Caillou likes to hang out with the dinosaur with Gilbert. And Caillou goes to eat a snack. But Gilbert was not there.
So Caillou was mad. Caillou's mom helped Caillou. Finally, Caillou finds Gilbert.
So Caillou was happy.
Score: C+
- "hang the dinosaur with Gilbert" → "hang out with the dinosaur with Gilbert"
👉 "hang"은 "걸다"라는 뜻이고, "hang out"은 "놀다"라는 뜻이에요! - "goes to eat snack" → "goes to eat a snack"
👉 "snack"은 셀 수 있는 명사라서 "a"를 붙여야 해요! - "Gilbert was not here" → "Gilbert was not there"
👉 "here"는 가까운 곳, "there"는 먼 곳을 말해요! - "Caillous mad" → "Caillou was mad"
👉 감정을 나타낼 때는 "was"를 넣어야 해요! - "Caillous finds Gilbert" → "Caillou finds Gilbert"
👉 "Caillous"는 틀린 철자예요. "Caillou"라고 써야 해요!