“As many people already know the commonly used sodium fluoride is extremely toxic, and contrary to most “medical professionals” it is not good for the human body.

But if you have become health conscious and stopped drinking fluoridated water, your good right? Yes and No.

이제 대부분의 사람들은 NaF가 극도로 독성물질이라는 것을 압니다. 그리고 "의료 전문정보인들의 말:medical professionals" 과 반대로, 사람들의 몸에 좋지 않다는 것을 압니다.


If you were raised in a community that fluoridates the water, it has built up in your system. Sodium fluoride is an accumulative poison. If you are like me, born and raised in a fluoridated city, it has built up in your body. Mainly in your bones, thyroid glad, and pineal gland. So how do you get that fluoride out of your system?

만일 당신도 물에 불소를 첨가하자는 사회의 제도에 찬성을 하였고 그 가동된 시스템속에 생활하신다면, 이제 ,자 소듐 플루오라드는 인체에 축적되는 독성물질입니다. 만일 당신도 나처럼 태어나자 이미 플로라이드를 수돗물에 첨가된 사회속에 생활하신다면, 이미 불소가 당신몸에 축적된 상태입니다. 주로 당신의 뼈속이나, 갑상선과 송과선등입니다. 그래서 당신의 신체 대사과정에서 어떻게 불소를 제거하실수 있을까요?

That is a very complicated question. There is no 100% verified method of totally detoxing fluorides from your body. But there is several methods that I have used (along with many others), that can make a huge difference. For example: Joint pain disappearing, Chronic headaches gone, an ability to think clearer, and weight loss.


이것은 아주 복잡한 질문인데요. 신체속의 불소를 해독할 만한 완전 100% 적절한 방법은 없습니다.

그러나 해독의 알려진 여러가지 방법이 있어요. 서로 다른 방법들이고 각기 다른 결과, 효과를 나타냅니다. 예를 들어서: 관절의 통증이 사라지거나, 만성두통이 없어지거나, 맑은 정신력을 회복하게 되거나, 체중감량을 만들어줍니다.   







Number one of course is to stop fluoride exposure as much as you can. Even though you may have stopped drinking it in your water, many preserved foods contain it.

첫번째: 신체를 가능한 불소환경에 노출시키지 않는 방법이지요. 비록 당신이 불소가 첨가된 음료나 물을 마시지 않는다고 할지라도 많은 음식들이 이미 불소를 포함하고 있어요.


Second is to start using a sauna regularly. Saunas expel many heavy metals and toxins (including fluoride) from your system.

두번째: 규칙적으로 사우나를 하세요. 사우나는 신체의 신진대사로 부터 중금속과 독성(불소를 포함)을 제거해 줍니다.


Third, getting enough sunlight daily plays a large role in detoxing the pineal gland. As well as getting enough time in the dark. Sounds strange I know. But the right balance of light and darkness helps to regulate the melatonin production (the main function of the pineal gland).

세번째: 일상에서 충분한 일광욕을 하십시요. 해빛은 송과선의 해독에 커다란 역할을 합니다. 이와 마찬가지로 어두운 장소에서의 적당히 조용한 시간을 보내는것도 필요합니다. 이렇게 표현하는것이 조금 이상하게 들릴 수 도 있다는것을 알아요. 그러나 적당한 일상의 밝음과 어둠에 대한 평형이 필요하다는 말씀이지요.

이것이 신체의 멜라토닌 분비생성을 규칙적으로 해주기 때문이랍니다. (멜라토닌은 송과선의 주 분비 기능물질이지요) 



Fourth is getting enough exercise (which also helps regulate melatonin production).

네번째: 충분한 운동을 하십시요( 이것역시 멜라토닌의 생성을 도와줍니다.)


And fifth is doing a raw liver detox. The raw detox is were most people cringe and get turned away. But it is very simple and effective. All that you need to do is drink two cups of tea a day, cut back on preserved foods, and increase your intake of raw foods. Here is the tea recipe that I use:



그리고 다섯번째로는 근본 간해독인데요. 기본 간 해독은 대부분  사람들이 꺼리는 경향이 있고, 외면해버리지요.

그러나 이것은 아주 간단하고 효과적인 방법입니다. 당신이 할 수 있는 모든것은 단지 하루에 두잔의 차를 마시는 일입니다. 방부제가 들어있는 음식을 절대 먹지 마시고요. 신선한 생식을 즐기십시요.


