The Way Of The Spiritual Leader - 339 Chapter 5 - Ministering and Giving Guidance to the Members Section 3 - Essential Elements of Guidance Given to Members 2. Giving
3) The Principle of Give and Take - 1
What has concerned up to now ever since I came to America is not having my own house. Even now, I am still leading a lifestyle in a way that I would not become indebted to you.
Because I have brought this to pass, America also can make a progress. I do not focus on my own development. This is how the Principle is. The Divine Principle is like that.
For this reason, together with God, I must always be giving to the members all over America. I have to give spiritually, materially, intellectually, and in every other way.
Is a good person someone who gives ten and then takes back twelve, or gives ten and only takes back eight? [One who gives ten and takes back eight.]
What happens if you do not receive at all? He will become like God. Like God. Where is God? God first dwells in such place. (76-337) |