Using All and All Of
There is often confusion over all and all of.
As a very general guideline, use all of when the next word is a pronoun (e.g., us, you, it, him, her).
일반적으로 대명사 앞에는 all of 를 쓰는데
그런 언어 습관상 all us 하면 원어민들은 어색함을 느껴서 틀렸다 한다
For example:
All of us...
All of you...
All of it...
There is no need to use all of for normal nouns. You can just use all.
일반명사 앞에서는 all 이나 all of 둘 다 사용가는하다
For example:
All the soldiers...
All the nurses...
I need all of the chairs.
(The word chairs is not a pronoun. This is not wrong, but it is not as succinct as all the chairs.
The word of does not add anything. It is redundant.)
허나 일반 명사라도 of 가 의미상 별 도움이 되지 않는 경우는 redundant 군더더기로 취급된다
즉 의지들의 모두 하면 거추장 스러우나 모든 의자하면 간단하다는 얘기다
All of the divers returned safely.
(The word of is redundant.)
common mistake among non-native speakers is inappropriately using the
word “of” after “all”. However, it would be wrong to say that this can
be fixed by simply omitting “of” every time because there are situations
when it is required.
When talking about “all things of a certain kind”, only “all things”, not “all of things” is possible, e.g.
어떤 특정한 종류의 모든것 의미일 때는 of 를 쓰면 문법상은 맞겠지만 의미상 틀린다
All humans are animals. (correct) 모든 인간
All of humans are animals. (wrong) 인간은 한 종류이므로 여러 인간들의 모든것이라 할 수 없다
(물론 한글식으로는 가능하다 하겠지만 영어식은 아니다)
Similarly, when we talk about the total amount of a substance, such as water, we don’t use “of”:
All water on Earth will evaporate in about a billion years. (correct) 모든 물
All of water on Earth will evaporate in about a billion years. (wrong) 물의 모든것
전체 양을 의미하는 경우에 of 를 쓸 수 없다
Note, however, that the word “humanity” seems to break this rule, and both “all humanity” and “all of humanity” are in use:
All of humanity was at risk of being wiped out by the disease.
All humanity was at risk of being wiped out by the disease.
인류, 인간애, 인간성의 의미로 쓰이는 humanity 는 한 종류가 아닌 다양성이 있다 보기에 of 를 쓸 수도 있다
situation is reversed when the thing in question is replaced by a
pronoun; then the only correct variant is the one with “of” (but
sentences employing the pattern “all of + pronoun” can almost always be
rephrased in such a way that the pronoun does not follow “all”):
대명사 앞에 all 을 못쓰므로 all of 를 쓰던지
아니면 all 을 동사 수식인 부사로 쓴다
All of them are animals. (correct) 대명사 앞에 쓰인 all of
They are all animals. (correct) 일반명사수식; 형용사
All them are animals. (wrong)
All they are animals. (wrong)
All of it will evaporate. (correct) 대명사 앞에 쓰인 all of
It will all evaporate. (correct) 부사적으로 쓰인 all
All it will evaporate. (wrong) 대명사 앞에 all 을 못씀
you want to understand the real grammatical reason why this happens,
here’s an explanation: In the examples at the beginning of this article,
“all” was a determiner; it had the same function as words like “the”,
“my”, “some”, and similar. On the other hand, in the sentence “all of
them are animals”, “all” is a pronoun used as the subject of the
sentence (“all are animals” is still a syntactically correct sentence)
and “of them” only specifies it.
문법적으로 설명하자면 명사 앞에 쓰인 all 은 한정사 즉 형용사 역할이나
all of 에서 all 은 대명사 역할이다
all the people = 형 + 형 + 명사 (관사도 형용사임)
all /of them = 대명사 + 전치사구/형역
still does not explain why “all they are animals” is not correct.
“All”, as a determiner, is very unusual in that it can be combined with
pronouns, but when this happens, the pronoun always precedes the word
“all” (and the verb is usually placed between the pronoun and “all”).
This is probably due to the fact that allowing “all” in front of a
pronoun would often lead to ambiguous sentences; for instance, “all they
know” could be understood either as “all that they know” or “they all
All (of) the/my/these things
all 이 대명사 앞에 쓰이면 의미가 애매하게 된다
all they know = all that they know or they all know
all that they know = 그들이 아는 모든것; 대명사로 쓰인 all
they all know = 그들 모두 안다; 부사로 쓰인 all
the case that usually causes the most doubt arises when “all” is
combined with “the”, “my”, “this”, and other determiners. “All” often
functions as what grammarians call a predeterminer. A predeterminer is a
word that further specifies a phrase that already contains a
한정 형용사 역할인 관사나 소유격형용사 앞에 또 다른 한정 형용사인 all 이 쓰여
명사를 더 세밀하게 제한수식할 수 있다
example, when you say “my friends are eating pizza”, “my” is a
determiner that makes it clear that you speak only about friends of
yours, not about friends in general, but it still leaves a lot of room
for interpretation—are all your friends eating pizza? Are only some of
them eating pizza?
내 친그들이 피자를 먹는다 하면 단지 복수의미기에 내 친구중 몇몇이 피자를 먹는지
아니면 다 먹는지 알 수 없기에 all 을 붙이면 내 친구들 모두 피자를 먹는것이 명백해진다
can be used as a predeterminer to further specify a noun. You can say,
“All my friends are eating pizza.” However, as we have already seen,
“all” can also be a pronoun, and just like we can say “all of them”, we
can also say “all of my friends”. Both variants are grammatically
All my friends are eating pizza. (correct)
All of my friends are eating pizza. (correct)
They drank all the water they had. (correct)
They drank all of the water they had. (correct)
위 경우는 일반명사라 형용사 all 이나 [대명사 all + 전치사 of] 둘 다 가능하다
said that, the variant without “of” is significantly more common than
the variant with “of”, to such a degree that the variant with “of” might
be considered unnatural (or colloquial) by some native speakers in
certain contexts. My advice is: If in doubt, do not use “of” between
“all” and another determiner.
일상 회화에서는 관사나 소유격 앞에 of 를 쓰지 않는 경향이라 all 만 쓰면 된다
is also worth noting that only a small number of English determiners
can be used as predeterminers, namely all, what (as in “What a mess!”), a
lot of (“a lot of my friends”), lots of (“lots of the people”), and
both (“both the parents are …”). Other determiners are never used as
predeterminers. We cannot say “many my friends”, “those the books”,
etc., so we are forced to use “of”, as in “many of my friends” and
“those of the books”.
관사나 소유격 앞에 쓰이는 제한 형용사의 종류는 제한되어 있으므로
쓰이지 않는 다른 형용사는 대명사로하여 뒤에 of + 명사 구조로 써야한다
many my friends 형 + 형 + 명
many of my friends 대명사 + 전치사구/형역
We do not normally use all + noun as the subject of a negative sentence. Instead we use not all + noun + affirmative verb.
부정문일 경우 영어식은 all + 대명사 + 술부 구조로 쓰지 않고
not all + 대명사 + 술부 구조로 쓴다
Not all birds can sing. (More natural than All birds cannot sing.)
Not all Americans like hamburgers. (More natural than All Americans do not like Hamburgers.)
모든 새들이 노래하지 못한다 하면 그 중에 노래하는 새들도 있으므로 비논리라
모든 새들이 다 노래할 수 있는건 아니다 하면
노래 못하는 새도 있다는 의미가 되어 논리적이 된다
결론으로 영어는 문법에도 맞아야 하나
어법 즉 습관상 쓰는 습관법에도 맞아야 하고
의미를 올바로 전달하고자 하므로 논리적이기도 해야 한다는 것이다