아래 제가 마시는  차 음용법을 알려드립니다.



아래와 같이 준비하시고 따라 하세요


* 1 thick slice of lemon (두껍게 짤라논 레몬을 한조각 )
* 1 piece of fresh ginger, 2/3? long, peeled and bruised( 2/3 조각 껍질벗겨 길게 다진 생강)
* 1 cup boiling water ( 한 컵의 뜨거운 물)

Place lemon and ginger in cup. Add boiling water and leave to infuse for two minutes. Remove lemon and ginger and drink immediately.

Using these five methods is very effective! But it is not a quick fix. It took all of that fluoride years to accumulate, and it will take years to get it all out.

Everyone is different and can expect different results, but for myself I started to feel a large difference in 3 months. I have now been doing it for 3 years, and have felt great! I am at the point that if I drink a cup of coffee that contains fluoridated water, or eat a processed food that has fluoride, I become physically ill.”



레몬조각과 생강 길게 썬것을 넣으세요. 그리고 끓인물을 붓고 약 2분간 우려내세요.

그 다음 레몬과 생강을 건져내고, 즉시 우려낸 차를 마십시요.


위의 5가지 방법은 아주 효과적입니다.


그러나 아주 즉효적인 방법은 아니지만,

아주 효과를 보았습니다.

여러분의 신체에 여러해 동안 축적된 불소가 제거되는데는 시간이 필요합니다. 여러해를 지속적으로 축적된 불소를 디톡스하기 위해서는 지속적으로 위의 차를 마십시요.

제거하는데는 몇년이 걸릴 것입니다.

모든 사람들마다 다른데요.

각기 다른 효과를 나타낼 수 있어요.


그러나 저의 경우에는 3개월 후에 정말 좋은 결과를 보았어요.

저의 경우는 지금 벌써 3년째 같은 방법을 하고 있어요. 정말 기분과 건강이 좋아졌어요.


저의 생각은 여러분이 불소를 함유한 수돗물로 커피를 마시시거나, 불소를 함유한 음식을 드신다면. 질병에 걸린다는 생각이 확실해요.





Also use these other methods ~ 역시 다른방법들도 있어요.

Fluoride Treatment - Iodine

풀루오르 (불소)처치법- 요오드 

Too much iodine in the system which is what your thyroid needs to function properly causes HYPERthyroidism and too little is HYPOthyroidism. The good thing about iodine is that it increases urine irrigation of sodium fluoride as calcium fluoride. Although it does take some calcium with it (calling for an adjustment in diet or calcium supplementation), iodine and lecithin both remove fluoride from the body.

신체 시스템에 너무 많은 요오드가 들어 있게되면, 신체의 갑상선은 정상적으로 활동하기 위해서 당신의 갑상선은 갑상선 증가증으로 변하게 됩니다. 모자라게 되면 갑상선 과소증으로 가게 되지요. 요오드가 신체에서 장점은 신체속의 소듐플로라이드나, 칼슘플루라이드를 소변으로 걸러주는 역할을 도와 준다는 것입니다.

비록 약간의 칼슘을 같이 배설하지만(그래서, 적정 칼슘을 이 요법에서 같이 보조적으로 사용해주기를 요구합니다), 요오드와 레시틴은 신체에서 불소를 제거하는 데 도움을 줍니다.




콩과식물 타마린드를 이용하는 방법


Though originally from Africa, tamarind is a staple in Ayurvedic medicine that can be made into a tea or tincture that pushes fluoride out in urine.


비록 이 식물은 아프리카가 원산지 이지만, 타마린드는 유명한 아유르베다 식이의 기호식품으로 많이 알려져 있고, 차나, 알코올에 떨어뜨려서 마시는 음용법으로 소변으로 불소를 배설시켜주는 요법으로 널리 알려져 있습니다.


Liver Cleanse


Because the liver is responsible for clearing toxins out of the body, it makes sense to go through a liver cleanse to detox from fluoride. You can do a standard cleanse at home over a week or so; just be sure to under go a safe and trustworthy cleanse per instructions. If the cleanse is absolutely not for you (although you can read up on 5 reasons you should do it today), you can cleanse your liver daily with these liver cleansing foods. Cleansing the liver is essential for fluoride treatment.


신체의기관중에 간은 독성물질을 정화하는 기관입니다. 간청소를 하는것도 좋은 불소 디톡스법에 해당합니다. 일주일간 안전하고 믿을 수 있는 정해진 기준 방법에 따른 표준 간해독법으로 하시면 됩니다.

