팔까지 방사통이 나타나는 cervical radiculopathy가 있을때 어깨를 외전시켜 통증이 경감되면 목디스크에 의한 상지 방사통 추정
이 검사법의 장점은 통증을 악화시키는 검사가 아니라 통증이 완화되는지를 보는 검사라 추천됨
Bakody’s Sign
Bakody’s sign is an orthopaedic test. Bakody’s sign is noted in the physical examination by health practitioners, like chiropractors, that a patient feels better when the place the painful arm in the bakody’s sign position.
So the bakody’s sign is actually an test used to screen for cervical radiculopathy. It is thought that a positive bakody’s sign is when a patient feels relief of the arm pain when in the bakody’s sign position.
follow up ; foraminal compression test, costoclavicular test, elevated arm stress test
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