주일분의 비타민 A를 확보할 수 있음. 암환자의 경우에는 좀더 많이 필요하므로 1주일 1회 정도 섭취하고 녹황색 채소에 들어있는 베타카로틴을 많이 섭취하면 쉽게 비타민 A를 섭취할 수 있음.
주의) 건강보조식품의 비타민 A 성분(레티노인산)은 세포분열 주기를 정지하고 세포자멸사 작용을 유도한다고 알려져 있어 백혈병의 항암제로 사용될 정도로 강력한 작용을 함. 즉 조금만 과하게 사용해도 위험 물질이 됨.
1994년 핀란드 쇼크
미국 국립암연구소와 핀란드 공중위생연구소가 공동으로 베타카로틴의 암 예방 효과를 조사 표본은 고령 흡연자 2만9천 명.베타카로틴 캡슐을 매일 20밀리그램씩 5~8년간 섭취한 그룹의 폐암 발생 양태를 보니, 전혀 섭취하지 않은 그룹에 비해 무려 18퍼센트나 높게 나타남. 베타카로틴이 오히려 암 위험성을 높인다는 이 예상 밖의 결과가 저 유명한 ‘핀란드 쇼크. 그러나 연구팀은 녹황색 야채의 베타카로틴은 그렇지 않다고 밝힘. 연구에 사용된 베타카로틴은 정제물질임.
Background:Epidemiologic evidence indicates that diets high in carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables, as well as high serum levels of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and beta carotene, are associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer.
Methods:We performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled primary-prevention trial to determine whether daily supplementation with alpha-tocopherol, beta carotene, or both would reduce the incidence of lung cancer and other cancers. A total of 29,133 male smokers 50 to 69 years of age from southwestern Finland were randomly assigned to one of four regimens: alpha-tocopherol (50 mg per day) alone, beta carotene (20 mg per day) alone, both alpha-tocopherol and beta carotene, or placebo. Follow-up continued for five to eight years.
Results:Among the 876 new cases of lung cancer diagnosed during the trial, no reduction in incidence was observed among the men who received alpha-tocopherol (change in incidence as compared with those who did not, -2 percent; 95 percent confidence interval, -14 to 12 percent). Unexpectedly, we observed a higher incidence of lung cancer among the men who received beta carotene than among those who did not (change in incidence, 18 percent; 95 percent confidence interval, 3 to 36 percent). We found no evidence of an interaction between alpha-tocopherol and beta carotene with respect to the incidence of lung cancer. Fewer cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed among those who received alpha-tocopherol than among those who did not. Beta carotene had little or no effect on the incidence of cancer other than lung cancer. Alpha-tocopherol had no apparent effect on total mortality, although more deaths from hemorrhagic stroke were observed among the men who received this supplement than among those who did not. Total mortality was 8 percent higher (95 percent confidence interval, 1 to 16 percent) among the participants who received beta carotene than among those who did not, primarily because there were more deaths from lung cancer and ischemic heart disease.
Conclusions:We found no reduction in the incidence of lung cancer among male smokers after five to eight years of dietary supplementation with alpha-tocopherol or beta carotene. In fact, this trial raises the possibility that these supplements may actually have harmful as well as beneficial effects.
9) 브로콜리와 콜리플라워
브로콜리와 콜리플라워는 암줄기세포 증식을 억제하는 작용을 함. 펜에틸 아이소사이오사이아네이트(PEITC)라는 천연화합물이 들어있음. 특히 브로콜리 새싹에는 설포라판이 브로콜리의 7배 많음. 하루 30g 브로콜리 새싹을 섭취하면 설포라판이 항암효과를 발휘하고 3일간 지속됨.
Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) is a cytosolic marker of cancer stem cells (CSCs), which are a sub-population within heterogeneous tumor cells. CSCs associate with therapy-resistance, self-renewal, malignancy, tumor-relapse, and reduced patient-survival window. ALDH1-mediated aldehyde scavenging helps CSCs to survive a higher level of oxidative stress than regular cancer cells. Cruciferous vegetable-derived phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) selectively induces reactive oxygen species (ROS), leading to apoptosis of cancer cells, but not healthy cells. However, this pro-oxidant role of PEITC in CSCs is poorly understood and is investigated here. In a HeLa CSCs model (hCSCs), the sphere-culture and tumorsphere assay showed significantly enriched ALDHhi CSCs from HeLa parental cells (p < 0.05). Aldefluor assay and cell proliferation assay revealed that PEITC treatments resulted in a reduced number of ALDHhi hCSCs in a concentration-dependent manner (p < 0.05). In the ROS assay, PEITC promoted oxidative stress in hCSCs (p ≤ 0.001). Using immunoblotting and flow cytometry techniques, we reported that PEITC suppressed the cancer-associated transcription factor (Sp1) and a downstream multidrug resistance protein (P-glycoprotein) (both, p < 0.05). Furthermore, PEITC-treatment of hCSCs, prior to xenotransplantation in mice, lowered the in vivo tumor-initiating potential of hCSCs. In summary, PEITC treatment suppressed the proliferation of ALDH1 expressing cancer stem cells as well as key factors that are involved with drug-resistance, while promoting oxidative stress and apoptosis in hCSCs.