간청소는 솔찍이 여러분이 하실수 있는 방법이 아닙니다.(사실 비록 당신이 오늘 해야할 5가지의 이유를 충분히 가지고 있다 할지라도요), 가장 안정한 방법은 당신이 간을 정화시킬수 있는 음식으로 청소해나가시는것을 권해드립니다. 간을 청소하는것이 바로 신체에서 불소를 제거하는 가장 근본적인 방법입니다.



The next time you’re shopping for laundry detergent, scoop up a box of Borox, which contains boron. Pour 1/32 of a teaspoon (up to ¼ teaspoon) into a liter of distilled water and sip it throughout the day. (Yes, this is safe.) Not only will the box last forever, you can use it to do some eco-friendly cleaning around the house, too.

Additional Sources: Natural News

다음번은 여러분이 세탁제를 쇼핑하실때, 한박스의 보락스를 사십시요, 보락스는 붕소를 함유하고 있습니다.

한 티스푼의 1/32 (즉 1/4 티스푼의 량까지) 증류된 물속에 섞으세요. 그리고 하루동안 마십시요.  

(예, 이것은 안전합니다.) 한박스는 참 오랜동안 영원히 사용할 수 있는 량일뿐아니라, 집 주변의 친환경 청소를 하시고 싶으실때도 역시 사용하시면 됩니다.


아래에 추가된 소스에 더 많은 내용이 들어있어요: Additional Sources: Natural News


Common Dietary Sources of Fluoride  by MELISSA ~

멜리사가 제하는 일반적으로 플로라이드를 함유하고 있는 식품

Foods with Fluoride

플로라이드를 함유한 식품들 

non-organic poultry products, especially mechanically de-boned chicken such as chicken nuggets, ground chicken, chicken hot dogs, etc.; also, chicken soup made from bones (fluoride from pesticides on feed accumulates in bones, fat, and skin)

sardines, canned salmon, etc. where bones are eaten along with the rest of the fish (I did not eat these foods when I was dealing with fluoroderma so I can not verify if they caused outbreaks or not.

비유기농 가금류 생산품, 특히 기계적으로 뼈를 제거한 치킨류로, 치킨너겟, 갈아서 다진 치킨핫도그, 등등; 역시 뼈로 만들어진 치킨수프  soup made from bones

(살충제에서 불소가 함유되어있고, 사료등에 포함된 불소가 뼈, 지방, 그리고 닭고기의 껍질에 축적됩니다.

뼈채로 생선을 먹을 수 있는정어리, 통조림으로 캔에 저장된 연어, 등등, (불소가 표면에  침착된 어종 이기때문에 어떤 질병을 유발시킬지도 모르기 때문에 나는 이러한 식품을 먹지 않습니다. )



I recently bought a can of sardines to conduct a self-experiment… I will let you know how it goes)

cereal (when made from fluoridated water during the extrusion process)

produce sprayed with cryolite (including grapes, potatoes, broccoli, squash, berries, lettuce, tomatoes, citrus fruits and several other common fruits and vegetables)

foods sprayed with sulfuryl fluoride (fumigant used in food warehouses; food products are not removed from the facility when fumigation is conducted)

foods cooked with fluoridated water, such as rice, pasta, steamed vegetables, etc.


나는 최근에 개인적으로 실험을 하기 위해서 정어리 통조림을 샀습니다.--- 이 실험한 결과를 알려드리겠습니다.


Cereal(시리얼): 만일 불소화된 수돗물과 같은 물로 냉간압축된 시리얼은 불소를 함유합니다.


리오라이트 (빙정석)스프레이를 이용한 생산품: ( 포도, 토마토, 브로콜리, 스카시, 베리류, 상추,

토마토, 시트러스과일들, 그리고 여러과일이나 야채들)


술포닐 플로라이드를 스프래이 한 음식들(음식창고의 토양훈증제 ; 훈증제가 사용된 경우 설비로 부터 제거되지 않기때문입니다.)


불소가 함유된물로 요리한 음식들 ( 쌀, 파스타, 찐 야채들 등등)





Beverages with Fluoride

불소가 함유된 음료들 

fluoridated water (some well water has high amounts of fluoride, but this isn’t common in the U.S.)

