Ahead of the Republican National Convention this week, when the two men ― barring any last-minute commotion ― will formally accept their party’s nominations for president and vice president, Trump and Pence attempted to put on a united front.
But their interview was an awkward start to what could become a rocky marriage, with Trump at one point arguing that he didn’t need Pence.
Commenting on the violence throughout the world this week ― from the terrorist attack in Nice, France, to the attempted coup in Turkey ― Trump again vowed to “declare war against ISIS” and was critical of NATO, of which the United States and Turkey are both members.
Pence, meanwhile, was more measured, proposing unity against “the enemies of our freedom.”
“I’m very confident that when Donald Trump becomes president of the United States, he’ll give a directive to our military commanders, bring together other nations, and we will use the enormous resources of the United States to destroy that enemy,” he told CBS’ Lesley Stahl.
Stahl immediately dug into their policy differences on the military and trade and on Trump’s proposal to ban Muslim immigrants, which Pence now supports.
“He’s entitled to make a mistake every once in a while,” Trump said of Pence.
When Stahl noted that Pence’s more conservative and religious background could help Trump win over more GOP voters, Trump bragged that he didn’t need Pence’s help.
“I don’t think I needed him, no, because I won with evangelicals,” he said.
Trump has continually engaged in name-calling and ad hominem attacks against his opponents, in contrast to Pence, who has previously decried negative campaigning.
But Pence on Sunday said he was fine with Trump’s style of campaigning.
“I think this is a good man who’s been talking about the issues the American people care about,” he said.
Trump asserted that he would handle attacks against his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton and leave Pence out of them.
“I call her ‘Crooked Hillary.’ She’s crooked Hillary. He won’t... I didn’t ask him to do it, but I don’t think he should do it because it’s different for him,” he said.
The interview was similar to Trump and Pence’s first campaign appearance together on Saturday, in which Trump barely mentioned his running mate.
Yet the real estate mogul was unfazed by the apparent fault lines between the two men, claiming that he and Pence were close during the Republican primaries, even though Pence endorsed Trump’s primary season rival, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and campaigned with Cruz in Indiana.
“I knew him during the primaries, during many trips to Indiana, I’d be with him. I think we have a great chemistry,” Trump said on Sunday.
Trump dismissed concerns that the Republican party is divided on his candidacy.
“I think it’s very close to unified,” Trump said. “Having Governor Mike Pence has really, people that I wasn’t necessarily liking or getting along are loving this pick, because they have such respect for him, and the party unity is okay.”
첫댓글 I've got dreams, dreams to remember
I've got dreams, dreams to remember
Honey, I saw you there last night
Another man's arms holding you tight
Nobody knows what I feel inside
All I know, I walked away and cried
I've got dreams, dreams to remember
Listen to me (I've got dreams) rough dreams (dreams to remember)
I know you said he was just a friend
But I saw him kiss you, again and again
These eyes of mine, they don't fool me
Why did he hold you, so tenderly
I've got dreams, dreams to remember
Listen honey (I've got dreams) rough dreams (dreams to remember
I still want you to stay
I still love you anyway
I don't want you to ever leave
Girl, you just satisfy me, ooh-wee, ooh yeah
I know you said he was just a friend
But I saw you kiss him again and again
These eyes of mine, they don't fool me
Why did he hold you so tenderly
I've got dreams, dreams to remember
Listen to me mama (I've got dreams) bad dreams, rough dreams (dreams to remember)
Don't make me suffer (I've got dreams) rough dreams, bad dreams (dreams to remember)
모든일에 있어, 그냥 가지고 있는 꿈 잊지 말라는것이고,
사랑에 대한 꿈도 잊지않고, 이루려 움직인다면,
언젠가는 반듯이 이루게 되어있다 한다 ~~
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
미국도 변하여 합니다 !
최근의 영국 유럽연합 탈퇴처럼 ,
변화을 주어야 합니다 ~
자국민의 삶의 가치을 위하여 ~~
소수의 정치가을 위하는 것이 아니라 ~~
@다빈이 님, 난 생각이 틀림니다 ~
부패의 정치가때문에 모든 국가가 망가집니다 ~
트럼프는 자기 돈 갖고 깨끗한 정치하겠다는 것입니다 ~~
협작꾼 부패 정치가와는 타협을 안하겠다는 것입니다 ~~
@다빈이 님, 미국을 사랑하는 오리지날들은 다들 화나있습니다.
자기들의 세금갖고 , 삶의 가치가 떨어지니깐 ,
화가 나있습니다 .
영국도 이번에 유럽 연합 탈퇴가 이래서 결정난것 입니다.
결국은 부패 정치가들을 없애야 합니다.
정치가들의 특권 없애야 합니다 .
트럼프의 공약입니다 ,
깨끗한 정치을 하자고 하는 구호입니다 ~
@다빈이 님 ~
예 난 트럼프 팬입니다 ~
한반도 기본 정책은 , 변경되지 않습니다
Otis Redding 의 원곡을 Delbert McClinton 보컬이 잘 부르네요..이제 Delbert McClinton 도 꽤 나이들었지요?
변심한 사랑에 대한 순수한 사랑을 노래하는 가사에서처럼
어떤 꿈을 갖고 산다는 것은 힘든 현실의 고통을 이겨내는 힘을 주지요..
꿈을 기억하면서......지난밤에 다른 사람의 팔을 꽉잡고 있는 honey를 보았다는...
얼마나 슬펐을까요..
아...Delbert McClinton의 Two More Bottles Of Wine도 생각나네요^^
처음 뵙겠습니다 .
반갑습니다 ~
음악을 함께하여 더 좋습니다 ~~
@알토란 님,
외교관인 아버지을 따라 외국에 여행을 많이한 , 독일 염세주의라고 흔히 일컷는 철학자인 쇼펜하우어가 ;
책과 미술은 눈이라는 매개체을 통해, 감동이 우리의 영혼으로 들어가지만
음악은 매개체없이 우리의 Soul 영혼으로 직접 들어가기때문에 ,
음악만이 우리의 마음을 Cultivate 하는데에 최고라고 합니다 .
그래서, 어릴때에 음악을 많이 들어야 한다고 합니다.
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
제가 존경하는 한국계 미국인보스께서,
[ 종북, 친북들을 아주 싫어하고, 남자끼리 결혼하는것도 아주 꼴볼견이라고 함니다 ],
트럼프에 대하여, 여러가지 평을 하는데,
일리가 있습니다 .
잘 보셨습니다.
월가의 큰손들의 결정이 역시 Key 일 것입니다 .
Thank you for the posting~
Thank you,
Today, Hot's not the word ~~~
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
그렇셨군요 ~
하나하나씩 , 천천히 좋아하는 영문학을 읽는 것이 중요합니다 .
내년부터는 , 전
BIBLE 을 읽을 까 합니다 ~
전 종교가 없는 무신교인데,
성경책을 영어로 읽어볼까 합니다 ..
저는 기독교에 가깝답니다. 저도 영어로 성경공부할 곳을 꾸준히 찾고 있었어요.
대전에서는 마땅한 데가 없고 진수 어학원 한 곳 뿐인데 그나마 주중 오후 다섯시 시작이라
시간을 맞출 수 없었어요.
교회에서 영어로 성경공부하는 것이 있습니다 ~
또 외국인들이 다니는 교회도 좀 있구요 ~
예. 전 요줌 교회 나가는 것에 게으릅니다,
대전에도 찾아보면 틀림없이 있을 것 같아요.