Keywords: ALDH1, apoptosis, cancer stem cells, phenethyl isothiocyanate, reactive oxygen species
참고) 활성산소(수산화라디칼, 초과산화이온, 과산화수소)를 제거하는 방법
항암제투여로 발생하는 활성산소(특히 수산화라디칼은 초과산화이온의 산화력이 100배)는 암의 증식과전이라는 역효과를 보임. 산화환원전위(ORP)는 활성산소가 존재하는 산화상태에서 수치가 올라가고 산소가 제거된 환원상태에서는 수치가 내려감. 항산화 능력이 있는 마늘, 시금치, 양배추, 양파, 콜리플라워 등을 복용하면 ORP수치는 급격히 내려감.
버섯에는 베타클루칸이라는 다당류 성분이 함유되어 있어 항산화뿐만 아니라 항염증, 항암효과가 있음. 클릭클릭(베타글루칸의 항암효과)
후코이단은 다시마, 미역 등의 해조류에 많이 들어있는 다당류이고 수용성 식이섬유이고 항산화, 항염증, 항암 효과가 있음(클릭클릭)
Collateral Damage in Cancer Chemotherapy: Oxidative Stress in Nontargeted Tissues
Injury to nontargeted tissues in chemotherapy often complicates cancer treatment by limiting therapeutic dosages of anticancer drugs and by impairing the quality of life of patients during and after treatment. Oxidative stress, directly or indirectly caused by chemotherapeutics as exemplified by doxorubicin, is one of the underlying mechanisms of the toxicity of anticancer drugs in noncancerous tissues, including the heart and brain. A comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of oxidative injury to normal tissue will be essential for the improvement of strategies to prevent or attenuate the toxicity of chemotherapeutic agents without compromising their chemotherapeutic value.
Oxidative stress response induced by chemotherapy in leukemia treatment
Oxidative stress (OS) has been linked to the etiology and development of leukemia as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals have been implicated in leukemogenesis. OS has beneficial and deleterious effects in the pathogenesis and progression of leukemia. High-dose chemotherapy, which is frequently used in leukemia treatment, is often accompanied by ROS-induced cytotoxicity. Thus, the utilization of chemotherapy in combination with antioxidants may attenuate leukemia progression, particularly for cases of refractory or relapsed neoplasms. The present review focuses on exploring the roles of OS in leukemogenesis and characterizing the associations between ROS and chemotherapy. Certain examples of treatment regimens wherein antioxidants are combined with chemotherapy are presented, in order to highlight the importance of antioxidant application in leukemia treatment, as well as the conflicting opinions regarding this method of therapy. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of OS generation will facilitate the elucidation of novel approaches to leukemia treatment.
Journal of Food Science and Technology, 16 May 2014, 52(5):2522-2529 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-014-1396-5PMID: 25892752 PMCID: PMC4397330
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Research has proved a relationship between functional components of food, health and well-being. Thus, functional components of food can be effectively applied in the treatment and prevention of diseases. They act simultaneously at different or identical target sites with the potential to impart physiological benefits and promotion of wellbeing including reducing the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, inflammation, type II diabetes, and other chronic degenerative diseases, lowering of blood cholesterol, neutralization of reactive oxygen species and charged radicals, anticarcinogenic effect, low-glycaemic response, etc. Previously, it was thought that functional ingredients such as non-starchy carbohydrates including soluble and insoluble dietary fibres, fucoidan; antioxidants including polyphenols, carotenoids, tocopherols, tocotrienols, phytosterols, isoflavones, organosulphur compounds; plant sterols and soy phytoestrogens occur only in plant foods (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) as phytochemicals. However, probiotics, prebiotics, conjugated linolenic acid, long-chain omega-3, -6 and -9-polyunsaturated fatty acids, and bioactive peptides have proved that functional components are equally available in animal products such as milk, fermented milk products and cold-water fish. The way a food is processed affects its functional components. Many processing techniques have been found to lower the concentration of functional components in food. Conversely, other techniques were found to increase them. Hence, in a time when the role of a healthy diet in preventing non-communicable diseases is well accepted, the borderline between food and medicine is becoming very thin.