불소화 된 물 (어떤 저수 우물의 물은 아주 높은 불소를 함유하고 있습니다. 그러나 미국에서는 흔하지 않아요.) 


tea (fluoride-based pesticides accumulate in tea leaves)

차(마시는 차)( 불소물이 첨가된 살충제가 차잎에 축적된 경우)


wine (from cryolite pesticide sprayed on grape crops in California)

포도주 ( 켈리포니아에서는 빙정석 살충제가 포도송이에 뿌려짐)


soft drinks, beer, etc. (when made with fluoridated water)

간편음료, 맥주, 기타 ( 불화된 물로 제조된 경우)


certain fruit juices (from pesticides or fluoridated water added to the juice from concentrate)

특정브랜드 과일쥬스 ( 살충제로 키워지거나 고농도 쥬스를 불소화된 물로 희석할 시 사용한 경우)

What is Left to Eat?

그러면 먹거리는 도대체 무엇인가? 

Looking at that list, one might start to wonder what is left to eat.  After avoiding fluoride for the past year, I can tell you it’s not all that difficult and it tastes a million times better (not to mention the other health benefits that come with eating real food).

위의 리스트를 보면서, 사람들은 그러면 도대체 무엇을 먹을 수있을것인가 걱정하게 됩니다.

불소화된 음식을 장기간 피하면서, 저는 여러분에게 감히 말씀드릴 수 있습니다. 절대 어렵지 않다는 것입니다. 오히려 휠씬더 몇십만배 진짜 음식들이 맛이난다는 것이지요. (나머지 다른 먹거리와 건강조건을 언급하지 않더라도요) 


Here is what I eat in place of the fluoridated foods and beverages above:

Instead of normal chicken from the grocery store, I eat organic, free-range poultry preferably from a local farm (but sometimes from Whole Foods).

그 다음으로 제가 여기에 위에 언급된 불소첨가된 음식이나 음료대신에 먹을 수 있는 것을 적었습니다.

일반식료품점에서 닭을 구매하시는대신에, 저는 유기농, 그리고 자연가금류를 시골농장에서 구매해서 먹었습니다. ( 때때로 자연식품만을 구매하였어요)


Instead of cereal, I eat organic oats.

시리얼대신에 유기농 귀리


Instead of foods sprayed with cryolite, I eat organic produce.

빙정석 살충제가 뿌려진 음식대신에 유기농생산물을 먹고


Instead of prepackaged foods that come from warehouses sprayed with sulfuryl fluoride, I eat real food from farms.

불화 술포닐이 스프레이되어 나오는 저장고 식품으로 완포장된 음식보다는 농장에서 직접구매한 식품을 먹습니다.

Instead of fluoridated water, I drink spring water (from a source I know is low in fluoride).

불소화된 음료대신에  천연 약수를 마십니다. ( 불소함유량이 낮은 식수)


Instead of normal California wines, I drink wine that is either organic or imported.

캘리포니아산 와인을 마시지 않고, 나는 유기농포도주나, 수입산을 마십니다.

Instead of American beer that could be made from fluoridated water, I drink beer from a country that doesn’t fluoridate (Belgium is my favorite!).

불소가 첨가된 미국산 맥주를 마시기보다는 불소가 포함되지 않은 물을 사용하는 나라의 수입산 맥주를 마십니다. ( 벨기에 산 맥주가 나는 좋아요) 


Instead of fruit juices that contain fluoride, I drink 100% fresh-pressed organic fruit juice not from concentrate (Lakewood makes some great ones).

불소가 첨가된 과일 쥬스를 마시는 대신에, 100% 천연으로 압착된 유기농 쥬스를 마시는데, 고농도의 쥬스가 아닌 것으로 마십니다. ( Lakewood제품이 좋아요) 


FLUORIDE Content of Foods

Search entire U.S. food database:

Usage Note

This is the largest searchable, sortable FLUORIDE content of foods and beverages nutrient database.

  • Fluoride values are in micrograms and calculated per 100g of food weight.
  • This fluoride database contains fluoride content of 561 common foods.
  • 불소가 첨가된 음식으로 약 561개 일반 식재료에 들어 있습니다.
  • Click on column header to sort foods by name or by fluoride content.

What is fluoride?

그러면 불소가 무엇인가? 

Information from the National Institutes of Health 

국립건강연구소에 따른 정보로

Fluoride is the name given to a group of compounds that are composed of the naturally occurring element fluorine and one or more other elements. Fluorides are present naturally in water and soil at varying levels.

불소는 자연에서 생성된 원소 불소입니다. 불소는 자연적으로 물에도 들어있고, 다양하게 토양에도 들어 있어요.

In the 1940s, scientists discovered that people who lived where drinking water supplies had naturally occurring fluoride levels of approximately 1 part fluoride per million parts water or greater (>1.0 ppm) had fewer dental caries (cavities) than people who lived where fluoride levels in drinking water were lower. Many more recent studies have supported this finding.

It was subsequently found that fluoride can prevent and even reverse tooth decay by inhibiting bacteria that produce acid in the mouth and by enhancing remineralization, the process through which tooth enamel is “rebuilt” after it begins to decay.

In addition to building up in teeth, ingested fluoride accumulates in bones.

What is water fluoridation?

물의 불소화란 무엇인가? 

Water fluoridation is the process of adding fluoride to the water supply so the level reaches approximately 0.7 ppm, or 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water; this is the optimal level for preventing tooth decay.

물에 불소를 첨가하는것은 공급수에 불소를 첨가하는 과정인데, 첨가함으로 물 1 리터당 약 0.7ppm이거나 0.7 milligram의 불소가 녹아서 치아손상 즉 충치 을 막아준다는  것입니다.

Tooth Decay

치아손상, 충치 

Tooth decay, known formally as dental caries, has been a serious health problem for all nations since time immemorial.

치아 손상은  공식적으로 치아의 충치나 부식으로, 이미 인류가 시작된 태고적 부터 건강의 심각한 문제로 여겨져왔습니다.

For centuries, tooth decay was thought to be the handiwork of an elusive and, in some cultures, evil tooth worm that gnawed holes into the white, highly mineralized enamel and left all those in its wake in pain. But superstition has yielded to science and its explanation that certain oral bacteria discharge mineral-eroding acid onto the enamel, starting the gradual process of decay. Over the last several decades, dental researchers have made tremendous progress in defining and learning to thwart the decay process. This work has involved the three-pronged strategy of discovery, innovation, and prevention ? and produced one of the major public health success stories of the 20th century.

Tooth decay is no longer the national epidemic it was a few generations ago. Millions of American children now have little or no decay, and total tooth loss or edentulism is now much less common. Without research progress in the fight against dental caries and periodontal diseases, there would be an additional 18.6 million Americans age 45 and older with none of their natural teeth.

Prevention is now the mantra in American dentistry. In addition to improved products to fight tooth decay, more people benefit from preventive dentistry, including the use of fluorides and dental sealants to prevent decay. Compared to previous years, these techniques have made it possible for millions more people to keep their natural teeth for a lifetime.

Can fluoridated water cause cancer?

불소가 첨가된 물은 암을 유발할 수 있는가? 

A possible relationship between fluoridated water and cancer risk has been debated for years. The debate resurfaced in 1990 when a study by the National Toxicology Program, part of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, showed an increased number of osteosarcomas (bone tumors) in male rats given water high in fluoride for 2 years. However, other studies in humans and in animals have not shown an association between fluoridated water and cancer.

In a February 1991 Public Health Service report, the agency said it found no evidence of an association between fluoride and cancer in humans. The report, based on a review of more than 50 human epidemiological studies produced over the past 40 years, concluded that optimal fluoridation of drinking water “does not pose a detectable cancer risk to humans” as evidenced by extensive human epidemiological data reported to date.

Foods High in Fluoride

List of top 100 foods with high content of fluoride. Fluoride values are in micrograms and calculated per 100g of food weight.

아래에는 불소를 고함량으로 포함하는 음식 리스트 100개 입니다. 불소값은 마이크로그램( micrograms )으로 나타내었고, 약 음식 100 그램당 들어 있는 량의 계산치입니다.



Foods High in Fluoride


Tea, instant, sweetened with sugar, lemon-flavored, without added ascorbic acid, powder 584.0
Tea, black, brewed, prepared with tap water 372.9
Tea, instant, unsweetened, powder, prepared 335.4
Tea, black, brewed, prepared with tap water, decaffeinated 269.2
Raisins, seedless 233.9
Crustaceans, crab, blue, canned 209.9
Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, white, Chardonnay 202.0
Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, white 202.0
Crustaceans, shrimp, mixed species, canned 201.0
Crustaceans, shrimp, mixed species, cooked, breaded and fried 166.0
Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, all 153.3
Grape juice, canned or bottled, unsweetened, without added ascorbic acid 138.0
Grape juice, canned or bottled, unsweetened, with added ascorbic acid 138.0
Fish, fish portions and sticks, frozen, preheated 134.0
Soup, chicken corn chowder, chunky, ready-to-serve, single brand 132.0
Tea, ready-to-drink, ARIZONA iced tea, with lemon flavor 123.0
Tea, instant, sweetened with sugar, lemon-flavored, without added ascorbic acid, powder, prepared 115.8
Cream substitute, powdered 112.0
Snacks, potato chips, made from dried potatoes, fat-free, made with olestra 105.5
Snacks, potato chips, white, restructured, baked 105.5
Alcoholic Beverage, wine, table, red, Merlot 104.6
Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, red 104.6
Water, non-carbonated, bottles, natural fruit flavors, sweetened with low calorie sweetener 104.5
Gravy, beef, canned, ready-to-serve 99.2
Cereals, CREAM OF WHEAT, regular (10 minute), cooked with water, with salt 94.6
Cereals, CREAM OF WHEAT, regular (10 minute), cooked with water, without salt 93.4
Coffee, brewed from grounds, prepared with tap water 90.7
Tea, ready-to-drink, NESTLE, COOL NESTEA ice tea lemon flavor 89.9
Frozen novelties, ice type, sugar free, orange, cherry, and grape POPSICLE pops 88.9

Our Sugar-Related Nutrient Databases

설탕을 함유하는 영양식에서의 불소함유량 데이타자료 

Individual sugars: Fructosegalactoseglucoselactosemaltosesucrose.
Multiple sugars: Fructose, glucose and sucrose.

Foods High in Fluoride


Frozen novelties, ice type, pop, with low calorie sweetener 88.9
Carbonated beverage, grape soda 86.3
Cranberry-apple juice drink, bottled 82.7
Carbonated beverage, tonic water 82.5
Water, tap, municipal 81.1
Carbonated beverage, orange 80.6
Water, bottled, non-carbonated, DANNON Fluoride To Go 78.0
Frozen novelties, juice type, orange 77.0
Frozen novelties, juice type, POPSICLE SCRIBBLERS 76.6
Frozen novelties, ice type, pop 73.9
Jellies 73.0
Tea, ready-to-drink, LIPTON BRISK iced tea, with lemon flavor 72.2
Juice, apple and grape blend, with added ascorbic acid 72.1
Cereals, oats, regular and quick, unenriched, cooked with water (includes boiling and microwaving), 71.6
without salt
Cereals, oats, regular and quick and instant, unenriched, cooked with water (includes boiling and 71.6
microwaving), with salt
Water, tap, drinking 71.2
Carbonated beverage, root beer 71.0
Beverages, fruit juice drink, reduced sugar, with vitamin E added 70.7
Coffee, instant, decaffeinated, powder, prepared with water 70.5
Breakfast type drink, orange flavor, reduced sugar 70.5
Cranberry juice cocktail, bottled, low calorie, with calcium, saccharin and corn sweetener 70.1
Cranberry-apple juice drink, low calorie, with vitamin C added 70.1
Soup, chicken broth or bouillon, dry, prepared with water 70.0
Gelatin desserts, dry mix, prepared with water 69.1
Cookies, oatmeal, prepared from recipe, with raisins 69.0
Carbonated beverage, ginger ale 68.8
Babyfood, macaroni and cheese, toddler 68.4
Cranberry juice cocktail, bottled 67.3
Babyfood, juice, apple and cherry 67.0



Foods High in Fluoride


Babyfood, mashed cheddar potatoes and broccoli, toddlers 66.2
Lemonade-flavor drink, powder, prepared with water 66.2
Cocoa mix, with aspartame, powder, prepared with water 65.7
Babyfood, dinner, macaroni and cheese, strained 65.6
Dairy drink mix, chocolate, reduced calorie, with aspartame, powder, prepared with water and ice 65.0
Cranberry-grape juice drink, bottled 65.0
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, powder, prepared with water 64.5
Fruit punch-flavor drink, powder, without added sodium, prepared with water 64.3
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, wild, cooked, dry heat 63.0
Sports drink, COCA-COLA, POWERADE, lemon-lime flavored, ready-to-drink 62.0
Babyfood, juice, apple ? cherry 61.6
Cocoa mix, powder, prepared with water 61.4
Snacks, potato chips, plain, salted 61.3
Babyfood, dinner, potatoes with cheese and ham, toddler 61.1
Soup, chicken broth, canned, prepared with equal volume water 61.0
Prune juice, canned 60.2
Carbonated beverage, low calorie, cola or pepper-type, with aspartame, contains caffeine 59.8
Orange juice, frozen concentrate, unsweetened, diluted with 3 volume water 58.2
Carbonated beverage, cola, contains caffeine 57.0
Beef stew, canned entree 56.5
Cereals, corn grits, white, regular and quick, enriched, cooked with water, with salt 56.0
Carbonated beverage, SPRITE, lemon-lime, without caffeine 55.9
Lemonade, frozen concentrate, pink, prepared with water 55.4
Onion rings, breaded, par fried, frozen, unprepared 55.0
Orange juice drink 54.8
Soup, chunky chicken noodle, canned, ready-to-serve 54.5
Beans, baked, canned, with pork 54.0
Fruit punch drink, without added nutrients, canned 53.6
Coffee, brewed from grounds, prepared with tap water, decaffeinated 52.4
Carbonated beverage, low calorie, cola or pepper-type, with aspartame, without caffeine 52.0
Snacks, corn-based, extruded, chips, plain 51.9



Foods High in Fluoride


Snacks, tortilla chips, plain, white corn 51.9
Bread stuffing, bread, dry mix, prepared 51.3
Citrus fruit juice drink, frozen concentrate, prepared with water 51.0
Bread, rye 51.0
Orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, with pulp, frozen concentrate, prepared with water 50.9
Cereals, farina, enriched, cooked with water, with salt 50.7
Cereals, farina, enriched, cooked with water, without salt 50.7
Orange drink, breakfast type, with juice and pulp, frozen concentrate, prepared with water 50.5
Potatoes, boiled, cooked in skin, flesh, without salt 49.4
Potatoes, boiled, cooked in skin, flesh, with salt 49.4



For more information listing FLUORIDE amounts found in our food sources, visit…   USDA National Fluoride Database of
Selected Beverages and Foods

불소의 부작용 리스트

암, 태아의 뇌손상, 골약화, 치아의 불소침착증에 의한 치아의얼룩, 에스트로겐과 테스토스테론 호르몬의 성호르몬 분비저하,위장장애, 관절장애, 두개골의 불화, 정형외과적 관절염과 골다공증, 지능지수의 저하, 기억상실,의욕저하,무관심과 소극성, 멜라토닌 분비의 억제,

 면역시스템의 손상,

송과선을 공격함, 신결석과 신장손상, 백혈구생성의 간섭, 뇌세포가 죽어감, 멍청함을 유도함,

성적으로 무력함, 불임유발, 진통형, 노화촉진,

갑상선에 침투, 시상하부로 침투, 수명단축, 심리적 혼돈증가,


심장순환에 영향을 줌, 당신을 유순하고 고분하게 만듬,

자폐증, DNA 손상,

알츠하이므 질병

여러분 알아야 됩니다.





Fluoride: The Bizarre History ? Full Documentary

불소에 대한 다큐 동영상 


아래의 그림은 가정용 불소필터 정수기입니다.


Purchase a home water filtration system! One of the best I highly recommend is …

Distributor for Pure Effect Filters -

The ULTRA | Countertop Fluoride, Radiation, Heavy Metal, Chem and Micro-Sediment Water Filter / Revitalizer Unit removes…



효과적인 환원으로.


I. CHEMICALS: (Wide-Range, Large-Capacity)  화학물질(광법위, 범용량으로)
a. Fluoride / Arsenic / Lithium (불소./비소/리듐)
b. Chlorine (염소)
c. Chloramine(크롬)
d. Drug Residues(약물잔류치)
e. Hydrogen Sulfide(하이드로 설파이드 H2S)
f. Herbicides/Pesticides(제초제/살충제,농약)
g. Volatile Organics (VOCs)** (휘발성 유기물)
h. Synthetic Organics (SOCs)** ( 합성 유기물)
i. Hormone/Endocrine Disruptors (EDCs)** (호르몬/ 내분비교란물질)
j. THMs**, MTBE** (트리할로메탄/무연 휘발류 첨가물질들)

II. RADIOISOTOPES: ( 방사성 동위원소물질)
*Addresses the major radioisotopes from Fukushima Disaster.

후쿠시마 재난이후 언급되는 주요 방사성동위원소물질
a. Cesium-137 /134
b. Strontium-90
c. Iodine-131
d. Plutonium
e. Radon
f. Cerium-144
g. Rubidium-106
h. Cobalt-60
i. Uranium
j. Zr/NB
k. Alpha Particles

a. Mercury
b. Barium
c. Lead
d. Aluminum
e. Copper
f. Cadmium
g. Hexavalent Chromium & other + charged metal ions.

a. Sediment (suspended particles)
b. Silica
c. Cysts
d. Parasites
e. Bacteria*

a. Raises/Balances PH to Alkaline.
b. Supports Natural Minerals.
c. Supports Natural Electrolytes.
d. Improves Negative Redox (Antioxidant potential of water).
e. Discourages bacterial/fungal growth.
f. Works without electricity.
g. “Instant & Constant” Fresh Water Flow.
h. Easy & Quick Install.

Compare this system to:
A. Reverse Osmosis
B. Gravity Filters
C. Faucet Filters

Think your safe drinking bottled water? Think again… these listed bottle water   companies have FLUORIDE! And the list increases as new companies develop/established ones are exposed! 

  • Thirst quencher (sport drink), GATORADE, ready-to-drink
  • Thirst quencher (sport drink), POWERADE, ready-to-drink
  • Water, bottled, AQUAFINA
  • Water, bottled, CALISTOGA
  • Water, bottled, CRYSTAL GEYSER
  • Water, bottled, DANNON
  • Water, bottled, DANNON FLUORIDE TO GO
  • Water, bottled, DASANI
  • Water, bottled, EVIAN
  • Water, bottled, NAYA
  • Water, bottled, PERRIER
  • Water, bottled, POLAND SPRINGS
  • Water, bottled, PROPEL FITNESS WATER
  • Water, bottled, SARATOGA
  • Water, bottled, VERYFINE
  • FRUIT2O Water
  • Water, bottled, VOLVIC
  • Water, bottled, store brand
  • Water, frozen (ice)

SOLUTION: Your Best investment would be purchasing an over-the-counter water filtration system from Pure Effect Filters -

For more details on Water, Fluoride, & Heavy Metals…

Related Blog Links:

*** I N F O R M A T I O N ___ L I N K S ***

FLUORIDE LINKED to #1 Cause of Death in New Research

New research reveals a startling new finding: fluoride is likely contributing to the epidemic of cardiovascular disease by stimulating calcification of the vascular system, including the coronary arteries.

FLUORIDATION: Mind Control of the Masses ? by Ian E. Stephen (1995)
(Anyone interested in a PDF file of this Nexus article(s), send me a PM with your email address)

Material Safety Data Sheet -Sodium fluoride MSDS

Material Safety Data Sheet ? Fluosilicic acid MSDS

FLUORIDE OVERDOSE: National Institutes of Health ? POISON CONTROL

Fluoride Action Network

Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Fluorides

Why EPA’S Headquarters Union of Scientists Opposes Fluoridation

FLUORIDE … The Aging Factor
How to Recognize and Avoid the Devastating Effects of Fluoride
John A. Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D. (1943-2000)

Dr. John McDougall interview with Dr. John Yiamouyannis ? 3/10/96 (MP3)

The Greatest “Scientific” Fluoride Fraud Yet?

50 Reasons to Avoid Fluoridation

Governmentally Approved Poison

Fluoride does not reduce cavities and does causes brittle bones and a soft brain

Fluoride: A Chronological History

Oregon Federal Judge Hands Darlene Sherrell a Major Victory Anti-Fluoridation Milestone

Frequently Asked Questions about Fluoride

Is Fluoride and Fluoridation Causing/Contributing To Cancer & Other Diseases

Dare to Think ? A Message About Fluoride, written by Darlene Sherrell

Fluoride Poisoning Symptoms

Fluoride Health Effects Database

How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

1. Introduction to Fluoride
2. Cosmetic Effects
3. The Air We Breathe
4. The Great Fluoride Scam
5. The Experts at NRC/NRC
6. Legal Issues
7. Funky Teeth
8. Thyroid Hormones
9. Intelligence
11. How Fluoridation Got Started
12. ISFR Fluoride Journal
13. Brain Development
14. The United States Economy
15. C&EN Special Report on Fluoridation 1988
16. The Natural Resources Defense Council
17. Earth Island Journal: The Phosphate Connection
18. EPA Regulations: Who Comes Up With This Stuff?
19. Fluoride: The Aging Factor, by John Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D.
20. Conclusion